RUME Seminar
Spring 2025
March 31
2:00pm (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Sayantan Santra
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of RUME conference proceeding: "Students’ Perceptions of Differences Between Physics and Mathematics Classes" |
March 24
2:00pm (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Anna Mikulo
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of "The need for 'linearity' of deductive logic: An examination of expert and novice proving processes." |
March 3
2:00pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
All attendees of RUME Conference
University of Oklahoma | Recap and best parts of the RUME conference |
February 24
2:00pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
Sepideh Stewart and Caleb Judkins
University of Oklahoma | Computer-Verified Linear Algebra Proofs With Programming in MATLAB |
February 17
2:00pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
James White
University of Oklahoma | A Relationship Between Actor-Oriented Transfer and Mathematics Self-Efficacy |
February 10
2:00pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
Anna Mikulo
University of Oklahoma | "When I Write in English, It Doesn't Touch My Heart": Bilingual Graduate Students' Language Switching in Mathematical Understanding |
February 3
2:00pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
Ryan Peffer
Washington State University | Learning Linear Algebra Through Instrumentation of Interactive Figures: Analysis of Student Generated Mathematical Observations and Conjectures |
Fall 2024
December 5
10:30am (CST) Zoom |
Ryan Gueli
University of Oklahoma | Critical Visualizations of Calculus 1 Student Success |
November 21
10:30am (CST) Zoom |
James White
University of Oklahoma | Actor-Oriented Transfer of Self-Efficacy |
November 14
10:30am (CST) Zoom |
Steven Boyce
Portland State University | Calculus Students' Conceptual Structures |
October 31
10:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Shifts in Math Teaching Beliefs and Values through a Focus on Creativity: The Case of Jo Parker |
October 24
10:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Kaitlyn Serbin
U. of Texas Rio Grande Valley | Secondary Teachers’ Guided Reinvention of Unique Factorization Domains with Connections to Teaching |
October 17
10:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Cameron Byerley
U. of Georgia | POSTPONED UNTIL NOV 14 |
October 10
10:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Paul Dawkins & Dov Zazkis
Texas State U. & Arizona State U. | Leveraging Reading Psychology Methodology to Study Reading of Mathematical Proof |
October 3
10:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Jessica Gehrtz
U. of Texas at San Antonio | How are undergraduate STEM instructors leveraging student thinking in their teaching? |
September 26
10:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Zack Reed, Michael Tallman & Michael Oehrtman
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U, Oklahoma State U. & Oklahoma State U. | Assessing Productive Meanings in Calculus |
September 19
10:30am (CDT) Zoom |
George Kuster, Sarah Hartman & Nick Fortune
Christopher Newport U., Middle Tennessee State U. & Western Kentucky U. | Lesson Planning Practices of Undergraduate Mathematics Instructors: What Do We Know? |
September 12
10:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Brian Rickard
U. of Arkansas | Quantitative Research Methods in RUME Literature |
September 5
10:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Megan Ryals & Morgan Sellers
U. of Virginia & Colorado Mesa U. | Qualitative Methods in Analyzing Students' Logical Reasoning in Probability |
August 29
10:00am (CDT) Zoom |
Deborah Moore-Russo
| SIGMAA RUME Annual Business Meeting |
Show semesters preceding Fall 2024
Spring 2024
April 26
12:30pm (CDT) Room 430 |
Jessi Lajos
Utah State University | An Updated Conceptualization of the Intuition Construct for Mathematics Education Research |
April 19
12:30pm (CDT) Room 430 |
Cory Wilson
Oklahoma State University | A Review of Literature on Student Conceptions and Understandings of Equivalence |
April 12
12:30pm (CDT) Room 430 |
April Richardson
Oklahoma State University | Students’ reasoning about equivalence with functions and non-functions in Abstract Algebra |
March 29
12:30pm (CDT) 430 |
Stepan Paul (North Carolina State University), Dusty Grundmeier (The Ohio State University), & Deborah Moore-Russo (University of Oklahoma)
| 3D Manipulatives in Integral Calculus: Student Achievement and Confidence in Solids of Revolution Tasks |
March 15
12:30pm (CDT) Room 430 |
Tomoya Tatsuno
University of Oklahoma | Teachers’ Mistakes as an Instructional Tool: Mistake Game |
March 8
12:30pm (CST) Room 430 |
| Lesson Planning Practices of Undergraduate Mathematics Instructors: What Do We Know? |
March 1
12:30pm (CST) 430 |
| RUME Conference Reflections |
February 16
12:30pm (CST) 430 |
Jeff Meyer , Sepideh Stewart, Avery Madden
CSU San Bernardino & OU | Teaching Proofs in a Second Linear Algebra Course: A Mathematician’s Resources, Orientations, Goals, and Continual Decision Makings |
February 9
12:30pm (CST) 430 |
Paul Regier, Ashley Berger, Allison Dorko
USAO, OU, OSU | Instructor and Coordinator Perspectives within First-Year Mathematics Courses |
February 2
12:30pm (CST) Room 430 |
Ryan Peffer
Washington State University | Using CAS to Promote Students’ Ways of Thinking Through Observation and Conjectures: The Case of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors |
January 26
12:30pm (CST) 430 |
Anna Mikulo & Caleb Judkins
University of Oklahoma | |
January 19
12:30pm (CST) Room 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Teaching and RUME with (or without) Generative AI |
Fall 2023
December 7
10:30am (CST) Room 430 |
Jonathan Troup
California State University Bakersfield (CSUB) | Visualizing Triple Integral Bounds via Embodied and Symbolic Reasoning in Virtual Reality |
November 30
10:30am (CST) PHSC 430 |
Lucas Yong
University of Oklahoma | Overview of Sinclair & Gol Tabaghi’s Paper: Drawing space: mathematicians’ kinetic conceptions of eigenvectors |
November 16
10:30am (CST) PHSC430 |
Ryan Peffer
Washington State University | Incorporating Digital Interactive Figures: Facilitating Student Exploration Into Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors |
November 9
10:30am (CST) PHSC 430 |
Caleb Judkins
University of Oklahoma | |
November 2
10:30am (CDT) Room 430 |
Anna Mikulo
University of Oklahoma | |
October 26
10:30am (CDT) 430 |
Paul Dawkins
Texas State University | A research-based approach to teaching logic and proof techniques for undergraduate introduction to proofs |
October 19
10:30am (CDT) Room 430 |
Richard Velasco
University of Oklahoma, Department of Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum | Reimagining and Rehumanizing Mathematics for a Math Teacher Education Program |
October 12
10:30am (CDT) Room 430 |
Maria Meehan
University College Dublin, Ireland | Video recordings to complement, or substitute for, the first-year mathematics lecture: One lecturer’s journey |
September 28
10:30am (CDT) Room 430 |
Jeff Meyer
California State University, San Bernardino | Productive and Impactful Meanings in Linear Algebra |
September 21
10:30am (CDT) 430 |
Jessi Lajos
Utah State University | |
September 14
10:30am (CDT) Room 430 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Collaboration within the mathematics community |
September 7
10:30am (CDT) 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | An analysis of data analysis: An example of a RUME qualitative study |
August 31
10:30am (CDT) Room 430 |
Deborah Moore-Russo
University of Oklahoma | |
August 24
10:30am (CDT) Room 430 |
| Introduction to Math Education Seminars- Fall 2023 |
Spring 2023
May 4
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Lucas Yong
University of Oklahoma | Overview of Zandieh et al.'s Paper: Exploring everyday examples to explain basis: Insights into student understanding from students in Germany |
April 27
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Mae Glock
University of Oklahoma | Review of the paper "Analyzing the Nature of University Students’ Difficulties with Algebra in Calculus: Students’ Voices during Problem Solving" |
April 20
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Heather Johnson, Gary Olsen, Belin Tsinnajinnie, Livvia Bechtold
University of Colorado-Denver, University of Colorado-Denver, West Ed, University of Colorado-Denver | Boundary Transitions Within, Across, and Beyond a Set of Digital Resources: Brokering in College Algebra |
April 13
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Antonio Estevan Martinez, Jessica Gehrtz, Chris Rasmussen, Talia LaTona-Tequida, Kristen Vroom
San Diego State, University of Texas-San Antonio, San Diego State, San Diego State, Oregon State | Course Coordinator Orientations Toward their Work and Opportunities for Professional Development |
April 6
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Sean Yee, Jessica Deshler, Kimberly Cervello Rogers, Robert Petrulis, Christopher Potvin, James Sweeney
University of South Carolina, West Virginia University, Bowling Green, EPRE Consulting, Michigan State, Coker College | Bridging the gap between observation protocols and formative feedback |
March 30
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Alisa Ediger
University of Oklahoma | Overview of Marzocchi & Soto's Paper: From the front lines of active learning: Lessons learned from those who are trying |
March 23
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Sajal Halder
University of Oklahoma | Overview of Martsching's Paper: Students’ Mathematical Reasoning With and About Representations |
March 9
2:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Allison Dorko and John Paul Cook
Oklahoma State University | A Case Study of Why Three Students Learned from Homework Instead of Lecture |
March 2
2:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Keith Gallagher & Nicole Engelke Infante
University of Nebraska-Omaha | The Role of Visual Representations in Identifying Key Ideas: A Case Study from Topology |
February 16
2:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Rachel Funk, Karina Uhing, Molly Williams
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Murray State University | A Snapshot of Three Studies: Conceptualizing and Connecting Active Learning (AL) and Equitable and Inclusive Teaching (EIT) in Undergraduate Mathematics |
February 9
2:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Qualitative Research Methods in Mathematics Education |
February 2
2:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Stinson (2020) and Reflection on Worldviews |
January 26
2:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Deborah Moore-Russo
University of Oklahoma | Recognizing the Rhythm of Writing and Presenting Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education |
Fall 2022
December 8
1:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Milos Savic and Cory Wilson
University of Oklahoma | Comparing Student and Instructor Perspectives of Teaching Actions to Foster Creativity |
November 17
1:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Sajal Halder
University of Oklahoma | Counterexamples and Refutations in Undergraduate Mathematics |
November 3
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Jessica Lajos
Colorado State University | Planting Seeds through Embodiment to Teach Formal Concepts of Abstract Algebra |
October 27
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Alisa Ediger
University of Oklahoma | Can discussion boards disrupt gendered and racialized discussion patterns in math classes? |
October 20
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Deborah Moore-Russo
University of Oklahoma | A Study of the Consistency in New York State First Year Math Exams |
October 13
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
| Making Mathematics Meaningful for All Students: An Exploration of Self-Efficacy in Teaching Mathematics |
September 29
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
| A Quantitative Critical Analysis of Instructional Practices and Math Identity |
September 22
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
| Confronting Abstraction: An Analysis of Mathematicians’ Concept Images and Definitions |
September 15
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
| How Students Learn Math Best: Tutors’ Beliefs about Themselves Versus Their Tutees |
September 8
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Meijun Zhu
University of Oklahoma | How to prepare for college math |
September 1
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
| Department's Openness to Change. A Study from Calculus Instructors' Perceptions |
August 25
1:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Seminar - Introduction |
Spring 2022
April 25
2:00pm (CDT) Zoom |
Kate Raymond
University of Oklahoma | Preparing Pre-Service Teachers of Mathematics to Choose Tasks |
April 18
2:00pm (CDT) Zoom |
Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | Lessons learned from an exponential learning module |
April 11
2:00pm (CDT) Zoom |
Milos Savic and Houssein El Turkey
University of Oklahoma, University of New Haven | Designing Calculus Tasks to Foster Creative Mathematical Thinking |
March 28
2:00pm (CDT) Zoom |
Michael Oehrtman
Oklahoma State University | Advanced Students’ Operationalization of Quantification in Analysis |
March 21
2:00pm (CDT) Zoom |
Josiah Ireland
Oklahoma State University | Investigating the pedagogical practices of a mathematics instructor participating in an inquiry-oriented professional development initiative: An exploratory case study |
March 7
2:00pm (CST) Zoom |
Deborah Moore-Russo
University of Oklahoma | Framing Research: A Self-Study of Theoretical Frameworks Used in Recent Months |
February 28
2:00pm (CST) Zoom |
Jeffrey Meyer
California State University, San Bernardino | Dynamic Visualizations in Linear Algebraic Reasoning |
February 21
2:00pm (CST) Zoom |
| What’s the Norm? Instructors Justify their Active Learning Moves and Decisions |
February 14
2:00pm (CST) Zoom |
| Influences on Problem Solving Practices of Emerging Mathematicians |
February 7
2:00pm (CST) Zoom |
| A Preservice Teacher’s Experience of Mathematical Research |
January 31
2:00pm (CST) Zoom |
| Preservice secondary teachers’ reasoning about static and dynamic representations of function |
January 24
2:00pm (CST) Zoom |
Fall 2021
November 17
2:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Thembinkosi (Peter) Mkhatshwa
Miami University Ohio | Investigating Students’ Thinking about Fundamental Concepts/Topics in Calculus Through the Lens of Quantitative and Covariational Reasoning |
November 10
2:30pm (CST) Zoom |
Dr. Mollee Shultz
Texas State University | Instructional Decision-Making around Inquiry-Oriented Instructional Practices and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy |
November 3
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Dr. Kaitlyn Serbin
University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley | Prospective Teachers’ Understanding of Connections Between Inverses, Identities, and Binary Operations |
October 27
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
V. Rani Satyam
Virginia Commonwealth University | Affect Graphing: Leveraging Graphical Representations in the Study of Students' Affect in Mathematics |
October 20
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Amanda Lake Heath
Middle Tennessee State University | Collaborative Creativity in Proving: Adapting a Measurement Tool for Group Use |
October 13
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Micah Godfrey
University of Oklahoma | Proof and Problem Solving: an Article Review |
September 29
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Antonio Martinez
San Diego State University | Exploring Factors that Contribute to the Development of One’s Mathematical Identity |
September 22
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Dr. Alison Mirin
University of Arizona | Disability Accommodations in College: Alarming Discrimination in Mathematics |
September 15
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Dr. Estrella Johnson
Virginia Tech | Undergraduate Math and Science Instructor’s Attitudes, Beliefs, and Views on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity |
September 1
2:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Miloš Savić
University of Oklahoma | RUME - PhD, MS, and Departmental Teaching Certificate |
Spring 2021
May 7
9:00am (CDT) Zoom |
Jessica Lajos
University of Oklahoma | Abstract Algebra Students' Representational Fluency during a Collapsing Structure Task |
April 30
9:00am (CDT) Zoom |
Anthony Cronin & Sepideh Stewart
University College Dublin & OU | An Analysis of Tutors’ Responses to Linear Algebra Students’ Queries in a Mathematics Center |
April 23
9:00am (CDT) Zoom |
Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | The "Knowing How" of Topology |
April 16
9:00am (CDT) Zoom |
Courtney Nagle & Pat Kelly
Penn State Behrend | Self-Assessment and Reflection in Precalculus and Calculus |
April 9
8:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Nicole Infante
West Virginia University | How Gesture Facilitates Diagram Construction and Problem Solving (Note the earlier start time) |
March 26
9:00am (CDT) Zoom |
Lora Park
University at Buffalo, SUNY (Department of Psychology) | Giving Feedback to College Students in Math: Insights from the Lab to the Real-World |
March 19
9:00am (CDT) Zoom |
Aaron Weinberg
Ithaca College | Student Learning from Instructional Calculus Videos |
March 12
9:00am (CST) Zoom |
Nick Long and Steven Jones
Stephen F. Austin University and Brigham Young University | Calculus in Virtual Reality: Studying VR Resources as Lessons and Manipulatives |
February 26
9:00am (CST) Zoom |
Rafael Martinez Planell
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez | Student Understanding of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions |
February 19
9:00am (CST) Zoom |
Kaki Simmons
Arizona State | Sign Language Variation and Iconicity in Undergraduate Mathematics |
February 12
9:00am (CST) Zoom |
Deborah Moore-Russo
University of Oklahoma | Theoretical Framing of Digital Resource Use in Mathematics Education |
Fall 2020
December 11
8:30am (CST) Zoom |
Jessica Lajos
University of Oklahoma | A Methodology that Incorporates a New Survey Instrument to Characterize Non-creative versus Creative Forms of Intuition |
November 13
8:30am (CST) Zoom |
Doug Corey
Brigham Young University | On A Knowledge Base for Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics |
November 6
8:30am (CST) Zoom |
Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | Portfolio Assignments in First-Year Mathematics: An alternative to exams |
October 16
8:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Deborah Moore-Russo
University of Oklahoma | University Calculus Students' Understanding of Slope |
October 9
8:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Jeffrey Meyer
California State University, San Bernardino | Learning Through the Triad: Cryptography, Number Theory, and Programming |
September 18
8:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Calculus Students’ Definitions of Mathematical Creativity and its Association to Power |
September 11
8:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Linear Algebra Thinking in the Embodied, Symbolic and Formal Worlds |
September 4
8:30am (CDT) Zoom |
Željka Milin Šipuš
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, EU | Students’ understanding of geometrical objects (curves and surfaces) in multidimensional analysis |
Spring 2020
April 27
12:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Rosaura Uscanga Lomeli
Oklahoma State University | REMINDER: An Investigation of Students’ Thinking about Functions in Abstract Algebra |
April 20
12:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
Erica R. Miller, Kimberly C. Rogers, Sean P. Yee
Virginia Commonwealth University; Bowling Green State University; University of South Carolina | Analyzing Collegiate Mathematics Observation Protocols: Attending to the Instructional Triangle and Inquiry-Based Mathematics Education Practices |
April 6
12:30pm (CDT) Zoom |
V. Rani Satyam
Virginia Commonwealth University | Affective Pathways of Undergraduate Students While Engaged in Proof Construction Tasks |
March 23
12:30pm (CDT) Online |
Math Department
University of Oklahoma | Checking In |
March 9
12:35pm (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Shifting Pedagogical Beliefs into Action Through Teaching for Mathematical Creativity |
February 24
12:35pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Linear Algebra Thinking in the Embodied, Symbolic and Formal Worlds: Students' Reasoning behind Preferring certain Worlds |
February 17
12:30pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | Examining the Qualities of Schema in Topology |
February 10
12:35pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
Jessica Lajos
University of Oklahoma | A Tour of Cognitive Transformations of Semiotic Representations in Advanced Mathematical Thinking |
February 3
12:35pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Undergraduate Learning Assistants and Mathematical Discourse in Active-Learning Precalculus |
January 27
12:30pm (CST) PHSC 430 |
Paul Regier
| The Impact of Creativity-Fostering Instruction on Student Self-efficacy in Upper-level Undergraduate Mathematics |
Fall 2019
December 4
4:00pm (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
| Reflecting on Mathematics Education Research on Calculus |
November 20
4:00pm (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Deborah Moore-Russo
University of Oklahoma | Introduction to the APOS-Slope Framework |
November 13
4:00pm (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Paul Regier
University of Oklahoma | How problem posing can impact student motivation: a case study |
November 6
4:00pm (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Discussion of two papers on calculus
| Transition-oriented pedagogies in university calculus; Designing textbooks |
October 30
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Discussion of two papers on calculus
| Calculus as a discursive bridge for Algebra, Geometry and Analysis; The dual nature of reasoning in Calculus |
October 23
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
| Discussion of Törner and Sangwin's papers |
October 16
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Examining unresolved difficulties with school algebra in calculus |
October 9
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Discussion of two papers on calculus
| |
October 2
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Discussion of Chris Rasmussen et al. paper
University of Oklahoma | Research on Calculus: what do we know and where do we need to go? |
September 25
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | Examining the Qualities of Schema in Topology |
September 18
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Discussion of Wangberg and Viirman's papers
| Raising Calculus to the Surface; What to do when there is no formula? |
September 11
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Discussion of Monaghan and Nilsen's papers
| The place of limits in elementary calculus courses; Reflections on the FTC |
September 4
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Discussion of Pat Thompson's paper
| Making the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Fundamental to Students' Calculus |
August 28
4:00pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
David Tall (via video)
University of Warwick | Making Human Sense of Calculus |
Spring 2019
April 29
3:00 - 4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Ben Gochanour
University of Oklahoma | Investigating Math Motivation and Math Anxiety in Undergraduates |
April 22
3:00 - 4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Allison Dorko
Oklahoma State University | Red X's and Green Checks: A Preliminary Model of Student Learning from Online Homework |
April 15
3:00 - 4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Andrew Lutz
University of Oklahoma | Reflection on Teaching Philosophy |
April 8
3:00 - 4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Future of RUME seminar - Talk by Allison Dorko CANCELLED |
April 2
3:30 - 4:30 PM (CDT) LL123 Bizzell Library |
Roger Howe
Yale University | Teachers' Institutes |
March 11
3:00 - 4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
RUME Conference Participants
University of Oklahoma | Reflections on the RUME conference |
March 4
3:00 - 4:00 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Kerstin Pettersson
Stockholm University, Sweden | Small-groups teaching in university mathematics – what did the students learn? |
February 25
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
John Paul Cook
Oklahoma State University | Monster-barring as a Catalyst for Connecting Secondary Algebra to Abstract Algebra |
February 18
3:00-4:00 (CST) PHSC 430 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Examining unresolved difficulties with school algebra in calculus |
February 4
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Katherine (Kaki) Simmons
University of Oklahoma | Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students’ Perspectives on Undergraduate Mathematics Experience |
January 28
3:00 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Paul Regier
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Problem Posing and Self-Determination Theory |
January 14
3:00 - 4:00 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | The 3 dimensions of fostering creativity in the classroom |
Fall 2018
November 19
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Andrew Lutz & Deborah Moore-Russo
University of Oklahoma | MAA's Instructional Practices & AMATYC's recent IMPACT document |
November 5
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Andrew Lutz
University of Oklahoma | MAA's Suggested Instructional Practices to Foster Engagement |
October 25
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Andrew Lutz
University of Oklahoma | MAA Suggested Instructional Practices to Foster Engagement |
October 15
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Insights and Recommendations from the MAA's National Calculus Study |
October 1
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Andrew Lutz
University of Oklahoma | Overview of Standards for the First Two Years of College Math |
September 17
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Deb Moore-Russo
University of Oklahoma | Recent History of Standards Movements in Math Education in the US |
August 20
1:30 PM - 3:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
OU RUME group
| RUME Seminar Organization |
Spring 2018
April 23
12:30 - 1:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Roundtable Session
University of Oklahoma | Best of 2018 |
April 2
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Andrew Lutz
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Questions in the Classroom article |
March 26
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Kyle McConnell
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of the Role of Evaluation in Research-Practice Integration |
March 12
12:30 - 1:30 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Examining Intersections of Inquiry, Equity, and Creativity |
March 5
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of the RUME Paper "Didactical Disciplinary Literacy" |
February 26
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
RUME Conference Participants
University of Oklahoma | Debriefing of the 21st Annual RUME Conference |
February 19
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | Schema Development in an Introductory Topology Proof |
February 12
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Sepideh Stewart and Jonathan Troup
University of Oklahoma | Teaching Linear Algebra: Modeling One Instructor’s Decisions to Move between the Worlds of Mathematical Thinking |
February 5
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Paul Regier
University of Oklahoma | How may Fostering Creativity build Student Self-efficacy for Proving? |
January 29
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Productive Failures: From Pedagogical Requirement to Peer-Led Support Group |
January 22
12:30 PM - 1:20 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Interactive Discussion on Slightly Changing Tasks to Promote Mathematical Creativity |
Fall 2017
December 4
2:30-3:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
November 20
2:30-3:20 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
November 13
2:30-3:20 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
November 6
2:30-3:20 (CST) Room 430 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
October 30
2:30-3:20 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
October 23
2:30-3:20 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
October 16
2:30-3:20 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
October 9
2:30-3:20 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics--Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence |
October 2
2:30-3:20 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics: Reification as the Birth of Metaphor |
September 25
2:30-3:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
September 18
2:30-3:20 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
September 11
2:30-3:20 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion with Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
August 28
2:30-3:20 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
University of Oklahoma | Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics |
August 21
2:30-3:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
Spring 2017
May 1
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion-- Moderator: Kyle McConnell
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level |
April 24
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion -- Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level |
April 17
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion-- Moderator: Molly Beauchamp
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level |
April 10
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion-- Moderator: Mollie Mills-Weis
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level |
April 3
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion-- Moderator: Casey Haskins
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level |
March 27
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion-- Moderator: Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level |
March 20
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion -- Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Reflection on Mathematics Education Research at University Level |
March 6
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion -- Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level -- Part 7 |
February 27
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion -- Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level -- Part 6 |
February 20
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion -- Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level -- Part 5 |
February 17
1:30 pm-2:20 pm (CST) HCLC Community Room, Rm. 118 , Lower Level 1, Bizzell Memorial Library |
Jonathan Troup
University of Oklahoma | Developing Students’ Reasoning about the Derivative of Complex-Valued Functions with the Aid of Geometer’s Sketchpad (GSP) |
February 13
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion -- Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Mathematics Education Research at University Level -- Part 4 |
February 6
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion -- Moderator: Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | The State of Mathematics Education Research at University Level -- Part 3 |
January 30
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Round Table Discussion-- Moderator: Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | The State of Mathematics Education Research at University Level -- Part 2 |
January 23
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | The State of Mathematics Education Research at University Level |
Fall 2016
December 5
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Rebecca Thomas
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Visualization paper |
November 28
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Blog post on Examples |
November 21
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Rebecca Thomas
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Blind Mathematicians Paper |
November 16
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Rebecca Thomas
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Blind Mathematicians Paper |
November 14
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Balance in instruction |
November 7
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Bryant Wilson
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Remedial Math and Quantitative Courses paper |
October 31
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Mahesh Sunkula
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Teaching Methods Comparison of a Large Calculus Course |
October 24
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of the Benny paper |
October 17
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Ore Adekoya
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Proof and Problem Solving, Part 2 |
October 10
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Ore Adekoya
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Proof and Problem Solving at the University Level, Part 1 |
October 3
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Kim Karlic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Textbooks and Continuity |
September 26
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Mahesh Sunkula
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Time Constraints and Calculus Teaching paper |
September 19
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Kim Karlic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of "Ways in which engaging in someone else's reasoning is productive" |
September 12
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Jieru Zhu
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of "Student connections among counting problems: an exploration using actor-oriented transfer" |
August 29
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Two Implementations of Teaching Mathematical Creativity in Proving paper |
August 22
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Introduction and discussion of "Secret Mathematical Menu" |
Spring 2016
May 2
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | A time for reflection: Highlights from some of the papers we discussed this semester!! |
April 25
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussing the paper, titled: Ways in which engaging in someone elses reasoning is productive |
April 11
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Ashley Berger
University of Oklahoma | Resequencing Skills and Concepts in Applied Calculus Using the Computer as a Tool |
April 4
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Contemplating visualization as an epistemological learning tool in mathematics |
March 28
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Jimmy Tran
University of Oklahoma, Department of Psychology | The four A's of Technology and Pedagogy |
March 21
12:30-1:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Rebecca Thomas
University of Oklahoma | Types of Visual-Spatial Representations and Mathematical Problem Solving |
March 7
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Kim Do
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of the paper byJennifer E. Szydlik and Carol E. Seaman |
February 29
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
RUME Conference attendees
| Highlights from the 2016 RUME Conference |
February 22
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Physics: Bridging the embodied and symbolic worlds of mathematical thinking |
February 15
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
David Plaxco
University of Oklahoma | Re-claiming during proof production |
February 8
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Jieru Zhu
University of Oklahoma | With an Eye on the Mathematical Horizon: Dilemmas of Teaching Elementary School Mathematics. Jieru Zhu will lead the discussion of the paper by Deborah Ball. The paper can be downloaded from:!111&authkey=!AL1SQIAlCJ1H4yI&ithint=file%2cpdf |
February 1
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
January 25
12:30-1:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | The Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU) Framework |
Fall 2015
December 7
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Rebecca Thomas
University of Oklahoma | Presentation of "Two Proving Strategies of Highly Successful Math Majors" by Zazkis et al. |
November 30
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | How much time do students spend on homework in a proof-based inquiry-based learning course? PLUS BONUS TALK! |
November 23
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Mahesh Sunkula
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Tall's Visualization Paper |
November 16
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Oreoluwa Adekoya
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Pre-Calculus Teaching Paper |
November 9
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | TALK CANCELLED THIS WEEK |
November 2
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of a Meta-Analysis of Learning Styles Literature |
October 26
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Emotional Experiences in Linear Algebra |
October 19
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Dania Sheaib
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Visualization Paper |
October 12
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Visualization Paper |
October 5
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of the Teaching Episode of Geometry Proof and Focus Group Feedback |
September 28
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Exhaustion Leads to Paperless Talk: The Case of the OK RUME Conference Organizer |
September 21
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Fostering Mathematical Curiosity paper |
September 14
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of the Student Resistance paper |
August 31
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of "Benefits of IBL Instruction for Women and Men" article |
August 24
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Introduction Meeting |
Spring 2015
April 28
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Ely and Adams "What is x?" paper |
April 21
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 228 (NOTE THE PLACE) |
Rebecca Thomas
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of The Language of Mathematics Book |
April 14
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Teaching with Diagrams paper |
April 7
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Salam Turki
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of APOS Article |
March 31
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Salam Turki
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Creativity Crisis Paper |
March 24
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Henderson Paper |
March 10
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Talented Tertiary Students Paper |
March 6
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Chris Rasmussen
San Diego State University | Discussion of RUME Research |
March 5
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Chris Rasmussen
San Diego State University | Findings from a National Study of Calculus I Programs |
February 24
2:00 - 3:00 (CST) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Recap of RUME Conference (Optional due to weather) |
February 10
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Linear algebra in the three worlds of mathematical thinking: The effect of permuting worlds on students' performance |
February 3
2:00 - 3:00 (CST) PHSC 430 |
Tetsuya Yamamoto
University of Oklahoma | Students' difficulties with the opening stage in proof construction |
January 27
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CST) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Article on Conditional Inference |
Fall 2014
December 2
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Tetsuya Yamamoto
University of Oklahoma | A model of the Structure of Proof Construction |
November 4
2:00 - 3:00 (NOTE THE TIME!) (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Didactical Contract paper |
October 21
4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of paper by Kung and Speer (2009) |
October 14
4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Schoenfeld's Article |
October 7
2:00 - 3:00 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Edwards: Students (Mis)Use of Definition |
September 30
4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Maher and Martino (1996) |
September 23
4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Creativity-in-Progress Rubric on Proving |
September 18
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Stacy Brown
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona | Karcher Colloquium Talk |
September 9
4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of the Dr. T paper |
September 2
2:00 - 3:00 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of Kirschner (2006) "Why minimal guidance in instruction does not work" |
August 19
4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 430 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Discussion of the Calculus paper |
Spring 2014
April 30
3:30-4:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
John Paul Cook
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma | Struggling to Notice and Comprehend the Zero-Product Property |
April 23
3:30-4:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Andrew Bucki
Langston University | New Educational Program in Mathematics For STEM-C |
April 9
3:30-4:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Ralf Schmidt
March 5
3:30-4:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Semion Gutman
University of Oklahoma | Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics |
February 19
3:30-4:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Eric Abraham
University of Oklahoma | Blended Courses for Introductory Physics |
January 22
3:30-4:30 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | How can we (or should we) assess undergraduate students creativity? |
Fall 2013
November 15
5:00-6:00 pm (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Clarissa Thompson
University of Oklahoma | Numerical landmarks are useful, except when they are not. |
November 8
5:00-6:00 pm (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Thomas Madsen
University of Oklahoma | Concept image and concept definition in mathematics |
November 1
5:00-6:00 pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Misun Lee
University of Oklahoma | Understanding an Instructors Teaching Resources in Calculus |
October 25
5:00-6:00 pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Rebecca Thomas
University of Oklahoma | Designing a Proofs Class--Some Thoughts |
October 18
5:00-6:00 pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Jeff Meyer
University of Oklahoma | Analysis Of Classroom Objectives: Conception to Perception |
October 4
5:00-6:00 pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Milos Savic
University of Oklahoma | Mathematicians views on transition-to-proof and advanced mathematics courses |
September 27
5:00-6:00 pm (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Tetsuya Yamamoto
University of Oklahoma | Analyzing Students' Difficulties with Proof Construction |
September 20
4:00 PM (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Annie Selden
New Mexico State University | Lessons Learned from a Career in Mathematics Education Research |
Spring 2013
April 22
4:30-5:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Henry Zepeda
University of Oklahoma | Quantification and Axiomatic Structure in Medieval Commentaries on Ptolemy's Almagest |
March 11
4:45-5:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Kansas Conrady
University of Oklahoma | Promoting metacognitive development in the mathematics classroom |
March 5
4:30-5:30 (CST) PHSC 416 |
Dr. Ji Hong
University of Oklahoma | A longitudinal case study exploring perceived discrepancies between math teachers beliefs and practices. |
January 28
4:30-5:20 (CST) PHSC 1105 |
Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Taking clickers to the next level: A contingent teaching model |
Fall 2012
September 10
1:30 - 2:30 (CDT) PHSC 1105 |
Dr. Sepideh Stewart
University of Oklahoma | Emphasising Language and Visualisation in Teaching Linear Algebra |