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Final Grades

Your ID is the product of the fourth, fifth, and sixth digits of your OU student number.

Fine job on the seminars, class, I felt proud (and I enjoyed listening, too). Congratulations on finishing your degrees, and best of luck as you move on the the next stage of life, wherever it may take you.

General Proofs HW 8 HW 10 Proofs Seminar on HW 12 Exposition Seminar

ID Absent Class Seminar

exposition historical
on any topic on any topic Course Reported

Discussions Presentation


Grade Grade

7 1 + +++ + ++L A--/B+ B+ + A-- A-- A-- A
21 5 + +++ + ++L A-- L A-- +++ A A A A
28 3 ++ ++++ + +++ A A +++ A A-- A A
30 1 + ++ + ++++ B+ B+ ++ B+ B+ B+ B
42 5 ++ +++ + +LL A-- A-- A-- A A-- A
96 3
++ + ++ B A-- +L B B+ B+ B
120 0 + ++ + + A-- A-- + A A A A
320 0
++ +L +LL A--/B+ B+ ++ A-- A-- A-- A
336 2
++ + ++ A-- B ++ B+ B+ B+ B
384 5 + + + + B B-- + A-- A-- B+ B