MATH 4163 - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Section 001
- Spring 2018
TR 1:30-2:45 p.m., 102 PHSC
Nikola Petrov, 1101 PHSC, (405)325-2748, npetrov AT
Office Hours:
Monday 12:30-1:30, Wednesday 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., or by appointment, in 1101 PHSC.
First day handout
Course catalog description:
Prerequisite: 2443, 3113 or 3413. Physical models, classification of equations,
Fourier series and boundary value problems, integral transforms,
the method of characteristics. (F, Sp, Su)
Main textbook:
[BC] David Bleecker, George Csordas, Basic Partial Differential Equations,
International Press, Boston, 1997
Additional resources:
[AG] M. A. Al-Gwaiz, Sturm-Liouville Theory and its Applications,
Springer, 2008
(pdf feely available for OU students from the OU library; OU students can buy a cheap
paper copy through the library)
[F] Stanley J. Farlow, Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers,
John Wiley & Sons, 1982; reprinted by Dover in 1993
(a very cheap and readable book)
[L] J. David Logan, Applied Partial Differential Equations, 3rd edition, Springer, 2015
(pdf feely available for OU students from the OU library; OU students can buy a cheap
paper copy through the library)
[O] Peter J. Olver, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Springer, 2014
(pdf feely available for OU students from the OU library; OU students can buy a cheap paper copy through the library)
[KBO] A. C. King, J. Billingham, S. R. Otto,
Differential Equations: Linear, Nonlinear, Ordinary, Partial,
Cambridge University Press, 2003
(pdf feely available for OU students from the OU library)
Homework 1, due January 25 (Thursday).
Homework 2, due February 1 (Thursday).
Homework 3, due February 8 (Thursday).
Homework 4, due February 15 (Thursday).
Homework 5, due February 27 (Tuesday).
Homework 6, due March 8 (Thursday).
Homework 7, due March 15 (Thursday).
Homework 8, due March 29 (Thursday).
Homework 9, due April 5 (Thursday).
Homework 10, due April 17 (Tuesday)
[please note the unusual due date!]
Homework 11, due May 3 (Thursday).
Content of the lectures:
Lecture 1 (Tue, Jan 16):
Review of ODEs:
ODE, general solution of an ODE (a n-parameter family of solutions
for an ODE of order n), initial condition (IC), examples;
first order linear ODEs (solving it by using integrating factor);
homonegeous second order constant coefficients equations, characteristic equation,
Euler's formula, general solution)
[BC, pages 2-9, 16]
Generalities and elementary examples of PDEs:
examples of elementary PDEs that can be solved directly:
uxyy(x,y)=x2+3y, ...
[BC, pages 44, 45]
Lecture 2 (Thu, Jan 18):
Generalities and elementary examples of PDEs (cont.):
more examples of solving elementary PDEs;
imposing "initial conditions" (ICs) - examples of determining
the arbitrary functions in the general solutions of PDEs
from the values of the unknown function on appropriate lines in R2
(in the case of a PDE for a function of two variables);
changing variables;
changing variables in the wave equation on R,
obtaining the general solution by changing variables to
ξ=x+ct and η=x−ct,
interpeting the terms in the general solution,
as describing waves moving to the left, resp. to the right,
with speed c
[BC, pages 45-48]
Lecture 3 (Tue, Jan 23):
Generalities and elementary examples of PDEs (cont.):
open/closed sets, boundary of a set, closure of a set, examples;
notation u∈Ck(D) for an open domain
functions, functionals, operators, examples;
differential operators, examples; linear operators, examples;
homogeneous/non-homogeneous linear PDEs;
heat/diffusion equation, boundary conditions (BCs) and initial condition (IC);
wave equation, BCs and ICs;
Laplace and Poisson equations, BCs
[BC, pages 23, 24, 26-28 (Examples 2 and 4), 29, 30, 32, 38]
Lecture 4 (Thu, Jan 25):
Classification of second order linear PDEs for functions of two variables:
trace tr(A) and determinant det(A) of a matrix A;
eigenvalues of a 2×2 matrix as solutions of a quadratic equation
whose coefficients are expressed in terms of tr(A) and det(A);
the eigenvalues are either real or come in complex conjugate pairs
(since they are roots of polynomial equations with real coefficients);
properties of tr(A) and det(A):
the determinant of a product is equal to product of determinants,
cyclic permutations of a product of matrices do not change the trace of the product;
tr(A) and det(A) do not change under a similarity transformation,
therefore similarity transformations do not change the eigenvalues;
applying this to the coefficients of the second-order terms
in a second-order linear PDE - parabolic (det(A)=0),
elliptic (det(A)>0), and hyperbolic (det(A)<0) equations.
First order linear PDEs with constant coefficients:
as V⋅∇u
(where V=ai+bj is a constant vector)
as the rate of change of u along straight lines
parallel to the vector V ("characteristic lines");
changing variables to make V⋅∇u
so that one of the partial derivatives with respect to the new variables is zero,
and solving the equation as a linear first-order ODE
[BC, pages 58-61, 70]
Lecture 5 (Tue, Jan 30):
First order linear PDEs with constant coefficients (cont.):
example of computing the general solution of the PDE
and of particular solutions that satisfy additional conditions
[BC, pages 61-65]
Derivation of the diffusion/heat equation:
Fick's law for diffusion, Fourier law for heat propagation;
review of some integral theorems of Calculus
(FTC, FTC for line integrals, Stokes Theorem, Divergence Theorem).
Reading assignment:
Read the Remark on page 61, and Examples 2-4 of Sec. 2.1.
Lecture 6 (Thu, Feb 1):
Derivation of the diffusion/heat equation (cont.):
derivation of the diffusion/heat equation in a non-moving medium;
physical meaning of the Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin boundary conditions;
examples of initial-boundary value problems for the diffusion equation.
Lecture 7 (Tue, Feb 6):
Separation of variables:
separation of variables in the diffusion/heat equation with zero Dirichlet BCs
and arbitrary condition; an example;
discussion of the physical reasoning why the modes with high n
(and, therefore, with high temperature gradient) decay quickly in time;
separation of variables in the diffusion/heat equation with zero Dirichlet BCs
and arbitrary condition
[BC, pages 126-130 of Sec 3.1]
Lecture 8 (Thu, Feb 8):
Separation of variables (cont.):
an overview of the method of separation of variables;
examples of problems where the method works
and problems where the method does not work;
a brief discussion of the problem with adding infinitely many functions.
Uniqueness and the maximum principle:
uniqueness of the solution of the diffusion/heat equation
with arbitrary Dirichlet (or Neumann) BCs and arbitrary IC;
statement of the Maximum Principle
[BC, pages 140-143 of Sec. 3.2]
Lecture 9 (Tue, Feb 13):
Uniqueness and the maximum principle (cont.):
statement of the Minimum Principle (an easy consequence
of the Maximum Principle);
continuous dependence of the solution of the heat equation
on the boundary conditions and the initial condition
- proof based on the Maximum Principle
[BC, page 147 of Sec. 3.2]
Review of Linear Algebra:
linear (vector) spaces, a basis in a linear space;
norm, normed linear space, examples of norms
in Rn,
equivalence of norms, an example;
inner product, inner product vector space,
an inner product naturally defines a norm,
an example of an inner product in Rn
given by a symmetric positive definite matrix;
linear space of polynomials on [a,b],
inner product in this space defined by a weight function.
Lecture 10 (Thu, Feb 15):
Review of Linear Algebra (cont.):
angle between two vectors in an inner product vector space,
orthogonal vectors;
the space R∞ of infinite sequences,
norms in R∞,
an example of non-equivalent norms in R∞;
orthogonal and orthonormal bases in an inner product vector space,
delta-symbol of Kronecker;
finding the components of a vector in an orthonormal basis (ONB)
by taking inner product;
construction of an orthonormal basis by Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
and subsequent normalization;
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix;
linear operators, matrix elements of a linear operator,
expressing the matrix elements of a linear operator
in an inner product vector space by using the inner product;
symmetric linear operators; Spectral Theorem about symmetric linear operators:
all eigenvalues of a symmetric linear operator are real,
and two eigenvectors corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal.
Sturm-Liouville Theory:
elementary observations about the solutions Xn(x)
of the boundary value problems coming from the separation of variables.
Lecture 11 (Tue, Feb 20):
Lecture canceled due to weather.
Lecture 12 (Thu, Feb 22):
Lecture canceled due to weather.
Lecture 13 (Tue, Feb 27):
Sturm-Liouville Theory (cont.):
a brief review of the boundary value problems
coming from the separation of variables;
linear operators, Sturm-Liouville operator,
Sturm-Liouville problem; uniqueness theorem
(Theorem 3 on page 265) - all eigenvalues are simple;
proof that the Sturm-Liouville operator is symmetric
on the space of functions satisfying the boundary conditions;
orthogonality of the eigenfunctions with respect
to an appropriately chosen weight (Theorem 5 on page 267);
all eigenvalues are real and are increasing to infinity
(Theorem 6 on page 267 and Theorem 9 on page 270);
expansion of a function in a basis of eigenfunctions
of a Sturm-Liouville problem
[BC, Sec. 4.4 - only the statements of the theorems]
Lecture 14 (Thu, Mar 1):
Exam 1
on the material covered in Lectures 1-12
and Homework assignments 1-5.
Lecture 15 (Tue, Mar 6):
Sturm-Liouville Theory (cont.):
more examples of separation of variables:
heat equation on a rectangle (x,y)∈[0,L]×[0,M],
leading to a Sturm-Liouville BVP for X(x) with zero Dirichlet BCs
and a Sturm-Liouville BVP for Y(y) with zero Neumann BCs,
obtaining the coefficients in the expansion by computing inner products
and using the orthogonality of the eigenfunctions of a Sturm-Liouville problem.
Lecture 16 (Thu, Mar 8):
Sturm-Liouville Theory (cont.):
more examples of separation of variables:
heat equation in a circular ring -
the circle S1 is the interval [0,2π] with its ends identified,
identifying a function defined on [0,2π] with a 2π-periodic function on R,
solving the heat equation for
with (θ,t)∈S1×R+
with initial condition u(θ,0)=ƒ(θ)
- think of Θ(θ) as of a 2π-periodic function on R,
and impose the 2π-periodicity condition to obtain that
Θn(θ)=1 if n=0,
if n=1,2,3,...; imposing the initial conditions;
[BC, Example 3 of Sec. 3.1 (pages 130-133)]
Orthogonality and the definition of Fourier series (FS):
a trigonometric polynomial;
orthogonality of the functions 1, cos(nπx/L), sin(nπx/L)
(Proposition 2 on page 192);
a Fourier series (FSƒ):R→R of a function ƒ:R→R,
expressions for the Fourier coefficients (the Definition on page 193);
FS of the function ƒ(x)=x for x∈[−L,L]
(Example 2 on pages 194-195);
FS of the function ƒ(x)=x for x∈[0,2L]
(Example 3 on page 197)
[BC, pages 188, 189, 192-197 of Sec. 4.1]
Convergence theorems for Fourier series (FS):
definition of 2L-periodic functions;
periodic extension of a function defined on [−L,L];
the definite integral of a 2L-periodic function
over any interval of length 2L is the same (Proposition 1 on page 208);
example of using this Proposition (Example 1 on page 209);
convergence of Fourier series for piecewise C1 functions
- see the Definitions on pages 222-224, Example 5 on page 224,
and Theorem 3 on page 224
[BC, pages 207-209, 222-224 of Sec. 4.2]
Sine and Cosine series and applications:
even and odd functions;
representing each function as a sum of an even and an odd functions:
then ƒe is even, ƒo is odd,
and ƒ(x)=ƒe(x)+ƒo(x);
if e(x) is an even function and e(x) is an odd function,
then e(x)e(x) is even,
e(x)o(x) is odd,
o(x)o(x) is even;
hyperbolic functions:
then cosh is even, sinh is odd, and ex=cosh(x)+sinh(x);
[BC, page 238 of Sec. 4.3]
Lecture 17 (Tue, Mar 13):
Sine and cosine series and applications (cont.):
extending a function ƒ:[−L,L]→R
to a 2L-periodic function ƒext:R→R
such that ƒ(x)=ƒext(x)
for x∈[−L,L]
(we may need to redefine ƒ(−L)
by setting ƒ(−L):=ƒ(L));
FS of the function ƒ;
even and odd extensions of a function ƒ:[0,L]→R:
(for the odd extension, the function ƒ must satisfy ƒ(0)=0);
Fourier sine series (FSSƒ)(x) and Fourier cosine series (FCSƒ)(x)
of the function ƒ:[0,L]→R;
if ƒe:[−L,L]→R
and ƒo:[−L,L]→R
are the even and the odd extensions of ƒ:[0,L]→R,
then (FCSƒ)(x)=(FSƒe)(x),
convergence of the FS: (FSƒ)(c) equals to the average value
of the left and the right limit of the function ƒ,
i.e., (FSƒ)(c)=[ƒ(c−)+ƒ(c+)]/2;
rule of thumb: the smoother the function ƒ,
the faster its Fourier coefficients tend to 0 as n→∞
[BC, pages 239-241 of Sec. 4.3]
The wave equation - derivation and uniqueness:
set-up of the problem for small planar movements of a stretched string;
linear density ρ(x) of the string (unit: kg/m);
position of the string at time t given by
interpretation of derivatives of u(x,t):
ut(x,t) and
are respectively the velocity and the acceleration
of the point of the string with spatial coordinate x at time t,
ux(x,t) is the slope
to the tangent of the string at the point with spatial coordinate x at time t;
Newton 2nd law applied to a piece of the string
between points with spatial coordinates x and x+Δx:
the mass of this piece is approximately
and Newton's 2nd law applied to it says that
is equal to the z-component (Fnet)z
of the net force applied to this piece;
the net force can be written as a superposition of an elastic force
Felastic coming from the tension in the string,
a resistance force Fresistance
whose z-component is proportional to the vertical component of the velocity
(Fresistance)z=−γux(x,t) (where γ>0 is a positive constant),
and gravity force Fgravity=−(Δm)gk
with z-component
[BC, pages 282-285 of Sec. 5.1]
Lecture 18 (Thu, Mar 15):
The wave equation - derivation and uniqueness (cont.):
deriving the expression for
under the assumption that (ux)2
is negligible compared to 1;
meaning of the Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin BCs for the wave equation;
separation of variables in the BVP for the wave equation
for a string of length L with fixed ends;
physical interpretation: the solution of the wave equation
has the form
where the terms Φ(x+ct) and Ψ(x−ct)
correspond physically to disturbances propagating to the left, resp. right, with speed c;
demonstrating that the solution of the wave equation for a string of length L
can be represented in the form
[BC, pages 285-289 of Sec. 5.1]
Lecture 19 (Tue, Mar 27):
The wave equation - derivation and uniqueness (cont.):
derivation of an expression for the total energy of the string:
the spatial density of the kinetic energy is
and the spatial density of the potential energy is
so that the total energy E(t)
is integral of
over x from 0 to L;
proof of uniqueness of the solution of the IBVP
for the wave equation (without resistance and gravity terms)
with time-dependent BCs of Dirichlet type;
harmonics, energy of the nth harmonic (Example 2);
motion of a plucked string, remark about the propagation
of singularities (corners) along the string (Example 3)
[BC, pages 289-293 of Sec. 5.1]
D'Alembert solution for wave problems:
rewriting the wave equation
concluding that
(∂t+c∂x)u(x,t)=h(x+ct) for an arbitrary function h of one variable;
the solution of the wave equation for x∈R has the form
[BC, pages 300-301 of Sec. 5.2]
Lecture 20 (Thu, Mar 29):
Waves on a guitar string:
speed of propagation of waves in a guitar string:
wavelength Λn=2L/n
of the nth harmonic;
period Pn=Λn/c
of the nth harmonic;
where ν1 is the lowest allowed frequency;
unit for frequency: Hertz, Hz=s−1.
Sound waves in a pipe:
wave equation for the pressure p(x,t) in a pipe:
where c≈345m/s is the speed of sound;
boundary conditions: if p(x,t) is the pressure minus
the atmospheric pressure, then the BC at the end at x=L is:
homogeneous Dirichlet p(L,t)=0 if the end is open,
homogeneous Neumann px(L,t)=0 if the end is closed;
determining the allowed wavelengths for a pipe with one open and one closed end,
and in a pipe with open ends.
D'Alembert solution for wave problems (cont.):
derivation of the D'Alembert solution of the wave equation on R,
domain of dependence in a space-time diagram
[BC, pages 301-302 of Sec. 5.2]
Lecture 21 (Tue, Apr 3):
D'Alembert solution for wave problems (cont.):
domain of dependence in a space-time diagram and causality;
the heat equation (unlike the wave equation)
describes disturbances that propagate instantaneously
throughout the whole spatial domain;
explanation of mirages;
wave optics (wave equation, waves) vs geometric optics (eikonal equation, rays).
Laplace's equation and Poisson's equation:
asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the heat equation
and wave equation (taking into account the air resistance)
if the "forcing" and the boundary conditions are time-independent:
the solution u(x,t) tends to
a function u∞(x) that depends
on the spatial coordinates only;
set-up: domain D in Rn
with boundary ∂D with outward unit normal vector n,
Δ Laplacian in Rn,
β:D→R given function,
Poisson's equation Δu(x)=β(x), x∈D,
Laplace's equation Δu(x)=0, x∈D;
boundary conditions:
Dirichlet u|∂D=ƒ,
Neumann (∂u/∂n)|∂D=g,
where ƒ:∂D→R, g:∂D→R,
and h:∂D→R are functions
defined on the boundary ∂D of the domain D,
α and β are (usually) constants,
and ∂u/∂n=n⋅∇u=Dnu is the derivative in the direction of the outward unit normal n;
compatibility condition between Poisson's (or Laplace's) equation and the Neumann BC;
example: string hanging in the Earth's gravity field - Poisson equation
that in this case is an ODE;
example: a circular membrane hanging in the Earth's gravity field - Poisson equation;
solution of the Laplace's equation in a rectangle by separation of variables:
basic facts about hyperbolic functions; using hyperbolic functions
to write the solution
[BC, pages 344-346 of Sec. 6.1, pages 351-355, 359 of Sec. 6.2]
Lecture 22 (Thu, Apr 5):
Laplace's equation and Poisson's equation (cont.):
solving the Laplace's equation in a rectangle by writing
u(x,y) as a sum of solutions of several problems
for Laplace's equation each of which has zero boundary conditions
on two opposing walls; caution - this cannot be done with if the BC
on each wall are Neumann
[BC, pages 351-355, 359-361 of Sec. 6.2]
The Dirichlet problem for annuli and disks:
separation of variables in Laplace's equation in an annulus;
the periodicity requirement on the functions Θ(θ)
gives the discretization of the constant of separation of variables;
solving for the radial function Rn(r)
- Cauchy's equation for n≥1;
for a disk one has to remove the ln(r) and r−n
from the radial functions because these functions are unbounded when r→0+
[BC, pages 366-373 of Sec. 6.3]
Lecture 23 (Tue, Apr 10):
The Dirichlet problem for annuli and disks (cont.):
general solution of Laplace's equation in a disk of radius a,
with boundary condition u(a,θ)=ƒ(θ)
assuming that we know the Fourier series of the function ƒ(θ);
substituting the expressions for the Fourier coefficients of ƒ(θ)
as integrals involving ƒ into the general solution u(r,θ),
using trigonometry and complex algebra to derive the Poisson integral formula
(giving u(r,θ) as an integral of ƒ(t)
multiplied by the Poisson kernel);
geometric meaning and physical interpretations of the Poisson kernel;
a digression: linear integral operators and their kernels,
example of Laplace transform
[BC, pages 371-375 of Sec. 6.3]
Wave and heat equations in a disk:
setting up the BVP for the waves on a membrane stretched firmly
on a flat hoop of radius a:
the shape of the membrane at time t is given by
z=u(r,θ,t) for
the PDE is the wave equation utt=c2Δu,
the BC is u(a,θ,t)=0,
the initial displacement u(a,θ,t) and
the initial velocity ut(a,θ,t) are known;
separating variables:
requiring that one of the constants from separation of variables
has a sign such that the function T(t) is periodic;
the constant of separation of variables related to Θ(θ)
is discrete because the function Θ(θ) must be 2π-periodic;
derivation of the ODE for R(r)
and transforming it to the Bessel equation.
Lecture 24 (Thu, Apr 12):
Wave and heat equations in a disk (cont.):
properties of Bessel functions - behavior of Jn(ξ)
and Yn(ξ) for ξ→0+,
all zeros of
Jn(ξ) and and Yn(ξ) are simple;
solutions of the equations coming from the separation of variables:
angular solution:
(the Neumann functions are not bounded as ξ→0+),
BC on the radial functions: R(a)=Jn(λa)=0,
so that λa is a zero of Jn,
so that λnm=ξnm/a,
where ξnm is the mth positive zero of Jn,
i.e., Jn(ξnm)=0,
n=0,1,2,3,..., m=1,2,3,...;
pictures of the nodal lines of the functions
time-dependent functions:
frequencies νnm=cξnm/(2πa);
the frequencies νnm are not multiples of
the lowest frequency ν01=cξ01/(2πa),
so that the circular drum does not have a clear tone like a guitar string.
Lecture 25 (Tue, Apr 17)
Rayleigh quotient:
consider a Sturm-Liouville (SL) eigenvalue problem (written in SL form)
on an interval [a,b] with given BCs;
let φ(x) be an eigenfunction with eigenvalue λ;
multiply the ODE of the SL problem (written for the eigenfunction φ(x))
by the eigenfunction φ(x), integrate with respect to x
over [a,b], and express the eigenvalue λ;
apply integration by parts to the integral containing the derivatives of φ(x),
and use the BCs in the boundary terms coming from the integration by parts;
if the BCs are homogeneous Dirichlet or homogeneous Neumann,
the boundary terms vanish;
if, in addition, q(x)≤0, then λ must be nonnegative;
examples of the importance of the lowest eigenvalue λ1
for the case of the wave equation (in which λ1
is related to the frequency of the lowest harmonic)
and for the case of the heat equation (where λ1 is related to
the slowest rate of heat exchange);
minimization principle for obtaining a rigorous upper bound on the lowest
eigenvalue λ1 by computing the Rayleigh quotient
for some function that satisfies the BCs;
example: for the SL problem
y''(x)+λy(x)=0, x∈[0,1],
y(0)=0, y(1)=0,
the choice of a a piecewise-linear continuous function
that is zero at the endpoints and is symmetric about x=1/2
gives the bound λ1≤12.
Lecture 26 (Thu, Apr 19):
Exam 2
on the material covered in Lectures 13, 15-24
and Homework assignments 6-10.
Lecture 27 (Tue, Apr 24)
Rayleigh quotient (cont.):
review of the properties of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
of Sturm-Liouville problems (see the Appendix to HW 6);
continuation of the example from Lecture 25:
y''(x)+λy(x)=0, x∈[0,1],
y(0)=0, y(1)=0:
results for different test functions:
a piecewise-linear continuous function symmetric about x=1/2
gives the bound λ1≤12,
the function x(1−x)
gives the bound λ1≤10,
while the true value is λ1=π2=9.8696...;
trying to tighten the upper bound by taking a 1-parameter family
φα(x), a 2-parameter family
computing the Rayleigh quotient, and minimizing by computing
the value(s) of the parameter(s) for which the Rayleigh quotient has a minimum.
Lecture 28 (Thu, Apr 26):
Rayleigh quotient (cont.):
study of the wave equation
u=u(x,t), (x,t)∈[0,1]×R+,
separation of variables, formulating a SL problem for the function X(x):
X(0)=0, X'(1)+X(1)=0;
Rayleigh quotient; noticing that all eigenvalues are non-negative,
and checking directly that 0 is not an eigenvalue;
finding a simple function to use in the Rayleigh quotient;
numerical results for the upper bound on λ1;
using the Rayleigh quotient if we do not know the exact function
ρ(x) that gives us the linear density of the string,
but just using that ρ(x)≤ρmax for some ρmax.
Lecture 29 (Tue, May 1):
Rayleigh quotient (cont.):
review of the integral theorems of Calculus:
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC), FTC for line integrals,
Stokes Theorem, Divergence Theorem;
example: wave equation in a 3-dimensional domain with Robin BCs,
separating variables, relating the time frequency with the eigenvalue
of the Sturm-Liouville problem coming from the spatial part;
specific estimates for the particular case of a ball with a given radius.
Lecture 30 (Thu, May 3):
Examples and general remarks:
experimental visualization of eigenfunctions:
Chladni figures
- nodal lines of the eigenfunctions of a vibrating plate,
see a video
of many eigenfunctions in a square plate;
on the side: the upside-down position of a pendulum can be made stable
by periodic vertical motions of the pivot - see a
difficult PDE problems -
free-boundary problems
occurring in description of water waves,
Korteweg-de Vries equation (KdV),
why are nonlinear PDEs so difficult to solve;
example: Laplace equation in a cylinder with zero Dirichlet BCs at the bottom and top
and an arbitrary Dirichlet BCs on the side wall - solution by separation of variables,
discretization of the separation of variables constants come from
the zero Dirichlet BCs for the function Z(z)
and from the 2π-periodicity of the function Θ(θ),
modified Bessel functions Im(x) and Km(x);
an important topic not covered in this class - Green's functions;
recommended literature: Chapter 6 and sections 7.3, 9.4, 12.3 from Olver's book [O]
(from the "Additional resources" above);
useful handbooks:
the National Institute of Science and Technology handbook
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions freely available online
M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun,
Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables,
freely available online here;
the general mathematical handbook of G. and T. Korn Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers
published by Dover.
Final Exam:
Tuesday, May 8, 1:30--3:30 p.m. in PHSC 100
Good to know: