Being a reflective teacher

event Monday, March 27, 2023
access_time 5:30pm (CDT)
room PHSC 1105
info Pizza will be served after the talk!

Abstract: You are at the beginning of your careers as mathematicians and as educators. How will you develop and grow as mathematics instructors? In this talk, we will discuss some strategies, practices, and resources that will help you evolve as an instructor. We will discuss different sources of information about your teaching that you might use, including (but not limited to) student feedback on the end-of-course survey or a mid-semester survey, a peer observation, and student performance on assessments. You should be intentional about your teaching, using evidence-backed practices, and assess what works and what doesn’t in a meaningful way. We will also talk about keeping track of your efforts and using that to write a narrative about your teaching when you apply for a job.

For more information on this event, please contact Lucas Yong.