MWF 11:30 - 12:20, 122 Physical Sciences Center
Exam I: September 23
Exam II: October 21
Exam III: November 25
Final Exam: December 10 (Tuesday), 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 2:30 - 3:30, Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00, and by appointment
First day
handout (pdf)
(updated regularly)
Dec. 12: Grades are finished. I'll be in or near my office tomorrow afternoon (Friday), in case you want to have a look at your final exam. You can look at them after the break too, if you prefer. (Please have a look at the solutions first though.) Have a good break!
Dec. 11: Solutions to the final exam are here.
Dec. 7: Here is some information on the final exam.
Dec. 5: I will have grades for the third exam available before too long. In the meantime, I should let you know a few details about the final exam on Tuesday (I'll provide more detailed information tomorrow). It is comprehensive, meaning that it covers the topics from the first three exams, and some of the new material. By "new material" I mean section 9.6. Section 9.7 will not be covered. This is a very nice topic that is important for you to see and I hope you learned something from Professor Grasse's lectures. However, I'm not comfortable with the idea of testing you on topics I haven't discussed at all myself, so I'm leaving it out.
Dec. 5: I will have office hours on Monday 12/9, 2:30 - 4:30 pm. You can pick up your last homework and exam 3, too.
Dec. 5: Solutions to the third exam are here. Note: On the last problem, the answer given on page 7 is sufficient for full credit. The page 8 details are an alternative, not relying on Problem 3.
Nov. 25: I will be out of town for part of next week. Class on Monday 12/2 and Wednesday 12/4 will be taught by Professor Grasse. He will cover section 9.7 on the 2-dimensional heat equation. Don't be too hard on him! (For the same reason, I won't be available for office hours during 12/2 - 12/4.)
Nov. 18: Here is some information on the third exam. Also, I will do review for the exam on Friday in class. If you are uneasy about any topics, try to have some specific questions that I can try to answer.
Nov. 18: Recall from class that the wave equation can be used as a model for a guitar string provided there is no external force (such as gravity). You can see the unadulterated wave equation in action here.
Nov. 11: To do the current homework, you will want to look over pages 233-235 (esp. example 3) from section 3.8.
Oct. 23: Solutions to the second exam are here.
Oct. 17: The Putnam Competition may be of interest to some of you. Even if you don't want to compete yourself, it can still be fun and worthwhile to practice Putnam problems and learn how to solve them. The OU Putnam Problem Solving Group meets on Mondays at 5pm. Have a look at the link.
Oct. 16: Here is some information on the second exam.
Oct. 9: There is a new WebWork assigment, due Monday 10/14, 10pm.
Oct. 7: Just a reminder - this week's homework is due on Wednesday.
Oct. 4: There is a WebWork assigment, due Monday 10/7, 10pm.
Sep. 26: Solutions to the first exam are here.
Sep. 25: There is a new WebWork assigment, due Monday 9/30, 8pm.
Sep. 19: Here is some information on the first exam.
Sep. 13: There is a new WebWork assigment, due Wednesday 9/18.
Sep. 6: There is a new WebWork assigment, due Wednesday 9/11.
Aug. 30: There is a new WebWork assigment, due Wednesday 9/4.
Aug. 21: Please have a look at the OU Math Blog from time to time. It is full of interesting and amusing items, and announcements of events organized by the Math Club.
Aug. 18: Anyone who misses the first two class meetings will be dropped from the course automatically. If you have a good reason for missing both classes, let me know immediately. If you wish to join the class, you need to start attending right away and I will put you on a list. The outcome will be determined before the end of the second week of class. I should point out that the decision is not made by me, but by others who have more complete information.