Fan Yang

Department of Mathematics
Physical Sciences Center
601 Elm Street
University of Oklahoma
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Office: PHSC 528
Email address:
Phone Number: 405-325-1144

I am currently a postdoc at the University of Oklahoma. I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Southern California in 2015, and was a postdoc at Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Research Interests

  • Smooth ergodic theory for flows with singularities.
  • Statistical properties of partially hyperbolic systems: existence and uniqueness of physical measures, large deviation properties, decay of correlations.
  • Limit theorems in deterministic and random dynamical systems: escape rates, hitting times statistics, extreme value distributions, central limit theorem, and other limit theorems.
  • Entropy theory and its relations with certan topological structures.

Curriculum Vitae

My CV is here.

Papers and Preprints


In Fall 2019, I am teaching Math 3333 (Linear Algebra).

In the past, I have taught varies courses at University of Oklahoma and University of Southern California. Courses include: precalculus, calculus (I, II, III), intro to ordinary differential equations, mathematical physics, functional analysis, probability theory, real ananlsys, etc.


I have been practicing Kendo (a traditional Japanese martial art, meaning "the way of sword") for over 10 years and is currently 3-dan. I am a member of All United States Kendo Federation and International Kendo Federation.
Last modified: August 2019.