Math 1823 Honors Calculus I
Fall 2000
Important dates and facts
Office Hours: Mon. 11:30-12:30,
Tue. 12:30-1:30, Thu. 11:00-12:00 |
Quiz I: Solutions |
Midterm I: Solutions |
Quiz II: Solutions |
Midterm II: Solutions |
Quiz III: Solutions |
Midterm III: See below (Extra Hwks) |
Final Examination: Monday, December 11, 8:00am-10:00am in
PHSC 119 |
Course Handouts
- Final Review on Sunday from 2:30 unitl 4:30pm in 809PHSC.
Check your email for a list of topics.
- There are solutions to the extra homeworks on the homework page.
- You can peruse/photocopy solutions
to the homeworks in the Math/Chem library on
2nd floor of PHSC. Ask for the 1823-BRADY folder.