Software for Nielsen equivalence of generating pairs of SL(2,q)
(with Marcus Wanderley)
| --
GAP script for verification of the conjectures for q up to 101
Software for Writing elements of PSL(2,q) as commutators
(with Marcus Wanderley)
Software for Semisimple tunnels (with Sangbum Cho)*
Software for Roots of Dehn twists (with Kashyap Rajeevsarathy)*
| -- GAP
script for all calculations in the paper
Software for Tunnel leveling, depth, and bridge numbers (with Sangbum Cho)*
| -- Python
script for all calculations in the paper
Software for Constructing knot tunnels using giant steps (with Sangbum Cho)*
| -- Python
script for all calculations in the paper
Software for Cabling sequences for tunnels of torus knots
(with Sangbum Cho)*
Software for The tree of knot tunnels (with Sangbum Cho)*
| -- Python
script for all calculations in the paper.
| -- GAP
script to convert between principal slope invariant and
Scharlemann-Thompson invariant
STinvariant.hs -- Haskell
script to convert between principal slope invariant and
Scharlemann-Thompson invariant
TwoBridge.hs -- Haskell
script to calculate cabling slope sequences for two-bridge knot tunnels
*This work was supported in part by NSF grant DMS-0802424