- Department of Mathematics
- University of Oklahoma
- 601 Elm Avenue, Room 423
- Norman, OK 73019
- 405-325-6711 (leave a message)
- nho 'at' math.ou.edu
- PHSC 504
- About Me:
- I am a graduate student of the OU Math Dept since Fall 2006. My advisor is
Dr. Grasse.
- Office Hours in Math Help Center (PHSC 209):
- M 1:30pm - 2:30pm
- W 9:30am - 11:30am
- F 11:30am - 12:30pm
- Courses Taught:
- Math 1503 Introduction to Elementary Functions: FA06, SP07, FA07, SU08, SP11
- Math 1523 Elementary Functions: SP08
- Math 1643 Precalculus for Business, Life and Social Sciences: FA08, SP09, SP12
- Math 1743 Calculus I for Business, Life and Social Sciences: FA09
- Math 1823 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I discussion: FA10, FA11
- Math 2423 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II: SU12
- Math 2423 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II discussion: SP10
- Math 2934 Differential and Integral Calculus III discussion: FA12
- Conferences/Workshops:
- Oklahoma Partial
Differential Equations Workshop, Oklahoma State University, November
21-22, 2009
- AMS Tutorial on Numerical
and Statistical Modeling, San Francisco, CA, January 11-12, 2010
- 2010 Joint Mathematics
Meetings, San Francisco, CA, January 13-16, 2010
- MSRI Graduate Workshop:
Algebraic, Geometric, and Combinatorial Methods for Optimization,
Berkeley, CA, August 2-13, 2010
- Oklahoma Partial
Differential Equations Workshop, University of Oklahoma, October
9-10, 2010
- Services & Outreach:
Secretary Fall 2008 & Fall 2010, Vice President Fall 2009,
President Spring & Fall 2011
Graduate Student Seminar organizer Fall 2009, Spring 2010
Women in Science Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, October 4, 2011
- OU Math Day,
University of Oklahoma, November 10, 2011 and November 15, 2012