Mathematics 1823-010 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II - Fall 2008

Information about the Final Exam

The final exam will be held in the usual room on Thursday Dec. 18, 10:30 - 12:30. It will start promptly at 10:30, so make sure you're on time. The test will cover the new material since the last exam (8.3 - 8.5 and 8.8) as well as whatever was covered on the first three exams. See the information pages for the first exam, second exam, and third exam. The remarks on these pages all apply to the final exam as well.

The test will be approximately half new material, and half old material. It will have six problems, possibly with several parts each. Calculators or other mechanical assistance are not needed and are not to be used.

As with the third exam, some trig identities will be provided. From the new material, the following topics are likely to be covered, though the exam is not limited to these topics:

"Rationalizing substitutions" from the end of section 8.4 will not be covered on the exam.


When it comes time for the test itself, relax and do the best you can. Because you have studied, you know which topics you know best, and can get those problems out of the way quickly. Then you'll have time to spend on the remaining ones.

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