First assignment is due in the D2L dropbox for this course, folder "Assignment 1", by 9 am on Wed. Aug. 24.
(Instructions on how to submit a file to a folder in the D2L dropbox are at
If for some reason the process isn't working for you, you can e-mail the homework to me instead.)
1. Write a short paragraph expressing your teaching philosophy (what you think the role of the teacher in the math class is).
2. Write a paragraph on how your first day of class went this semester.
3. Read sections 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 of Krantz' text.
Second assignment (due in D2L dropbox by 9 am Wed. Aug. 31): Sit on for 15 minutes or so in another TA's class or discussion section
(the TA should not be someone else in this class) and write a paragraph about what you observed.
Third assignment (due by 9 am Wed. Sept. 7): Fill in grades on the pages of sample student answers to problems that I handed out last week, and bring
to class so we can compare each other's grades. (There is a copy of the handouts here.) If you are teaching a college algebra section, do the
college algebra problems on the first two pages (15 and 16); if you are teaching a calculus discussion section do the calculus problems on the last two pages
(17 and 18).
Fourth assignment (for Wed. Sept. 14): Read this case study before class. We'll discuss it in class.
Further reading
I'll post links here to places on the web that are relevant to topics that come up in class.
Here are a couple of links from last year (more are at the course web page for last year at