Benjiman C. Tharp


Fall 2016

This semester, I am teaching two discussion sections, MATH1823-021 and MATH1823-022, for Dr. Grigo's Calculus and Analytic Geometry I class, MATH1823-020.  Students in these classes are advised to see the course page on the Canvas system for the most up-to-date information.

Office Hours:
M 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM and WF 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM in the Math Help Center (PHSC 0209), or by appointment.

Note that meetings with me which are scheduled outside of the times listed above will take place in my office, PHSC 1028.

Past Courses Taught at OU

2016: Calculus II (Spring)
2015: Calculus I (Spring); Calculus I (Summer); Accelerated Calculus III Discussions (Fall)
2014: Precalculus and Trigonometry, grader for Introduction to Abstract Algebra II (Spring); Calculus II (Summer); Calculus II Discussions (Fall)
2013: Calculus I Discussions (Spring); Calculus II (Summer); Precalculus for Business, Life and Social Sciences (Fall)
2012: Grader for Calculus III and Ordinary Differential Equations (Spring); Precalculus and Trigonometry (Fall)
2011: College Algebra (Spring); grader for Discrete Math and Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (Fall)
2010: College Algebra (Fall)