Geometry and Topology Seminar

The Geometry and Topology Seminar meets on Wednesday afternoons at 4:00pm CT in PHSC 1105. For more information about the seminar, contact Nick Miller.

Spring 2025

January 22
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Held for Interviews
January 29
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Held for Interviews
February 5
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Ricardo Mendes
University of Oklahoma
An extrinsic version of the generalized Blaschke conjecture
February 12
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Boris Apanasov
University of Oklahoma
Ergodic dynamics of uniform hyperbolic lattices on nontrivial 2-knots in \(S^4\)
February 19
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Spencer Dowdall
Vanderbilt University
February 26
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Travis Casey
University of Oklahoma
General Exam
March 5
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Matt Zaremsky
University at Albany
March 12
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Tomoya Tatsuno
University of Oklahoma
March 26
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Ekaterina (Kate) Rybak
Vanderbilt University
April 2
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Roy Arghadeep
University of Oklahoma
General Exam
April 9
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Sahana Balasubramanya
Lafayette College

Fall 2024

August 28
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Greg Muller
University of Oklahoma
From circles and dots to separating curves in genus 2
September 4
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Xiaolong Li
Wichita State University
New sphere theorems under curvature operator of the second kind.
September 11
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Boris Apanasov
University of Oklahoma
Locally negatively curved manifolds: rigidity of deformations and ergodicity
September 18
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Matthew Stover
Temple University
One-cusped negatively curved manifolds
September 25
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Nicholas Miller
University of Oklahoma
On signatures of the atoroidal bundles of Kent–Leininger
October 2
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Bach Tran
University of Oklahoma
Isoparametric Foliations on Complex Projective Spaces.
October 9
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Ken Richardson
Texas Christian University
Morphing Metrics and Mean Curvature
October 16
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Held for DLS
October 23
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Max Forester
University of Oklahoma
Finite-index graphs of groups and accessibility
October 30
4:00pm (CDT)
PHSC 1105
Denis Osin
Vanderbilt University
Classifying group actions on hyperbolic spaces
November 6
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Pablo Portilla
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Vanishing arcs for isolated plane curve singularities
November 13
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Catherine Searle
Wichita State University
On Fixed-Point Sets of \(\mathbb{Z}_2\)-Tori in Positive Curvature
November 20
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Jay Lane
University of Oklahoma
Action Rigidity for Free Products of Hyperbolic Manifold Groups
December 4
4:00pm (CST)
PHSC 1105
Noah Torgerson
University of Oklahoma
Untwisted Outer Space for Right Angled Artin Groups
Show semesters preceding Fall 2024