MATH 4373-Section 001, Abstract Linear Algebra

This is the syllabus for Mathematics 4373, Section 001, for the Fall Semester 2003. It is your responsibility to acquaint yourself with all the information in this syllabus, and with any modifications to it that may be announced in class. This syllabus is available on-line on the course web page.

Instructor: Dr. Lucy Lifschitz.
Office: 922 Physical Sciences Center [PHSC].
Phone: 325-0159 E-mail:
Office Hours: Monday 10am - 11am, Thursday 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Text and Course Outline: The textbook for this course is Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler. A detailed list of sections and dates can be found in the Class Schedule. Here is a brief summary of the course.

We will start with defining an abstract vector space and will use the material from the first Linear Algebra course as our examples. We will discuss the concepts of linear independence, span, basis and dimension of vector spaces. A large part of the course will be spend on studying linear maps and operators on vector spaces. We will find their eigenvalues and eigenvectors, trace and determinant, and consider their action on inner product vector spaces. If time permits, we may consider some additional topics.

Prerequisites: Math 3333 (Linear Algebra)

Lectures: You are expected to attend all lectures, and are responsible for all information given out during them. In particular, this includes any changes to the midterm dates or content. The Class Schedule gives a rough indication of what topics we hope to cover on specific days. Remember that this is just a rough guide. As the semester develops, we may deviate slightly from this schedule. As in any course, you should try to read the relevant sections of the textbook before attending lectures.

Grading Scheme: Grades will be assigned by weighting your totals from Homework, Midterms, and a Final Examination as follows:

Homework 10%
Midterm Total 50%
Final Examination 40%
Here is the grading scale used in the course
A 85 - 100%, B 70 - 84%, C 55 - 69%, D 40 - 54%, F 0 - 39%.

Below, there is a detailed description of each of these components.

Homework:  Homework will be due at the start of class on Tuesdays. Homework assignments can be found on the Class Schedule. Minor modifications to the homework sheets may be announced in class during the semester.You are responsible for ensuring that your homework gets turned in on time. Late homework will not be accepted. They upset the grading process and are unfair to other students.

The homework assignments are there to provide you with a minimum level of exposure to the materials outside of class time. You will need to do many more problems before you feel comfortable with the concepts involved. Take it from experience (of generations of students!) that the way to succeed in a math course is to work (and understand) a large number of problems.

Midterms: There are two midterms, which are held during regular lecture times. They are held on the following dates:

Midterm 1: Thursday, October 2
Midterm 2: Thursday, November 13


Final Examination: The final examination is cumulative.  It is scheduled for Monday, December 15, 1:30pm - 3:30pm.

Taking Examinations: Here are a few notes on taking Examinations.

Withdrawal Policy: Until September 8, there is no record of grade for dropped courses. From September 9 through October 3, you may withdraw and receive a W grade, no matter what scores you have so far achieved. From October 6 through December 12 you will receive a grade W or F upon withdrawal. From November 3 on, University regulations specify that you may withdraw only with the permission of the Dean.

Academic misconduct: The following is taken from the University Academic Misconduct Code. It is the responsibility of each instructor and each student to be familiar with the definitions, policies, and procedures concerning academic misconduct. These policies can be fount at

Accommodation of Disabilities: Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible to discuss the accommodations necessary to facilitate his or her educational opportunity and ensure his or her full participation in the course.