Program Listings for the TI-82

Below you will find a program which will enable you to calculate various Riemann sums and thereby obtain numerical approximations to integrals. The programs assume that the function you are interested in has already been stored as the variable Y1 (you can do this most easily by way of the graph button). This program is brought to you courtesy of Jarred Metoyer.

The program INTEGRAL produces the left, right, midpointand trapezoidal sums for a function of your choice. In fact, it also gives you access to Simpson's Rule. You can also choose the endpoints of the subinterval and the number of subintervals. The program uses equal partitions of the original interval.

Program Listing INTEGRAL:

: ClrHome
: Input "A=",A
: Input "B=",B
: Input "NUMBER=",N
: 0->L
: 0->M
: (B-A)/2N->H
: A->X
: For(I,1,N)
: Y1+M->M
: X+H->X : End : Y1+L->R
: A->X
: R-Y1->R
: 2LH->L
: 2RH->R
: 2MH->M
: (L+R)/2->T
: (T+2M)/3->S
: Disp "LEFT=",L
: Disp "RIGHT=",R
: Pause
: Disp "MID=",M
: Disp "TRAP=",T
: Disp "SIMP=",S
: Stop
: End

Send questions, comments, and suggestions to Professor Paul Goodey.

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