Benjiman C. Tharp


About Me

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oklahoma, working under the guidance of Dr. Jonathan Kujawa.  My research interests lie in the area of representation theory and naturally involve numerous other areas of mathematics including Lie theory, category theory, topology, and algebraic combinatorics.  I hold a B.S. and M.A. in mathematics from Murray State University.  Before drifting toward mathematics during my undergraduate studies, I completed a degree as well as several certifications in information technology.  In my spare time, I enjoy designing and building hi-fi audio components with a particular interest in amplifiers using JFETs, MOSFETs and vacuum tubes.

For further details about my academic career, see my curriculum vitae.

Contact Information

Office: Physical Sciences Center (PHSC) 1028 (at the end of the very short hallway numbered PHSC 1026 on the tenth floor of the tower)
E-mail: btharp - curvy a - math - dot - ou - dot - edu
Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019-3103