Exceptional MathReviews - Opus No. 3

The third year of Exceptional MathReviews, while not as exceptional as the first two years, still had its memorable moments:

"This paper contains a spectacular collection of false statements"

"the geometric language of the author has the effect of shifting a good deal of the burden from the author to the reader, for in many cases it was at least as difficult to accomplish (a) or (b) or (c) as it was for the author to find his incomplete proofs."


The title of the paper under review already puts the reader on guard, as the phrase "all of whose nonlinear characters are even'' makes no mathematical sense.

On to the collection...

Spring 2008 Feature: The poetry of Godofredo Iommi Amunátegui

MR2158771 Muller on Fried, end of first paragraph. The review itself is less spectacular than the paper; if the review encourages you to look at the paper, you should not be remiss. Rating:

MR0042171 Zariski on Derwidue. Zariski is a thorough man. See also the following cited reviews: MR0035487 and MR0035488 of Walker, the latter of which seems only to make sense in context; and the more recent MR0222079 by Lipman. Rating:

MR0906255 and the 84f:46023 series Jameson on Yandarov (more on Yandarov) Rating:

MR1650700 Berg on Kultur and Kaplan Rating:

MR2180434 Stade on Lysenko Rating:

MR1428781 Gow on Armeanu Rating:

MR1054134 Gow on Huang Rating:

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