Math 4373/5373-001 Abstract Linear Algebra
Fall 2000
Important dates and facts
- Office Hours: Mon. 11:30-12:30,
Tue. 12:30-1:30, Thu. 11:00-12:00.
- Midterm I: Thursday, September 21.
- Midterm II: Thursday, October 26.
- Midterm III: due on Thursday, November 30.
- Final Examination: Monday, December 11, 1:30pm-3:30pm
in PHSC 121.
Course Handouts
- There is a Final Exam Review on Saturday from 6:00pm until
8:00pm in 809PHSC. Be there!
- There's an email for everyone in the class concerning the
final exam. Check your coursenet email.
- You guys have requested a copy of the class
notes to date.
- You can (if there is a class demand)
peruse/photocopy solutions
to the homeworks in the Math/Chem library on
2nd floor of PHSC. Ask for the 4373/5373-BRADY folder.
Currently, that folder contains solutions to Midterm I.