The program INTEGRAL produces the left, right, midpointand trapezoidal sums for a function of your choice. In fact, it also gives you access to Simpson's Rule. You can also choose the endpoints of the subinterval and the number of subintervals. The program uses equal partitions of the original interval.
Program Listing INTEGRAL:
: ClrHome : Input "A=",A : Input "B=",B : Input "NUMBER=",N : 0->L : 0->M : (B-A)/2N->H : A->X : For(I,1,N) : Y1+M->M : X+H->X : End : Y1+L->R : A->X : R-Y1->R : 2LH->L : 2RH->R : 2MH->M : (L+R)/2->T : (T+2M)/3->S : Disp "LEFT=",L : Disp "RIGHT=",R : Pause : Disp "MID=",M : Disp "TRAP=",T : Disp "SIMP=",S : Stop : End
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