number theory - homework

submit: in gradescope by end of day (11:59pm) on the due date. you can turn in 2 homeworks up to 1 week late (though not beyond the last week of class), and the lowest homework score is dropped. for late homework, gradescope should be setup that you can automatically submit each homework late, but if you go over your 2 allowed late homeworks, the grader may not grade them.

guidelines: first, you should actively try each problem on your own--don't just look up the answer or ask someone how to do it. while you're welcome to get help, in the end, you are to write up (definitely not copy) your solutions yourself. write clearly and legibly, showing and explaining your work where appropriate. if in doubt on the rules or expectations, ask me for clarification.

note that you will be graded on the clarity of your solution, not just the final answer.

all problems are exercises from the course notes. the "presenting" column lists who (using first and last initials) should present what problems on the board in class.

there are also reading assignments listed. these of course are not to turn in, and typically consist of things i don't have time to discuss thoroughly in lecture, so please do them to help get a better understanding of the subject.

assignment problems/reading presenting due
reading 1 preface+intro
also, course info page
fri 8/23
hw 1 sec 1.1: 1-3, 5, 7-9, 11 wed 9/4
kb: 1.1.2, bb: 1.1.11
th 8/29
hw 2 sec 1.2: 1-5, 7, 9, 10 fri 9/13
ae: 1.2.5, dg: 1.2.7, pj: 1.2.9
th 9/12
hw 3 sec 1.3: 1, 2, 4-9 fri 9/20
pj: 1.3.1, mr: 1.3.7, rsd: 1.3.9
th 9/19
hw 4 sec 1.5: 1, 2, 8
sec 2.1: 1-5
fri 9/27
rsd: 2.1.3, sw: 2.1.4, rw: 2.1.5
th 9/26
hw 5 sec 2.2: 1-3
sec 2.3: 1-3
fri 10/4
kb: 2.2.2, bb: 2.3.3
th 10/3
hw 6 sec 2:3: 5
sec 3.1: 1, 2, 4
sec 3.2: 2-5
fri 10/18
kb: 3.1.2, bb: dg: 3.2.2
th 10/17
hw 7 sec 3.2: 6, 7
sec 3.3: 1-3
fri 10/25
bb: 3.3.2, ae: 3.3.3
th 10/24
hw 8 sec 3.3: 4-6
sec 3.4: 1, 5, 6
fri 11/8
pj: 3.3.6, mr: 3.4.1, rsd: 3.4.5
th 11/7
hw 9 sec 3.4: 8-10
sec 3.5: 1-3
mon 11/18
sw: 3.4.10, rw: 3.5.1
mon 11/18
hw 10 sec 4.1: 1-5
sec 4.2: 1, 2
mon 11/25
(by volunteers)
mon 11/25
hw 11 sec 4.3: 1, 3, 4
sec 4.4: 1, 6, 8, 9
wed 12/4
(by volunteers)
wed 12/4

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