MWF 1:30 - 2:20 pm, 122 Physical Sciences Center
Exam I: Feb. 15 (Monday)
Exam II: Mar. 26 (Friday)
Exam III: Apr. 26 (Monday)
Final Exam: Thursday May 13, 8:00 - 10:00 am
Office Hours: M 2:30 - 3:30, Th 10:30 - 12:30, and by appointment
First day
handout (pdf)
May 18: Solutions to the final exam are here.
May 18: I have posted grade information on D2L and submitted final grades. Have a good summer! (Feel free to drop by to look over your final; I will still have it during the Fall semester.)
May 7: Here is the (very silly) video I mentioned in class.
May 7: Here is a practice exam for the final. The exam will cover everything covered in the course, but with some emphasis on the newer material. Since the last exam, we covered material from sections 8.5, 8.6, and 4.2.
May 7: Here is a grading scale, if you want to see how you are doing and what you need.
May 5: Exam week office hours will be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 2:30 - 3:30 (no office hours on Thurs or Fri).
May 3: Solutions to the third exam are here.
Apr. 23: Here are solutions to the homework that was due today.
Apr. 21: Here is a practice exam for the third exam on Monday. The exam will cover material from sections 2.4, 4.1, 5.1-5.4, and 8.1. (Note: the practice exam covers slightly different material.)
Apr. 2: I will be out of town from Monday 4/5 to Wednesday 4/7, so I will not be able to hold office hours on 4/5. Class on Monday and Wednesday will be taught by Noel Brady (Monday) and Ralf Schmidt (Wednesday). Be nice!
Mar. 31: Solutions to the second exam are here.
Mar. 24: Here are solutions to the homework that was due today.
Mar. 22: Here is a practice exam for the second exam on Friday. The exam will cover material from sections 1.6, 2.1-2.3, and 3.4-3.7.
Feb. 22: Solutions to the first exam are here.
Feb. 12: Here are solutions to the homework that was due today.
Feb. 10: Here is a practice exam for the first exam on Monday. I will include a page listing the various rules of inference for you to use. The exam will cover sections 1.1 - 1.5.
Feb. 3: The math department has compiled a page of advice from previous students: how to succeed in Discrete Math. It's good advice!
Feb. 1: Office hours today are postponed until 3pm.
Jan. 27: Please have a look at the OU Math Blog from time to time. It is full of interesting and amusing items. Also, if you're inclined, consider attending the OU Math Club meetings, which feature free pizza and usually something vaguely math-related.
Jan. 20: Anyone who misses the first two class meetings will be dropped from the course automatically. If you have a good reason for missing both classes, let me know immediately.
Jan. 20: Add-Drop Procedure: For those of you wishing to join the class, there is nothing I can do at the moment, since it is already over-enrolled. If you want to try to get in, you must attend both of the first two class meetings, and ask me to put you on the list. Sometime during the second week of class, things will be worked out and you should find out, by Wednesday January 27, whether you got in. I should point out that the decision is not made by me, but by others who have more complete information.