Syllabus for Mathematics 4433-001 - Intro to Analysis I - Spring 2000

Please read this syllabus carefully. You will be responsible for all the information given here, and for any modifications to it that may be announced in class.

Text: The textbook for this course is An Introduction to Analysis, by James R. Kirkwood.

Instructor: Darryl McCullough, Professor of Mathematics

Office: 804 Physical Sciences Center
Phone: 325-2743
Office hours: Mo, We 11:30-12:15, 1:30-2:15, and by appointment.

Class Participation: You are expected to attend all lectures, and to give your complete attention to the instructor.

Homework: Homework problems will be assigned on a regular basis. They are due one week after they are assigned. Since one should begin working on assigned problems immediately, one week already is late, and homework cannot be turned in any later than that. You may consult with other students about the homework problems, indeed I encourage you to do so. However, you should write up your solutions carefully in your own words, not just copy someone else's work. You will not learn the material adequately by just copying it, and you will pay a very heavy price on the exams which constitute 75% of your course grade.

Testing: Examinations will be given during the regular lecture hour on the following dates.

Exam 1       Friday, February 11      
Exam 2       Monday, March 20      
Exam 3       Friday, April 21      

Do not arrange travel plans that prevent you from taking any of the exams at the scheduled time. Please check the grading of your exams carefully when they are returned; all grading errors should be brought to my attention as soon as possible.

The final examination will be held in the usual lecture room on Wednesday, May 3 8:00 to 10:00 a. m. University regulations require that you take it at that time. Do not arrange travel plans that prevent you from attending the final examination.

Grading system: There will be 300 points possible as follows:

   Points:       Percent:     
25 8.33     Class participation
50 16.67     Homework
50 16.67     Exam 1
50 16.67     Exam 2
50 16.67     Exam 3
75 25     Final exam
300 100     Total possible

The class participation grade will be determined as follows. If you have 4 absences or less, you will receive the full 25 points of class participation credit, plus three bonus points for each class fewer than 4 missed (thus you can earn up to 12 bonus points for superior class participation). The 5th through 9th absences will each subtract 5 points from the 25 points of class participation grade.

Course grades will be determined according to the following scale:

    Total points:         Percent:         Letter grade:    
255.0-300.0 85-100.00 A
210.0-254.5 70-84.83 B
180.0-209.5 60-69.83 C
150.0-179.5 50-64.83 D
    0.0-149.5   0-49.83 F

Grades are calculated by computer but errors in recording or entering scores can occur. Please keep your tests and homework so that you can verify the posted totals at the end of the semester, if you think that an error may have occurred.

Withdrawal Policy: Until January 24, there is no record of a grade for dropped courses. From January 27 through March 24, you may withdraw and receive a ``Withdrawn Passing'' grade, no matter what scores you have so far achieved. After March 24, University regulations specify that you may withdraw only in ``very unusual circumstances,'' and only with the permission of the Dean. Avoidance of a low grade is not sufficient reason to obtain permission to withdraw after March 24.

Grade of Incomplete: The grade of ``I'' is a special-purpose grade given when a specific task needs to be completed to finish the coursework. This is typically a term paper or other special assignment, so rarely makes sense in a mathematics course. An ``I'' cannot be given to avoid receiving a low grade.

Academic Misconduct: Cases of academic misconduct are inexcusable and will be punished to the maximum extent possible under University regulations. Don't do it.

Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability that may interfere with the demonstration of your abilities, please contact me as soon as possible to arrange accomodations necessary to ensure your full participation in the course.

Final Grades: You may pick up your graded final exam from me at any time before the end of the next semester. If you would like to receive your grade by email, please send me an email request sometime during finals week.

Advice: It is important to think about the subject daily or almost daily (you will learn much more in two hours a day for seven days than in seven hours a day for two days). Working problems is your most important learning technique. Work sessions with fellow students can be very productive, as long as one avoids the pitfall of becoming dependent on others. Experience has shown the importance of keeping completely caught up; cramming is even less effective in mathematics than in other courses. If you need extra help, go to my office hours or arrange an appointment with me immediately; do not compound your difficulties by delaying.