MATH 2433.005 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry III (Honors) - Spring 2009
TR 10:30-11:45 p.m., 122 PHSC
Nikola Petrov, 802 PHSC, (405)325-4316, npetrov AT
Office Hours:
Tue 3:30-4:30 p.m., Wed 2:30-3:30 p.m., or by appointment.
MATH 2423 (Calculus and Analytic Geometry II).
Course catalog description:
Polar coordinates, parametric equations, sequences, infinite series,
vector analysis. (F, Sp, Su)
J. Stewart, Calculus,
6th edition, Brooks/Cole, 2007.
The course will cover major parts of chapters 11-13.
Homework 1 (problems given on Jan 20, 22, 29, Feb 3), due Feb 5 (Thu).
Homework 2 (problems given on Feb 5, 10, 12, 17), due Feb 26 (Thu).
Homework 3 (problems given on Feb 24, 26, Mar 3, 5), due Mar 10 (Tue).
Homework 4 (problems given on Mar 10, 12, 24, 31), due Apr 2 (Thu).
Homework 5 (problems given on Apr 2, 7, 9, 14), due Apr 16 (Thu).
Homework 6 (problems given on Apr 16, 21, 23, 28), due May 5 (Tue).
Content of the lectures:
Lecture 1 (Tue, Jan 20):
sequences, recursively defined sequences
(example: Fibonacci sequence),
limit of a sequence,
convergent and divergent sequences,
finding limits of sequences by using
limits of functions (Theorem 3),
convergence to infinity,
limit laws for sequences,
the squeeze theorem,
convergence of |an|
and of an to 0
(Theorem 6),
interchanging the order of a limit
and a continuous function (Theorem 7),
(Sec. 12.1).
18 (solve it in two ways),
27 (solve it in two ways),
35 (solve it in two ways,
38, 39,
40 (solve it in two ways),
Lecture 2 (Thu, Jan 22):
Sequences (cont.):
limits of rn for
different values of r (Example 10),
increasing, decreasing, monotonic sequences,
bounded above, bounded below, bounded sequences,
monotonic sequence theorem
(Sec. 12.1).
46 (to show that an,
you can show that |an|
is decreasing for n>2
and is bounded below;
n! is the product of the numbers 1,2,3,...,n),
58, 63,
65 (can you use the properties of this sequence
to conclude that it is convergent without doing
any calculations?),
69 (hint),
Lecture 3 (Thu, Jan 29):
series, partial sums, convergent and divergent series,
geometris series, telescoping series, harmonic series;
if Σan converges,
then liman=0 (Theorem 6),
the converse is not true,
test for divergence;
facts about Σcan,
for convergent series
Σan and
Σbn and a constant c,
(Sec. 12.2).
12.2/10, 18, 29, 34, 35, 38, 44, 50.
Lecture 4 (Tue, Feb 3):
The integral test and estimates of sums:
the Integral Test (with proof),
Remainder Estimate for the Integral Test
(do the proof as an exercise),
(Sec. 12.3).
The comparison tests:
the Comparison Test, examples
(pages 741-742 of Sec. 12.4).
12.3/18, 20, 35;
12.4/12, 26, 28, 29, 44.
The complete homework is due on Feb 5 (Thu).
Lecture 5 (Thu, Feb 5):
The comparison tests (cont.):
the Limit Comparison Test, examples
(pages 743-744 of Sec. 12.4).
Alternating series:
definition, the Alternating Series Test,
Alternating Series Estimation Theorem,
(Sec. 12.5).
12.3/37, 42;
12.4/30, 39;
12.5/12, 18, 24, 34.
Lecture 6 (Tue, Feb 10):
Absolute convergence and the ratio and root tests:
absolutely convergent series,
conditionally convergent series,
absolute convergence implies convergence
(convergence does not imply absolute convergence!);
the Ratio Test, the Root Test, examples;
rearrangements of series - allowed only for
absolutely convergent series
(Sec 12.6).
12.6/2 (try both the Ratio and the Root tests),
12, 15, 27, 31
Lecture 7 (Thu, Feb 12):
Strategy for testing series (Sec. 12.7).
Power series:
definition of a power series,
coefficients of a power series,
power series centered at a,
theorem about the values of x
where a power series converges
(pages 759-761 of Sec. 12.8).
12.7/10, 13, 17, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33.
Lecture 8 (Tue, Feb 17):
Power series (cont.)
(Sec. 12.8).
13, 15
17, 23
The complete homework is due on Feb 26 (Thu).
Lecture 9 (Thu, Feb 19):
Exam 1 (covers Sections 12.1-12.7).
Lecture 10 (Tue, Feb 24):
Representations of functions as power series:
examples of using the formula for the sum
of a geometric series to derive such representations,
differentiation and integration of power series,
examples of applications
(Sec. 12.9).
12.9/2, 11,
20, 24, 28, 38.
Lecture 11 (Thu, Feb 26):
Taylor and Maclaurin series:
Taylor series, Maclaurin series, remainder of the Taylor
series, condition for convergence of the Taylor polynomials
to the value of the function, Taylor's inequality,
examples (exponential and trigonometric functions),
binomial coefficients, Newton's binomial formula
for (a+b)n for
positive integer n
(pages 770-778 of Sec. 12.10).
12.10/16, 18, 20, 21, 34, 48, 54, 64.
Lecture 12 (Tue, Mar 3):
Taylor and Maclaurin series (cont.):
the binomial series (Sec. 12.10).
Applications of Taylor polynomials:
read quickly Examples 1 and 2 only
and look at the graphs
(pages 785-788 of Sec. 12.11).
Curves defined by parametric equations:
parametric equations, parametric curve,
"curve" versus parametric curve,
(pages 657-659 of Sec. 11.1).
12.11/7, 29, 33, 36;
11.1/14, 24, 31.
Lecture 13 (Thu, Mar 5):
Curves defined by parametric equations (cont.):
the cycloid, remarks about its applications
- brachistochrone (Johann Bernoulli, 1696),
tautochrone (Christiaan Huygens, 1659)
(pages 660-662 of Sec. 11.1).
Calculus with parametric curves:
slope of the tangent to a parametric curve,
rates of change of the slope of the tangent
to a parametric curve, area under a parametric curve,
length of a parametric curve
(Sec. 11.2).
11.2/7, 16, 27, 34, 40 (just write down the integral),
48, 69.
Food for thought: Exercise 11.2/74
(the "Food for thought" problems are not a part
of the regular homework and do not need to be turned in).
The complete homework is due on Mar 10
Lecture 14 (Tue, Mar 10):
Polar coordinates:
polar coordinates in the plane,
relations between polar and Cartesian coordinates,
polar curves, tangents to polar curves
(Sec. 11.3).
11.3/12, 14, 24, 36, 52 (hint: see 51), 62, 70.
Lecture 15 (Thu, Mar 12):
Areas and lengths in polar coordinates:
derivation of the formula for the area
in a polar region,
derivation of the formula for the length
of a parametric curve in polar coordinates,
(Sec. 11.4).
23, 33, 41
44, 46.
Lecture 16 (Tue, Mar 24):
Areas and lengths in polar coordinates (cont.):
more examples (Sec. 11.4).
A brief review for Exam 2.
Lecture 17 (Thu, Mar 26):
Exam 2 (covers Sections 12.8-12.11, 11.1-11.4).
Lecture 18 (Tue, Mar 31):
Three-dimensional coordinate systems:
remarks about differences between 2- and 3-dimensional spaces;
Cartesian coordinates in 3 dimensions,
equations of different objects in 3 dimensions
(Sec. 13.1).
13.1/7, 9, 12, 16, 22, 28, 38.
The complete homework is due on Apr 2 (Thu).
Lecture 19 (Thu, Apr 2):
displacement vector, initial and terminal points;
what does u=v mean?;
addition of vectors ("the triangle rule"
and "the parallelogram rule"),
multiplication of a vector by a scalar,
difference of vectors (defined through
the other two operations);
components of a vector, position vector,
magnitude (length) of a vector,
vector addition and multiplication of a vector
by a scalar in components;
fundamental properties of vectors
("machine for adding two vectors"
and "machine for multiplying a vector by a scalar",
properties of these "machines");
standard basis vectors, unit vectors,
construction of a unit vector in the same direction
as a vector a≠0
(Sec. 13.2).
13.2/20, 24, 28, 34, 36, 42,
additional problem.
Lecture 20 (Tue, Apr 7):
The dot product:
definition of dot product (scalar product, inner product),
elementary properties of dot product,
angle θ between vectors,
expressing cosθ through a.b,
perpendicular (orthogonal) vectors,
condition for orthogonality expressed through the dot product,
direction angles and direction cosines,
vector projection projab
of b onto a,
scalar projection compab
of b onto a,
geometric meanings and formal expressions for
and compab,
application to physics - work
(Sec. 13.3).
23, 26, 27
34, 39, 47, 50.
Lecture 21 (Thu, Apr 9):
The cross product:
determinants of 2×2 and 3×3 matrices,
definition of cross product (vector product),
direction of a×b
(the right hand rule),
condition for
a to be perpendicular to b
geometric interpretation of |a×b|
as the area of a parallelogram,
properties of the cross product,
triple product a.(b×c),
geometric interpretation of the triple product
as the volume of a parallelopiped,
properties of the triple product,
application to physics - torque
(Sec. 13.4).
13.4/12, 14, 20, 30, 34, 38, 40, 43
Lecture 22 (Tue, Apr 14):
Equations of lines and planes:
lines: vector equation, parameter, parametric equations,
direction numbers, symmetric equations, line segments,
skew lines;
planes: normal vector, vector, scalar, and linear equations of
a plane, parallel planes, angle between planes,
distance from a point to a plane,
distance between parallel planes
(Sec. 13.5).
13.5/18, 22, 34, 38, 56, 70, 73.
The complete homework is due on Apr 16 (Thu).
Lecture 23 (Thu, Apr 16):
Equations of lines and planes (cont.):
discussion and more examples
(Sec. 13.5).
44, 46;
13.5/26, 35, 61
Lecture 24 (Tue, Apr 21):
Vector functions and space curves:
component functions, vector functions,
limits and continuity of vector functions,
space curves, parametric equations of a space curve,
curves obtained as intersections
of surfaces, using computers to draw space curves,
(Sec. 14.1).
14.1/2, 12, 18, 26, 28, 38, 42 (hint: see exercise
(Also look at exercises 19-24, 43, but do not turn them in
with the homework.)
Lecture 25 (Thu, Apr 23):
Derivatives and integrals of vector functions:
derivative of a vector function,
tangent vector to a space curve at a point,
unit tangent vector to a space curve at a point,
"true" and "false" singularities of a space curve
defined as a graph of a vector function,
components of the derivative of a vector function,
higher-order derivatives, differentiation rules,
definite integrals of vector functions
(Sec. 14.2).
14.2/8, 16, 18, 22, 23, 32, 38,
Lecture 26 (Tue, Apr 28):
Derivatives and integrals of vector functions (cont.):
more examples (Sec. 14.2).
The complete homework is due on May 5 (Tue).
Lecture 27 (Thu, Apr 30):
Exam 3 (covers Sections 13.1-14.2).
Lecture 28 (Tue, May 5):
Arc length and curvature:
arc length, arc length function,
parameterizing a curve using the arc length function,
smooth curves, definition of curvature,
expressing the curvatuve from an arbitrary parametrization
of a space curve
(pages 866-868 of Sec. 14.3).
13, 17
31, 33
Lecture 29 (Thu, May 7):
Motion in space: velocity and acceleration:
position, velocity, speed, acceleration vector,
example: motion of a projectile;
derivation of Kepler's law of planetary motion
saying that the planets move on ellipses
(Sec. 14.4).
You are required to attend class on those days when an
examination is being given;
attendance during other class periods is also expected.
You are fully responsible for the
material covered in each class, whether or not you attend.
Periodically I will collect it to be graded
(these days will be announced in advance).
Make-ups for missed exams will be given only if
there is a compelling reason for the absence,
which I know about beforehand
and can document independently of your testimony
(for example, via a note or a phone call from a
doctor or a parent).
It is absolutely essential to solve a large number of problems on a regular basis!
Homework will be assigned and due every class period.
You should be prepared to present any of the homework problems
due on a given day.
Periodically I will collect it to be graded (these days will be announced in advance).
You are allowed (and encouraged) to work in small groups.
However, each of you will need to prepare individual solutions
written in your own words - this is the only way to
achieve real understanding!
Please write the problems in the same order
in which they are given in the assignment.
All homework should be written on a 8.5"×11" paper
with your name clearly written, and should be stapled.
No late homework will be accepted!
There will be three in-class midterms and a (comprehensive) final.
Tentative dates for the midterms are
Feb 17 (Tue), Mar 26 (Thu), Apr 28 (Tue).
The final is scheduled for May 11 (Mon), 8:00-10:00 a.m.
All tests must be taken at the scheduled times,
except in extraordinary circumstances.
Please do not arrange travel plans that prevent you
from taking any of the exams at the scheduled time.
Your grade will be determined by your performance
on the following coursework:
Coursework |
Weight |
Homework |
10% |
Exam 1 |
20% |
Exam 2 |
20% |
Exam 3 |
20% |
Final Exam |
30% |
Academic calendar for
Spring 2009.
Course schedule for
Spring 2009.
Policy on W/I Grades :
Through February 27, you can withdraw
from the course with an automatic "W". In addition,
From March 2 to May 8,
you may withdraw and receive a "W" or "F"
according to your standing in the class.
Dropping after April 6 requires a petition to the Dean.
(Such petitions are not often granted.
Furthermore, even if the petition
is granted, I will give you a grade
of "Withdrawn Failing" if you are
indeed failing at the time of your petition.)
Please check the dates!
The grade of "I" (Incomplete)
is not intended to serve as
a benign substitute for the grade of "F".
I only give the "I" grade
if a student has completed the majority
of the work in the course
(for example everything except the final exam),
the coursework cannot be completed
because of compelling and verifiable problems
beyond the student's control, and the student expresses a clear
intention of making up the missed work as soon as possible.
Academic Misconduct: All cases of suspected academic misconduct will
be referred to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for prosecution
under the University's Academic Misconduct Code. The penalties can be quite
severe. Don't do it!
For details on the University's
policies concerning academic integrity see the
Student's Guide to Academic Integrity.
See also the Academic Misconduct Code,
which is a part of the
Student Code
Students With Disabilities:
The University of Oklahoma is committed to providing reasonable accommodation
for all students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who require
accommodations in this course are requested to speak with the instructor
as early in the semester as possible. Students with disabilities must be
registered with the Office of Disability Services prior to receiving
accommodations in this course. The Office of Disability Services is located
in Goddard Health Center, Suite 166: phone 405-325-3852 or TDD only
Good to know:
The Greek alphabet.