MATH 5403 - Calculus of Variations, Section 001 - Fall 2019
TR 1:30-2:45 p.m., 809 PHSC

Instructor: Nikola Petrov, 1101 PHSC, npetrov AT

Office Hours: Tue 9:30-10:30 p.m., Wed 12:00-1:00 p.m., or by appointment, in 1101 PHSC.

First day handout

Prerequisites: 4433 (Intro to Analysis I) or 3423 (Physical Math II) or 4163 (Intro to PDEs)

Course description: I plan to cover Euler-Lagrange equations, Legendre transform, Hamilton’s equations, Lagrange multipliers, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, conservation laws and Noether’s theorem, second variation, conditions for strong and weak extrema. If time permits, we may discuss applications to eigenvalue problems and/or outline some ideas from optimal control theory (but certainly will not go into the latter in depth). I will probably sacrifice some mathematical rigor in favor of discussing more applications and examples. We will cover many interesting examples from Mechanics, Optics, and Geometry (isoperimetric problems, curves of shortest length).

Text: The main textbook for the class is

We may use parts of the following books, freely available from the OU Libraries web-site for OU students:


Content of the lectures:

Good to know: the greek_alphabet, some useful notations.