MWF 11:30 - 12:20 am, 360 Physical Sciences Center
Final Exam: May 6, 1:30 - 3:30 pm
Office Hours: MW 2:30 - 3:30, T 9:30 - 10:30, and by appointment
First day
handout (pdf)
May 9: Grades are in. Feel free to come by and look over your exam if you like. I'll be around for the most part today, and possibly tomorrow afternoon.
May 8: Still working on grades -- I should have them ready on Thursday sometime.
Apr. 26: Here is the final exam. It is due at 3:30 pm on Monday May 6. (This is the end of the final exam time period.) You can bring it to my office or turn it in to the department receptionist to put in my mailbox. Good luck!
Mar. 10: There is a typo on problem 1, part (a). The ruin probability should be r(n-2,1), not r(n-1,1).
Mar. 8: The take-home midterm exam is here. It is due in class on Friday March 15.
Jan. 13: Anyone who misses the first two class meetings will be dropped from the course automatically. If you have a good reason for missing both classes, let me know immediately.