Mathematics 3413-002 - Physical Mathematics I - Fall 2013

Information about Exam III

Exam III will be held in the usual room at the usual time: 11:30-12:20 on Monday Nov. 25. It will start promptly at 11:30, so make sure you're on time. The test will cover sections 7.5, 7.6, 8.1, and 9.1 - 9.5.

The test will have four problems, possibly with several parts each. Calculators or other devices are not needed and are not to be used.

The following topics are likely to be covered, though the exam is not limited to these topics:

We did not cover "Termwise integration of Fourier Series" on p. 605, or "damped forced oscillations" on p. 613.

I will provide a list of Laplace transforms and basic power series for you to use during the exam. Here is the list.

Advice: I recommend practicing many problems of each type, much more than the number I assigned for homework. For each type of problem you should try to reach the point where you have completely mastered it, and will be happy when you one on the exam. The only way to reach this point is by extensive practice. Remember, if you're uncomfortable now about a certain kind of problem, it may be even more difficult under the pressure of an exam situation.

When it comes time for the test itself, relax and do the best you can. Because you have studied, you know which topics you know best, and can get those problems out of the way quickly. Then you'll have plenty of time to spend on the remaining ones.

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