MWF 12:30 - 1:20 pm, 108 Physical Sciences Center
Exam I: February 17
Exam II: March 16
Exam III: April 20
Final Exam: May 8 (Tuesday), 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 - 10:00 am, and by appointment
First day
handout (pdf)
Front row duty
roster (pdf)
Homework, and
some solutions
(updated regularly)
There are many helpful resources at the
UC Davis Calculus
You may wish to avail yourself of the Mathematics Help Center, which is open until 5:30 pm on weekdays. You can go any time, not just during your TA's office hours.
May 11: Grades are submitted, and details of all the grade components are posted on D2L. Have a good summer! I will be out of town for all of next week, but otherwise, in principle, you can come look over your final exam in my office at any time (next semester, if you like, for example).
May 11: Solutions to the final exam are here. The circled numbers on the left indicate the number of points for each item; the total was 80 points (reflecting the appropriate weight relative to the other exams, each worth 60 points).
May 7: Here is the Fall 2008 exam which you can use as practice. The solutions are given on the Fall 2008 course page. Keep in mind that our exam may be quite different.
May 7: As I mentioned in class Friday, I am having office hours today from 10:30 to 12:00.
May 2: Here is some information about the final exam. Class on Friday will be devoted to review. Please bring questions if you have any.
Apr. 30: Here is a grading scale, if you want to see how you are doing and what you need.
Apr. 25: Solutions to the third exam are here.
Apr. 18: The link below has been updated - please check again!
Apr. 16: Here is some information about the third exam. Class on Wednesday will be devoted to review.
Apr. 6: Office hours are now back to normal (see above).
Mar. 28: Solutions to the second exam are here.
Mar. 12: Something has come up and I will need to change my office hours for the next week or two. The new hours will be: Tuesday 2-3, Wednesday 9-10 (same as before), and Friday 10-11.
Mar. 9: Here is some information about the second exam. Class on Wednesday will be devoted to review.
Mar. 9: Here is the Fall 2008 exam which you can use as practice. The solutions are given on the Fall 2008 course page. Keep in mind that our exam may be quite different.
Mar. 4: There is a possibility that I will need to cancel office hours this coming Tuesday morning (3/6). When I have more information I will announce it here.
Feb. 21: Solutions to the first exam are here.
Feb. 10: Here is some information about the first exam. Class on Wednesday will be devoted to review.
Feb. 10: I will be out to town on Monday and Wednesday of next week (2/13-2/15). This means that I will not be available for office hours on 2/14 and 2/15. (Thursday morning, 2/16, should be fine.) Professor Martin will fill in for me on those two days.
Feb. 1: Please have a look at the OU Math Blog from time to time. It is full of interesting and amusing items, and announcements of various activities (eg. Movie Night tonight).
Jan. 16: Anyone who misses the first two class meetings will be dropped from the course automatically. If you have a good reason for missing both classes, let me know immediately.
Jan. 16: Add-Drop Procedure: For those of you wishing to join the class, there is nothing I can do at the moment, since it is already over-enrolled. If you want to try to get in, you must attend both of the first two class meetings, and ask me to put you on the list. Sometime during the second week of class, things will be worked out and you should find out, by Wednesday January 25, whether you got in. I should point out that the decision is not made by me, but by others who have more complete information.