
09 / 04 / 2009: Julia Maddox, Representations of sl(2, C)
09 / 11 / 2009: Julia Maddox, Introduction to solvable and nilpotent Lie algebras I
09 / 18 / 2009: Julia Maddox, Introduction to solvable and nilpotent Lie algebras II
09 / 25 / 2009: Jeff Breeding, Iwasawa Theory of the Selmer Group
10 / 02 / 2009: Jeff Breeding, Iwasawa Theory of the Selmer Group II
10 / 09 / 2009: Houssein El Turkey, Introduction to Coxeter Groups
10 / 16 / 2009: holiday - no talk
10 / 23 / 2009: Catherine Hall, Modular Forms and Adelic Functions
10 / 30 / 2009: no talk
11 / 06 / 2009: no talk
11 / 13 / 2009: Catherine Hall, Cusp forms and a certain space of Adelic functions
11 / 20 / 2009: Julia Maddox, The Irreducible Representations of sp(4, C)
12 / 04 / 2009: no talk

Organizer: Julia Maddox.