Dynamics of Silo Deformation

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Despite significant efforts to develop appropriate design and construction protocols for building silos, their structural failure is still a widespread problem. We studied laboratory-scale paper silos and showed that the evolution of deformation patterns of the silo wall is significantly different for those deformation processes that are reversible and those that lead to the collapse of the silo [1]. The efficacy of predicting collapse events based on this observation demonstrates a strong potential for designing early-warning signals. For reversible processes, we detected an alternation of fast and slow evolution. We expect that additional experiments will allow us to connect this behavior to the intrinsic nonlinear response of the shell as well as deepen our understanding of flow-induced noise and aging of the silo.

  1. C. Colonnello and M. Kramar
    Dynamics of silo deformation under granular discharge
    Physical Review E, 98 (2018).
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