Norman Math Circle

Registration form

If you are interested in the Norman Math Circle, we ask that you complete the registration form (click here). This will help us with planning and will give you a chance to sign up for our email list to get updates about upcoming events.

Permission form

Additionally, if you are under 18, your parent/guardian must* complete the following form for each meeting that you attend. We recommend saving a mostly-filled-out copy of the form so that you can easily resubmit the form each week.
doc Weekly Permission Form (docx)
pdf Weekly Permission Form (pdf)

You may submit the signed, completed permission form in person at the meeting or via an email to

*If a parent/gaurdian attends the even with the minor and takes full responsibility for their supervision, you may instead complete the following modified form:
doc Abridged form for parents/gaurdians staying at the event (docx)
pdf Abridged form for parents/gaurdians staying at the event (pdf).