Grading Scheme for Math 2513-002, Spring 2010
Grade components:

Component Points Percentage
Homework 60 18.75%
Exams I - III 60 each 18.75% each
Final Exam 80 25%
Total 320 100%


Total points Grade
265 - 320 A
210 - 264 B
155 - 209 C
100 - 154 D
0 - 99 F

Note: I have modified the scale to omit the quiz component. The quizzes did not really achieve what I had intended. However, if you wish to have your quiz score included, I can provide the adjusted scale (out of 333.3 points) and use that. (I did some calculations and everyone in the class did better without the quiz score.)

Do it yourself: To calculate your homework score, add your scores and divide by the total number of points available to get a percentage, then multiply by 60 to get the score out of 60. Note: I will be dropping your two lowest homework scores.

So far 240 points have been determined. Add up your exam scores and your homework score out of 60, and multiply by 320/240 to estimate your current grade.