Cambrian combinatorics on quiver representations

event Friday, December 4, 2020
access_time 3:30pm (CST)
room Zoom
free_breakfast Tea at 4:30pm (CST) on Zoom

Abstract: (Sorry for the last-minute email. No worries if you cannot make it!) We will present a geometric model of the Auslander--Reiten quiver of a type A quiver together with a stability function for which all indecomposable modules are stable. We also introduce a new Catalan object which we call a maximal almost rigid representation. We define a partial order on the set of maximal almost rigid representations and use our new geometric model to show that this partial order is a Cambrian lattice. If there is time, we will discuss a connection to the biCambrian lattice of diagonal rectangulations (which are counted by the Baxter numbers). This is based on joint work with E. Barnard, E. Meehan, and R. Schiffler.

For more information on this event, please contact Emily Gunawan.