Information about Exam I — Exam I will be held in the usual room at the usual class time, on Wednesday February 17. It will start promptly at the beginning of the class period, so make sure you're on time. The test will cover sections 1.1 - 1.6. Note that in section 1.6 we did not cover the part on "Exact Differential Equations" on pages 64-67, so this will not be covered on the exam.
The test will have four or five problems, possibly with several parts each. It will be graded with a total of 60 points.
The following topics are likely to be covered, though the exam is not limited to these topics:
You do not need to memorize difficult integration formulas or trig formulas. If these are needed, I will provide a table for you. You are expected to know the basics, however.
Advice: I recommend first reviewing homework problems from each section. You should have done all the assigned problems at the very least, and trying others as well is a good idea. If you get one wrong, don't skip ahead, but tackle it right away and find out how it works. There may be a similar example worked out in the book, or among one of our graded problems, or you can try getting help. There are also extra problems at the end of each chapter, under the heading "Review Problems" which are worth looking at.
When it comes time for the test itself, try to relax and do the best you can. At this point, being calm and well-rested will be important. Also, scan through the exam problems and identify the easier ones to get out of the way first.
Information about Exam II — Exam II will be held in the usual room at the usual class time, on Wednesday March 23. It will start promptly at the beginning of the class period, so make sure you're on time. The test will cover sections 3.1 - 3.5. Note that in section 3.5 we did not cover the part on "Variation of Parameters" on pages 192-194, so this will not be covered on the exam.
The test will have the same format as the first exam, and will also be graded with total of 60 points.
The following topics are likely to be covered, though the exam is not limited to these topics:
As before, you do not need to memorize difficult integration formulas or trig formulas. If these are needed, I will provide a table for you. You are expected to know the basics, however.
The advice for Exam I also applies here.
Information about Exam III — Exam III will be held in the usual room at the usual class time, on Wednesday April 20. It will start promptly at the beginning of the class period, so make sure you're on time. The test will cover sections 3.6, 7.1 - 7.5.
The test will have the same format as the previous exams, and will also be graded with total of 60 points.
I will provide a list of Laplace transform rules and formulas, roughly equivalent to the inside front cover of the textbook. So you do not need to memorize these. However, you will want to be sure you are comfortable applying the rules correctly.
The following topics are likely to be covered, though the exam is not limited to these topics:
My advice is the same as for Exams I and II. Good luck!
Final Exam — The final exam will be held in the usual room on the designated day of finals week. For section 1 the final is on Tuesday May 10, 1:30 - 3:30 pm. For section 9 the final is on Thursday May 12, 8:00 - 10:00 am. The test will cover all of the topics of the course listed above, as well as the new material: sections 7.6, 4.1, 5.1, and 5.2. In section 5.1, the subsection titled "Initial Value Problems and Elementary Row Operations" will not be covered on the exam.
The test will have a similar format to the previous exams, but will be slightly longer. Some emphasis will be given to the new material.
As before, a list of Laplace transform rules and formulas will be provided. The list looks like this.
From the new material, the following topics are likely to be covered:
Office hours: Monday 5/9, 2:30 - 4:30pm.