Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10:30 to 11:30, and Thursdays from 2:30
to 3:30 (or by appointment)
Phone: 325-3782
First assignment (due in my e-mail box by 9 am on Wed. Aug. 25):
Read chapter 1 of "How to Teach Mathematics (2nd edition)" by Steven G. Krantz. The math department
will provide you with a copy you can borrow for the semester. Find something in this chapter that you disagree with,
and write a paragraph explaining why.
(Only for those of you in the class who are teaching!) Write a paragraph describing one specific thing about your teaching that went well on
the first day of class.
Second assignment (due in my e-mail box by 9 am Wed. Sept. 1):
Attend the class of one of the TA's in the math department who is not in this course. You need only spend 15 minutes or so in the class.
Then write a paragraph describing one specific thing that went well during the part of the class you sat in on.
Read sections 2.1 of 2.8 of Krantz. Write a paragraph naming one specific practical teaching skill you think it might be possible to improve
with practice. (Later on in the course we might take turns teaching 5-minute segments practicing a specific skill.)
Third assignment (due in my e-mail box by 9 am Wed. Sept. 8)
One paragraph on the role of the instructor in a mathematics class.
One paragraph on "Does presenting applications have a place in college algebra?"
Read the handout I passed out titled "Study Habits'', and be prepared to discuss.
Fourth assignment (due in my e-mail box by 9 am Wed. Sept. 22)
Read sections 2.16, 2.19, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 from Krantz.
The article Technology
solutions for developmental math: an overview of current and emerging practices, by R. Epper and E. Baker, discusses the
prospects for technology in teaching college math. The article is actually concerned with "developmental math", also known as "remedial
math", but also serves as a good introduction to what's out there for college math instruction in general.