MWF 9:30 - 10:20 am, 119 Physical Sciences Center
Exam I: Oct. 14 (in class)
Exam II: Nov. 20 (in class)
Final Exam: December 11, 8:00 - 10:00 am
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 2:30 - 3:30, Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00, and by appointment
Textbook: The textbook is Topology, second edition by James R. Munkres. You are welcome to use instead the first edition of this book, called Topology, a first course.
(updated regularly)
Dec. 17: Solutions to the final exam are here.
Dec. 9: The final exam will cover the same sections covered by the other exams, and also sections 33-36 (sections 4-3 through 4-5 in the first edition).
Nov. 25: I will be out of town for part of next week. Class on Monday 12/2 and Wednesday 12/4 will be taught by Professor Brady. Don't be too hard on him.
Nov. 25: Solutions to the second exam are here.
Nov. 13: The second midterm will cover sections 23-32 (3-1 through 4-2 in the first edition).
Nov. 8: The second midterm exam will take place on Wednesday November 20 in class. I will have more information about this exam soon.
Oct. 22: Solutions to the first exam are here.
Oct. 4: The first midterm exam will take place on Monday October 14 in class. It will cover the material that we have seen, through section 22 (quotient topology).
Aug. 27: There is some discrepancy between the two editions of the book concerning supplamental problem #3. The statement to be proved is the same, but the newer edition provides more detailed advice, linking it with problems 1 and 2 from that section. I recommend working from this version. Problem 1 just says that one is allowed to make recursive definitions of the type suggested in the problem. Problem 2 translates the statement into an easier one to prove.
The advice given in the first edition, linking it with problem 8(a) of section 1.10, may not be so helpful.