Math 6813 Algebraic Topology I, Fall 2012
Instructor: Max
Time and location:
MWF 10:30 - 11:20 am, 122 Physical Sciences Center
T 12:00 - 1:00 problem session, 1105 Physical Sciences Center
Important dates:
Final Exam:
December 11, 8:00 - 10:00 am
Academic calendar
Course information and materials:
Office Hours: TR 10:30 - 12:00, and by appointment
Algebraic Topology by
Allen Hatcher. This is
available for free at his website, but the printed edition is
inexpensive and worth having.
Some homework problems:
For Aug. 28:
p. 39 #16, 17
For Sep. 4:
p. 53 #8, 10, 21
For Sep. 18:
p. 79 #4, 9, 12, 14
For Sep. 25:
p. 131 #3, 4, 5
Oct. 2: no meeting
For Oct. 9:
p. 132 #12, 13, 15, 16
For Oct. 16:
p. 133 #23, 24
For Oct. 30:
p. 132 #17, 22
For Nov. 6:
5-lemma, p. 133 #28, 29, 31
For Nov. 20:
2.2 #4, 9, 12, 20, 21, 22
For Nov. 27:
2.2 #28, 29, 32, 34
For Dec. 4:
2.1 #8 (with cellular homology, one 3-cell; also Z/nZ coeffs)
2.2 #11, 23, 36, 38
none yet!