Theory of Literature R. Welleck Jischke 8/28/80
The Good Soldier F.M. Ford Kershen 9/29/80
The Culture of Narcicissism C. Lasch Levy 11/3/80
Structuralism J. Piaget Magid 12/1/80
Memories Dreams Reflections C.F. Jung Taylor 1/15/81
Zen and the Art of Motorccycle Maintainance R. Pirsig Jischke 2/10/81
The Bend in the River V. Naipaul Kershen 3/5/81
Illness as Metaphor S. Sontag Levy 4/14/81
Ludwig Wittgenstein D. Pears Magid 7/13/81
Lying P. Bok Taylor 8/27/81
Higher Learning in America R. Hutchins Jischke 9/29/81
In Evil Hour G. Marquez Kershen 10/27/81
Feminine Mistique B. Freidan Levy 12/1/81
When Memory Comes S. Friedlander Magid 1/7/82
Eminent Victorians L. Strachey Taylor 2/10/82
Theory Z W. Ouchi Jischke 3/16/82
Persons and Masks of the Law J. Noonan Kershen 5/3/82
Salem Possessed P. Boyer Levy 6/1/82
The Selfish Gene R. Dawkins Magid 7/20/82
The Face of Battle J. Keegan Taylor 9/13/82
Oklahoma: a History of Five Centuries A. Gibson Jischke 10/18/82
Progress for a Small Planet B. Ward Kershen 12/6/82
The Hunchback of Notre Dame V. Hugo Levy 1/18/83
The Dean's December S. Bellow Magid 2/14/83
The White Hotel D. Thomas Taylor 4/3/83
The Sound and the Fury W. Faulkner Jischke 5/5/83
A Canticle for Leibowitz W. Miller Kershen 6/15/83
Victorian Murderesses M. Hartman Levy 8/23/83
Cows Pigs Wars and Witches M. Harris Magid 9/26/83
The Russians H. Smith Taylor 12/1/83
The Right Stuff T. Wolfe Jischke 12/28/83
The Hunger of Memory R. Rodriguez Kershen 2/1/84
The Social Construction of Reality P. Berger Levy 3/28/84
Pleasure and Priviledge O. Bernier Taylor 5/3/84
Blue Highways W. Moon Jischke 6/13/84
In a Different Voice C. Gilligan Kershen 7/5/84
Four Major PLays H. Ibsen Levy 8/27/84
Centuries of Childhood P. Aries Magid 10/15/84
Nana E. Zola Taylor 11/19/84
The Third Wave A. Toeffler Jischke 1/3/85
Wind Sand and Stars A. St. Exupery Kershen 2/4/85
Marx and Lenin McLellan, Conquest Levy 3/25/85
Plants Man and Life E. Anderson Magid 4/29/85
Machine Dreams J. Phillips Taylor 5/28/85
Steppenwolf H. Hesse Jischke 7/15/85
Iceland Summer G. Sutton Kershen 8/26/85
Four PLays Bernard Shaw Levy 9/30/85
Infinity R. Rucker Magid 10/4/85
Origins of Concsiousness...Bicameral Mind J. Jaynes Taylor 12/22/85
Of Mice and Men & Cannery Row J. Steinbeck Jischke 1/27/86
2 papers on Constitutional Law H. Powell Kershen 2/25/86
Dust Bowl D. Worster Levy 4/1/86
Class P. Fussell Magid 4/28/86
The Cheese and the Worms C. Ginzburg Taylor 5/21/86
Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe Levy 7/21/86
The Crying of Lot 49 Thomas Pynchon Hopkins 9/3/86
Pioneer Women Joanna Stratton Kershen 10/14/86
Bound for Glory Woody Guthrie Magid 12/15/86
Goedel's Proof Ernest Nagel and James R. Newman Taylor 1/13/87
Promethean Fire Charles Lumsden and Edward Wilson Hopkins 2/11/87
Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful Alice Walker Kershen 3/3/87
A Fortunate Man John Berger Levy 4/9/87
Weapons and Hope Freeman Dyson Magid 5/10/87
A Perfect Spy John le Carre Taylor 7/2/87
Beautiful Swimmers William Warner Hopkins 9/15/87
The Killer Angels Michael Shaara Kershen 10/20/87
Just and Unjust Wars Michael Walzer Levy 12/8/87
Conversations with Arrau Joseph Horowitz Magid 1/6/88
Broca's Brain Carl Sagan Hopkins 2/9/88
Papers on Legal Education Roger Cramton and James Boyd White Kershen 3/1/88
Greek Drama Aeschylus Levy 4/19/88
Romance Novels Cartland & Rimmer Magid 5/9/88
Portrait of the Artist J. Joyce Hopkins 6/14/88
Cultural Literacy E. Hirsch Kershen 7/14/88
The Debate over Vietnam David Levy Levy 8/24/88
Prairie City Angie Debo Magid 9/29/88
Painting and Experience in 15th Century Italy M. Baxandall Taylor 11/3/88
Christopher Columbus Gianni Granzotto Kershen 12/5/88
And Still the Waters Run Angie Debo Levy 1/9/89
The Beans of Egypt, Maine Carolyn Chute Magid 2/7/89
The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Atwood Taylor 3/14/89
Chaos James Gleick Hopkins 4/24/89
The Creation of Patriarchy Gerda Lerner Levy 5/24/89
The Trial of Socrates I. F. Stone Magid 6/22/89
Coming of Age in the Milky Way Timothy Ferris Taylor 8/17/89
Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie Hopkins 9/27/89
The Songlines Bruce Chatwin Kershen 11/30/89
The Hero with a Thousand Faces Joseph Campbell Levy 12/4/89
The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck Magid 1/11/90
A Short History of the Printed Word Warren Chapell Taylor 2/26/90
Bonfire of the Vanities Tom Wolfe Hopkins 4/11/90
Digging Dinosaurs John R. Horner Kershen 5/14/90
Ty Cobb Charles Alexander Levy 6/18/90
Escalante Jay Mathews Magid 8/14/90
Radiant Science, Dark Politics Martin Kamen Taylor 9/27/90
Breathing Lessons Anne Tyler Hopkins 11/7/90
Hoover Dam Joseph Stevens Kershen 12/12/90
Foucault's Pendulum Umberto Eco Levy 1/21/91
Racing Through Paradise William F. Buckley Magid 2/20/91
The Joy Luck Club Amy Tan Taylor 3/20/91
Ceremony Leslie Marmon Silko Hopkins 4/17/91
The Idea of a University John Henry Newman Kershen 6/3/91
Sweetness and Power Sidney Mintz Levy 6/27/91
Ice Time Thomas Leveson Magid 8/7/91
Changing Places David Lodge Taylor 9/3/91
A Southern Family Gail Godwin Hopkins 11/5/91
The City of Joy Dominique LaPierre Kershen 12/17/91
Friday Night Lights H. C. Bissinger Levy 1/14/92
The Book of J Harold Bloom Magid 2/11/92
The English Channel Nigel Calder Taylor 3/24/92
Mystery Dance L Margulis and D Sagan Hopkins 4/30/92
The Content of Our Character Shelby Steele Kershen 6/4/92
The Crown of Columbus Louise Erdrich and Michael Dorris Levy 8/25/92
Understanding Islam Thomas Lippman Magid 9/29/92
Wonderful Life Stephen Jay Gould Taylor 11/17/92
Cantor's Dilemma Carl Derjassi Hopkins 12/22/92
Beyond Forget Mark Abley Kershen 1/27/93
The Theory of the Leisure Class Thorstein Veblen Levy 4/4/93
Killing the Spirit Page Smith Magid 4/12/93
The Vanished Library Luciano Canfora Taylor 5/13/93
Backlash Susan Faludi Hopkins 8/26/93
Breaker Morant Essay Drew Kershen Kershen 9/8/93
The Moonstone Wilkie Collins Levy 10/13/93
Life on the Mississippi Mark Twain Magid 11/18/93
Intellect and Pride Theodore Zeldin Taylor 12/30/93
Codes of Evolution Rush Dozier, Jr. Hopkins 2/10/94
Down the Volga Marq De Villiers Kershen 4/27/94
Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurson Levy 5/18/94
Fatherhood in America Robert L. Griswold Magid 6/14/94
Young Men and Fire Norman Maclean Taylor 8/24/94
The End of History and the Last Man Francis Fukayama Hopkins 9/28/94
A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens Levy 11/30/94
The Culture of Disbelief Stephen L, Carter Magid 12/15/94
A Land Jacquetta Hawkes Taylor 1/16/95
All The Kings Men Robert Penn Warren Tepker 2/27/95
Aurthurian Romances Chretien de Troyes Hopkins 4/3/95
Far from the Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy Levy 5/10/95
The Making of the Atomic Bomb Richard Rhodes Magid 6/29/95
Sophie's World Jostein Gaarder Taylor 8/15/95
We Were Soldiers Once...and Young Harold Moore and Joseph Galloway Tepker 9/14/95
The Warden Anthony Trollope Hopkins 10/16/95
The Crusades Jonathan Riley-Smith Levy 11/21/95
The American Religion Harold Bloom Magid 12/19/95
Reflections on Gender and Science Evelyn Fox Keller Taylor 2/15/96
Huckelberry Finn Mark Twain Tepker 3/27/96
The Gnostic Gospels Elaine Pagels Hopkins 4/25/96
A Natural History of the Senses Diane Ackerman Levy 6/5/96
Emma Jane Austen Magid 8/26/96
Naturalist Edward O. Wilson Taylor 9/30/96
Restoration George F. Will Tepker 11/4/96
Receptors Richard M. Restak Hopkins 12/9/96
How to Read a Book Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren Levy 1/20/97
Higher Superstition Paul Gross and Norman Levitt Magid 2/27/97
Master and Commander Patrick O'Brian Taylor 4/22/97
No Duty to Retreat Richard Maxwell Brown Tepker 5/19/97
Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela Hopkins 7/15/97
Washington: The Indespensible Man James Thomas Flexner Levy 8/27/97
The Historical Jesus John Dominic Crossan Magid 10/8/97
Charles Darwin Voyaging Janet Browne Taylor 11/24/97
American Sphinx Joseph Ellis Tepker 1/7/98
Frauen Alison Owings Levy 2/12/98
Prophets Without Honor Frederic Grunfeld Magid 3/17/98
Death in Venice Thomas Mann Taylor 4/23/98
Stones from the River Ursula Hegi Hopkins 6/9/98
The Trial Franz Kafka Tepker 8/27/98
Inifinite Jest David Foster Wallace Magid 11/5/98
Lonesome Dove Larry McMurtry Taylor 12/15/98
Snow Falling on Cedars David Guterson Tepker 1/19/99
Bluest Eye, Beloved, Jazz Toni Morrison Hopkins 3/2/99
Gospel Wilton Barnhardt Levy 5/3/99
On Heros, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History Thomas Carlyle Taylor 8/9/99
In Quest of the Hero Otto Rank et al Magid 9/28/99
The Mythic Dimension Joseph Campbell Hopkins 11/10/99
Forbidden Knowledge Roger Shattuck Kershen 12/15/99
Joan of Arc Marina Warner Levy 2/1/00
Gandhi Yogesh Chadha Taylor 3/7/00
The Gates of the Alamo Stephen Harrigan Tepker 4/20/00
Death Comes for the Archbishop Willa Cather Hopkins 6/8/00
The Legacy of Conquest Patricia Nelson Limerick Levy 8/22/00
The West Geoffery Ward Magid 9/26/00
The Virginian Owen Wister Taylor 10/30/00
V. Thomas Pynchon Hopkins 12/05/00
David Copperfield Charles Dickens Levy 2/06/01
Deliberate Intent Rod Smolla Magid 3/13/01
Guns, Germs, and Steel Jared Diamond Tepker 4/24/01
Travels with Charley John Steinbeck Hopkins 5/10/01
Seven Theories of Religion Daniel Pals Levy 8/30/01
The Elegant Universe Brian Greene Magid 10/29/01
Making Movies Sidney Lumet Taylor 11/26/01
Beyond Belief V. S. Naipaul Tepker 1/14/02
The University of Oklahoma: A History (Preliminary) David W. Levy Levy 2/13/02
Women of Deh Koh Erika Friedl Hopkins 4/2/02
American Exodus James M. Gregory Magid 5/6/02
Kitchen Confidential Anthony Bourdain Taylor 8/28/02
Lincoln's Virtues William Lee Miller Tepker 8/28/02
Sacred Hunger Barry Unsworth Hopkins 10/10/02
Wittgenstein's Poker David Edmonds and John Eidinow Levy 11/19/02
For Cause and Comrades James McPherson Magid 12/17/02
A Beautiful Mind Sylvia Nasar Taylor 1/27/03
A Hisory of Western Philosophy Book I Bertrand Russell Group 3/11/03
Longitudes & Attitudes Thomas Friedman Tepker 4/15/03
A Hisory of Western Philosophy Books II,III Bertrand Russell Group 9/04/03
The Adventures and Misadventures of Maqroll Alvaro Mutis Magid 10/16/03
Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to all Creation Olivia Judson Hopkins 11/18/03
The DaVinci CodeDan Brown Levy 12/16/03
Into Thin Air Jon Krakauer Taylor 1/19/04
"A Problem From Hell": America and the Age of Genocide Samantha Power Tepker 3/1/04
Hormonal Chaos Sheldon Krimsky Hopkins 4/12/04
Reading Lolita in Tehran Azar Nafisi Levy 6/8/04
My Life as an Indian James Willard Schultz Magid 8/31/04
The Blank Slate Steven Pinker Taylor 10/12/04
The Plot Against America Phillip Roth Tepker 11/16/04
Ten Little Indians Sherman Alexie Hopkins 12/14/04
Angle of Repose Wallace Stegner Levy 1/27/05
Beowulf Seamus Heaney Magid 3/1/05
Einstein 1905 John S. Rigden Taylor 4/12/05
Franklin and Winston Jon Meacham Tepker 5/10/05
Ulysses James Joyce Hopkins 8/31/05
A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson Levy 10/4/05
A Visit to Don Otavio Sybille Bedford Magid 11/8/05
The Control of Nature John McPhee Taylor 12/13/05
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince J. K. Rowling Tepker 1/19/06
His Excellency George Washington Joseph J. Ellis Hopkins 2/22/06
The End of Faith Sam Harris Levy 3/27/06
Fighting the Great War Michael S. Neiberg Magid 5/1/06
An Instance of the Fingerpost Iain Pears Taylor 9/5/06
The Quiet American Graham Greene Tepker 10/17/06
The Professor's House Willa Cather Hopkins 11/20/06
My Name is Red Orhan Pamuk Levy 1/10/07
Everything and More David Foster Wallace Magid 2/21/07
The Discovery of Global Warming Spencer R. Weart Taylor 3/28/07
Infidel Ayaan Hirsi Ali Tepker 5/7/07
The Audacity of Hope Barack Obama Hopkins 9/17/07
Hard Times Charles Dickens Levy 9/17/07
Born Fighting Jim Webb Magid 10/23/07
A Crack in the Edge of the World: America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906 Simon Winchester Taylor 1/21/08
The Race BeatGene Roberts and Hank Klibanoff Tepker 2/11/08
Amish GraceDonald B. Kraybill, Steven M. Nolt, and David L. Weaver-Zercher Hopkins 3/10/08
The Innocent ManJohn Grisham Levy 4/9/08
What Hath God WroughtDaniel Walker Howe Magid 9/10/08
The IlliadTranslated by Robert Fagles Taylor 9/22/08
One Minute to MidnightMichael Dobbs Tepker 10/29/08
Musicophilia Oliver Sacks Hopkins 1/19/09
Will in the World Stephen Greenblatt Levy 2/17/09
Super Crunchers Ian Ayres Magid 3/25/09
Dirt David R. Montgomery Taylor 4/29/09
The Road Cormac McCarthy Tepker 6/3/09
The White TigerAravind Adiga Hopkins 8/31/09
The Three Theban PLaysSophocles Levy 9/10/09
Atmospheric DisturbancesRivka Galchen Magid 10/12/09
Bursting the Limits of TimeMartin Rudwick Taylor 12/28/09
The Faith InstinctNicholas Wade Tepker 1/7/10
Let the Great World SpinColum McCann Hopkins 3/11/10
The Girl with the Dragon TattooSteig Larsson Levy 4/25/10
Wolf HallHilary Mantel Taylor 9/13/10
PostwarTony Judt Magid 9/27/10
RevolutionariesJack Rakove Tepker 11/15/10
The Moral LandscapeSam Harris Hopkins 12/21/10
Why I Am Not a Christian Bertrand Russell Levy 1/17/11
Afghanistan Martin Ewans Magid 2/28/11
The Lacuna Barbara Kingsolver Taylor 4/4/11
The Future of Power Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Tepker 5/11/11
The Pale King David Foster Wallace Hopkins 9/14/11
In the Garden of Beasts Erik Larson Levy 10/26/11
The Social Animal David Brooks Magid 12/5/11
The Swerve Stephen Greenblatt Taylor 1/16/12
Ratification Pauline Maier Tepker 3/6/12
Religions of the Ancient Near East Daniel C. Snell Hopkins 4/5/12
The Duchess who Wouldn't Sit Down Jesse Browner Levy 5/14/12
Thinking Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman Magid 9/3/12
A Passion for Nature The Life of John Muir Donald Worster Taylor 9/12/12
The Parties Versus the People Mickey Edwards Tepker 10/15/12
The Skull Mantra Eliot Pattison Hopkins 11/19/12
Buddha Karen Armstrong Levy 12/20/12
Keynes Hayek Nicholas Wapshott Magid 2/4/2013
Arctic Dreams Barry Lopez Taylor 3/27/2013
The Given Day Dennis Lehane Tepker 05/06/2013
Epigenetics Richard C. Francis Hopkins 08/27/2013
Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky Levy 9/9/2013
The Black Count Tom Reiss Magid 10/23/13
The Righteous Mind Jonathon Haidt Taylor 12/17/13
Days of Fire Peter Baker Tepker 1/27/14
Gone Girl Gillian Flynn Hopkins 2/25/14
Mission to Paris Alan Furst Levy 3/20/14
The Man Who Loved Dogs Leonardo Padura Magid 5/27/14
The Daughter of Time Josephine Tey Taylor 6/16/14
Invisible Man Ralph Ellison Tepker 10/2/14
The Sixth Extinction Elizabeth Kolbert Hopkins 10/2/14
The Good Old Boys Elmer Kelton Kershen 11/6/14
Christianity The First Three Thousand Years, Part I Diarmund MacCullough Levy 1/5/15
Composing a Future Life Mary Catherine Bateson Magid 2/2/15
Christianity The First Three Thousand Years, Part II Diarmund MacCullough Taylor 4/6/15
Gateway to Freedom Eric Foner Tepker 8/25/2015
Outlander Diana Galabon Hopkins 10/20/2015
The Complete Short Stories of Flannery O'Connor Flannery O'Connor Kershen 10/27/2015
Sapiens Yuval Hariri Levy 12/10/15
How the French Think Sudhir Hazareesingh Magid 1/14/16
All the Light We Cannot See Anthony Doerr Taylor 2/10/16
Never Surrender John Kelly Tepker 3/29/16
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy Group 9/6/16
The Gene Siddhartha Mukherjee Hopkins 11/1/16
Hamlet William Shakespeare Kershen 12/8/16
King Lear William Shakespeare Levy 1/18/17
Richard III William Shakespeare Magid 2/13/17
The Tempest William Shakespeare Taylor 3/13/17
Macbeth William Shakespeare Tepker 4/19/17
A Song for Nagasaki Paul Glynn Kershen 9/11/17
The Essays: A Selection Michel de Montaigne Levy 9/18/17
World Without Mind Franklin Foer Magid 10/16/17
Aeneid Virgil Trans. R. Fagles Taylor 12/5/17
Grant Ron Chernow Tepker 2/12/18
The Badass Librarians of Timbucktu Joshua Hammer Kershen 3/12/18
Seneca Dialogues and Essays Seneca Trans. John Davie Levy 4/23/18
Manliness Harvey Mansfield Magid 6/4/18
Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy Taylor 9/11/18
Enlightenment Now Steven Pinker Tepker 10/30/18
The Wright Brothers David McCullough Kershen 12/3/18
Memoirs of Hadrian Marguerite Yourcenar Levy 1/21/2019
We'll Always Have Casablanca Noah Isenberg Taylorr 2/25/2019
Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail Theodore Roosevelt Magid 4/1/2019
Fredrick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom David W. Blight Tepker 9/2/2019
Boomtown Sam Anderson Kershen 9/23/2019
Killers of the Flower Moon David Grann Levy 11/4/2019
Beyond Good and Evil Friedrich Nietzsche Magid 12/9/2019
In Pursuit of Civility Keith Thomas Taylor 1/20/2020
Thomas Jefferson's Education Alan Taylor Tepker 5/18/2020
Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister Jung Chang Kershen 6/22/2020
Why We're Polarized Ezra Klein Levy 8/24/2020
The New Jim Crow Michelle Alexander Magid 9/30/2020
Overstory Richard Powers Taylor 11/17/2020
First Principles Thomas Ricks Tepker 2/2/2021
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Bernard Baylin Levy 2/2/2021
The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony Roberto Colasso Magid 3/16/2021
Underland Robert MacFarlane Taylor 4/27/2021
The Splendid and the Vile Erik Larson Kershen 6/2/2021
The Sympathizer Viet Thanh Nguyen Levy 7/8/21
Forget the Alamo Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson, and Janson Stanford Magid 9/14/21
The Free World Louis Menand Taylor 12/7/2021
Power and Liberty Gordon S. Wood Tepker 1/13/2022
South to Freedom Alice L. Baumgartner Kershen 2/16/2022
Escape from Freedom Erich Fromm Levy 3/22/2022
Plagues upon the Earth Kyle Harper Magid 5/5/22
When we Cease to Understand the World Benjamin Labatut Taylor 5/31/22
The Other Slavery Andres Resendez Kershen 10/7/22
The Club Leo Damrosch Levy 3/15/2023
Red Cavalry and Other Stories Isaac Babel Magid 5/1/2023
Humanly Possible Sarah Bakewell Taylor 6/26/2023
Conviction Denver Nicks and John Nicks Kershen 7/24/2023
Autobiography and On Liberty John Stuart Mill Levy 8/28/2023
The Captured Scott Zesch Magid 10/11/2023
The Wager David Grann Taylor 10/13/2023
Josephus's The Jewish War Martin Goodman Kershen 12/13/2023
A Philosophy of Walking Frederic Gros Levy 1/24/2024
The Question of God Armand M. Nicoli Magid 2/26/2024
North Woods Daniel Mason Taylor 4/1/2024
James Percival Everett Tepker 5/2/2024
Empress of the Nile Lynne Olson Kershen 6/17/2024
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire V1 Edward Gibbon Levy 10/01/2024
The Bible and its Influence C. Schippe and C. Stetson Magid 11/14/2024
Demon Copperhead Barbara Kingsolver Taylor 1/14/2025