Syllabus for Mathematics 2513-001 - Discrete Mathematical Structures - Fall, 2005

Please read this syllabus carefully. You will be responsible for all the information given here, and for any modifications to it that may be announced in class.

Text: The textbook for this course is Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (5th edition), by Kenneth Rosen.

Instructor: Darryl McCullough, Professor of Mathematics

Office: 804 Physical Sciences Center
Phone: 325-2743
Office hours: Mondays 11:30-12:00 and 2:30-3:30, Wednesdays 11:30-12:00 and 2:30-3:30, and by appointment.

Class Participation: You are expected to attend and participate in all lectures, and are responsible for all information given out during them.

Homework: It is absolutely essential to work a large number of problems on a regular basis. Problem assignments will be posted on the course web page. The homework assignments are the bare minimum for most students to gain basic familiarity with the material. As manager of your own education, it is up to you to work whatever additional problems may be necessary for you to master the subject.

You may consult with other students about the homework problems, indeed I encourage you to do so. However, you will need to write up the solutions clearly, carefully, and in your own words. That is the only way to achieve and retain understanding. It is a complete waste of time just to copy from a solutions manual or from someone else's work. It would be better just to Xerox the solutions, and spend your time doing something constructive.

For help, I encourage you to come to my office hours, or to make an appointment with me to meet at another time. Email is the best way to contact me.

Testing: There will be three in-class examinations. Their dates will be announced in class, and information about what they cover will be posted on the course website.

The final examination will be held in the usual lecture room on Wednesday, December 14, 8:00 to 10:00 a. m. University regulations require that you take it at that time.

Grading system: Your grade will be based mainly on your performance on the examinations. After each exam, I will let you know where you stand.

The assigned homework must be turned in on time, with the problems in the same order in which they appear in the text, and with the logic of the solution clear and complete. The main reward for doing a good job on homework is that you will learn the subject, which will correlate with survival on the exams. Your homework will be cursorily examined, and its quality over the course of the semester may affect your grade to the following extent: an especially good job may get you the higher grade if your test scores leave you on a borderline, while a bad job--- assignments not turned in, more than occasional missing problems, or more than occasional solutions that are poorly worked out or erroneous--- may lower your course grade by one letter.

If you miss an unreasonably large number of lectures, your course grade may be lowered by one letter. This is rarely necessary because people who miss a lot of class usually do very badly anyway. I have no concept of an excused absence-- I assume that you are an intelligent person, so if you are not in class, there must be a very good reason why you could not attend.

Withdrawal Policy: Until September 2, there is no record of a grade for dropped courses. From September 6 through October 28, you may withdraw and receive a “W” grade, no matter what scores you have so far achieved. After October 28, University regulations specify that you may withdraw only in “very unusual circumstances,” and only with the permission of the Dean. Avoidance of a low grade is not sufficient reason to obtain permission to withdraw after October 28.

Grade of Incomplete: The grade of “I” is a special-purpose grade given when a specific task needs to be completed to finish the coursework. This is typically a term paper or other special assignment, so rarely makes sense in a mathematics course. An “I” cannot be given to avoid receiving a low grade.

Calculators: Calculators are irrelevant to this course. Use of calculators or other mechanical aids during exams is neither necessary nor permitted.

Academic Misconduct: If cases of academic misconduct arise, they will be dealt with according to University policies. Don't go there.

Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability that may interfere with the demonstration of your abilities, please contact me as soon as possible to arrange accomodations necessary to ensure your full participation in the course.

Final Grades: Grades will be posted on our course website as soon as they are available. You may pick up your graded final exam from me any time within one year of the end of the course, after one year they will be discarded.

Advice: Stay caught up. Always use good mathematical notation. Develop an active interest in the subject, and everything else will take care of itself.