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Syllabus for Mathematics 6833-001
Topics in Topology -- Computation For Pure Mathematicians
Fall, 2006

Instructor: Darryl McCullough, Professor of Mathematics

Office: 804 Physical Sciences Center
Phone: 325-2743
Office hours:   Mo 11:00-12:00, We 11:00-12:00, We 2:00-3:00, and by appointment.

My posted office hours are primarily for the students in my undergraduate class. You should feel free to meet with me at any time if you wish to discuss the course material. Just contact me (email is the best method) or talk with me after class, and we will arrange a time to meet. Or just drop by my office--- if I have time available then, I will meet with you without a prior appointment, and if not, we will find a time when I can.

This is an experimental course, being taught because I believe that (now or later) it may provide useful research tools for our graduate students. I am not an expert in the topic, indeed I hope to learn at least as much as do the students in the course.

We will not be following any specific text. Readings will be provided as they are needed. You will need access to a personal computer and, of course, an internet connection. All software that you will need should be available free on the internet.

Most of the assigned work in this course will be routine exercises. A few tasks may be more difficult, and you should not feel that you must do everything that is assigned. Just spend a reasonable amount of time on the course, not too much and not too little. Work together with other students in the class if you find that you learn more that way. In addition, I hope that we will be able to find individual and group projects that relate to your preexisting interests, in order to obtain hands-on experience and perhaps even to be a part of your own research.

Your course grade will be A, or possibly a B if you miss a lot of lectures or fail to do a reasonable amount of the assigned work.