Math 6833 - 001     Topics in Topology         Spring 2004


[BH] M. R. Bridson and A. Haefliger, Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature
Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Vol. 319, Springer-Verlag (1999).
[C] J. Cannon, The theory of negatively curgved groups and spaces. Appears in:
Ergodic Theory, Symbolic Dynamics and Hyperbolic Spaces
T. Bedford, M. Keane, C. Series (eds.), Oxford Science Publications, (1991).
[GdelaH] E. Ghys, P. de la Harpe, Infinite groups as geometric objects. Appears in:
Ergodic Theory, Symbolic Dynamics and Hyperbolic Spaces
T. Bedford, M. Keane, C. Series (eds.), Oxford Science Publications, (1991).
