TR 1:30 - 2:45, 224 Physical Sciences Center
Exam 1: February 10
Exam 2: March 11
Exam 3: April 15
Final Exam: May 6, 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Office Hours: Mon 2:00-3:00, Tues 2:45-3:45, Wed 2:00-3:00, and by appointment
Schedule and
assignments (pdf)
May 10: I will be available today and tomorrow, 3-4 pm if you wish to look over your final exam.
May 10: Solutions to the Final Exam are here.
Apr. 29: Final Exam information.
Apr. 29: I will have extra office hours Friday April 30, 2-4 pm.
Apr. 29: Extra credit quiz solutions are here.
Apr. 19: Extra Credit Quiz on Thursday April 22, on 7.1-7.3, worth 5 points (toward the final grade).
Apr. 19: Solutions to Exam III are here.
Apr. 12: Exam III information.
Mar. 24: Solutions to Exam II are here.
Mar. 8: Exam II information.
Mar. 3: Here is the handout on linear differential equations.
Mar. 1: Quiz: thursday March 4, on sections 3.3 and 3.5.
Feb. 12: Lost and found: Did someone leave something behind in the classroom about a week ago? I have it in my office if you want it back (but you have to tell me what it is!).
Feb. 11: Solutions to Exam I, in pdf format, are here.
Feb. 10: For thursday Feb. 12, turn in section 3.1 problems only.