MATH 4163.980 - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations - Fall 2012
Thurday, 12:30-2:40 p.m. (in SCC 4216) or 1:30-4:10 p.m (in SPP 3100)
Nikola Petrov, 802 PHSC, (405)325-4316, npetrov AT
Course catalog description:
Prerequisite: 2443, 3113 or 3413.
Physical models, classification of equations, Fourier series and boundary value problems,
integral transforms, the method of characteristics. (F, Sp, Su)
Richard Haberman, Applied Partial Differential Equations,
4th edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2003.
The course will cover parts of chapters 1-10 (and chapter 11, if time permits).
Check out the
OU Math Blog!
It is REALLY interesting!
Homework 1, due August 30 (Thursday).
Homework 2, due September 6 (Thursday).
Homework 3, due September 13 (Thursday).
Homework 4, due September 21 (Friday).
Homework 5, due September 28 (Friday), at noon.
Homework 6, due October 5 (Friday), at noon.
Homework 7, due by 4 p.m. on October
22 (Monday), in 4W138.
Homework 8-9, due in class on
December 6 (Thursday).
Content of the lectures:
Lecture 1 (Aug 23, 12-2:40 p.m., SCC 4216):
order-n ODE and its general solution
(an n-parameter family of functions,
parameterized by the constants
initial conditions (ICs) and initial-value problems (IVPs) for ODEs,
boundary conditions (BCs) and boundary-value problems (BVPs) for ODEs;
on the importance of being linear.
examples of finding the general solutions of simple PDEs,
the general solution of an order-n PDE
for a function of d variables,
has n arbitrary functions of (d-1) variables.
Vector (linear) spaces:
definition, simple implications of the axioms
(uniqueness of the zero vector, 0u=0, etc.),
basis and dimension of a vector space,
an example (Rn).
Normed vector spaces:
definition of a norm, examples of norms -
||u||∞, ||u||1,
||u||2 (Euclidean norm),
||u||p for p∈[1,∞);
shapes of the unit ball in
and in (R2,||•||∞);
convergence of a sequence of vectors
v(1), v(2), ...
in a normed space.
Inner product (scalar product, dot product) vector spaces:
inner product - properties, examples;
every inner product defines a norm;
orthogonality (by definition, u⊥v if
the inner product of u and v is zero);
projection of a vector u onto a vector v
(more precisely, onto the direction determined by v)
- definition and explicit expression.
Space of polynomials of degree ≤n:
definition of addition of polynomials and of multiplication
of a polynomial by a number,
definition of the space Vn
of polynomials of degree ≤n,
the dimension of Vn is n+1;
remarks about working with polynomials in computer programs;
inner product in Vn,
weight function w(x).
Lecture 2 (Aug 30, 1:30-4:10 p.m., SPP 3100):
Complex algebra:
complex numbers, complex conjugate, Euler's formula.
Fourier series of 2π-periodic functions:
periodic functions of period p,
representing a 2π-periodic function
in a Fourier series, computing the coefficients
thinking of the functions as vectors in
an inner product vector space,
expressing the coefficients throught inner products,
connection between cn
and c−n
for a real-valued function;
The Fourier series in a sin/cos form;
convergence of a Fourier series.
Fourier series of 2L-periodic functions:
explicit expressions for the series and its coefficients.
Fourier series of real-valued functions defined on
even and odd functions,
extending a real-valued function f defined on [0,L]
to R as an even 2π-periodic function,
extending a real-valued function f defined on [0,L]
to R as an odd 2π-periodic function,
Fourier series of the even extension of f,
Fourier series of the odd extension of f.
Heat equation: set-up of the boundary-value problem (BVP),
gradient, normal derivative of a function on a survace,
Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions (BCs),
initial conditions (ICs), example in one spatial dimension.
Separation of variables:
general idea, trying to solve the (1+1)-dimensional heat
equation with homogeneous Dirichlet BCs
by separation of variables, trying to solve
the BVP X''(x)-μX(x)=0,
X(0)=0, X(L)=0
for positive or zero value of μ
(unsuccessful in both cases).
Lecture 3 (Sep 6, 1:30-4:10 p.m., SPP 3100):
Separation of variables (cont.):
successful solution of the BVP
X(0)=0, X(L)=0
for negative value of μ (μ=-λ2).
Finding the set of values
λn for which the BVP
X(0)=0, X(L)=0
has a non-trivial solutions,
and finding the solutions
Determining the functions Tn(t)
and the functions
that satisfy the PDE and the BCs.
Using the Principle of Superposition (since the PDE is linear)
to look for a solution u(x,t)
of the original BVP as a linear combination of the functions
determining the coefficients in the linear combination,
an example. Discussion about the physical meaning of the solution
- the larger n, the faster the term
decays with time because the heat exchange occurs between points
that are closer.
Heat equation with Neumann BCs in the (1+1)-dimensional case:
homogeneous Neumann BCs,
which corresponds to thermally insulated ends;
separation of variables,
finding the solutions of the BVP
X'(0)=0, X'(L)=0
and the set of values λn
for which it has solutions (with μ=-λ2),
constructing the functions
and using the Principle of Superposition to find the solution
of the original problem.
Steady-state temperature distribution in 2 spatial dimensions:
derivation of the Laplace's equation,
meaning of the BCs, an example of separation of variables;
a mathematical digression - the Maximum Principle and its physical
solving BVPs for Laplace's equation with more complicated BCs
by using the linearity of the equation (hence, Principle of
Lecture 4 (Sep 13, 12-2:40 p.m., SCC 4216):
Laplace's equation on a rectangle with Neumann BCs:
solving the BVP for the Laplace's equation
on the rectangle
with two Neumann BCs u(0,y)=0,
and two Dirichlet BCs u(x,0)=0,
by separation of variables.
A discussion of the physical interpretation of the BVP
(interpreted as a BVP describing a steady-state temperature
- Neumann BCs correspond to controlling the heat flux
through the wall, while the Dirichlet BCs correspond
to controlling the temperature at the wall.
A discussion of possible problems that occur
if one tries to solve the steady-state heat equation
(i.e., the Laplace's equation) with Neumann BCs on all
walls (when the net heat flux through the walls may be non-zero,
in which case a steady-state is not possible).
Read Section 2.4.1 of the book about the heat equation
on a rod with thermally insulated ends leading to Neumann BCs;
look at the table on page 69 of the book summarizing
the solution for the case of Dirichlet and Neumann BCs.
Laplace's equation in a circular disk:
separation of variables in the Laplace's equation in a circular disk
- read Section 2.5.2.
Lecture 5 (Sep 20, 1:30-4:10 p.m., SPP 3100):
Occurrence of more complicated Sturm-Liouville (SL) eigenvalue
problems: heat flow in a nonuniform rod, circularly
symmetric heat flow [Section 5.2].
SL eigenvalue problems:
classification, regular SL eigenvalue problems.
Main theoretical results about SL eigenvalue problems:
real eigenvalues λn;
infinite number of eigenvalues with a smallest one,
the eigenvalues λn tend to ∞
as n tends to ∞;
uniqueness (up to a multiplicative constant)
of the eigenfunctions φn
corresponding to the eigenvalue λn,
number of zeros of φn
completeness of the set of eigenfunctions;
orthogonality of eigenfunctions corresponding to different
Examples, using the orthogonality of the eigenfunctions
to determine the coefficients in the expansion
of a function in the basis of eigenfuncitons
[pages 161-166 of Section 5.3].
Self-adjoint operators and SL eigenvalue problems:
Linear operators occurring in SL eigenvalue problems,
Lagrange's identity, Green's formula, self-adjointness
of the linear operators occurring in SL eigenvalue problems
with homogeneous BCs;
proof of the orthogonality of
φn and φk
for n≠k, proof that the eigenvalues
λn are real
[pages 174-179 of Section 5.5].
BCs of the third kind:
physical meaning of the BC for the case of the heat equation in one
spatial dimension:
describes the convective heat exchange at the end of the rod;
deriving an transcendental equation for the eigenvalues
λk and graphical analysis of the behavior
of λk in the physical case h>0;
a brief discussion of the non-physical case h<0
[pages 198-203 of Section 5.8].
Lecture 6 (Sep 27, 1:30-4:10 p.m., SPP 3100):
Vibrating rectangular membrane:
separating variables in the wave equation in a rectangular
membrane with fixed ends, double Fourier series,
frequencies of vibration of the membrane
[Section 7.3].
General properties of the solutions of the Helmnoltz equation:
brief summary (without derivations) of the properties of the solutions
of the Helmholtz equation ΔS+λS=0
[pages 289-291 of Section 7.4].
Vibrating circular membrane and Bessel functions:
separating variables in the wave equation
in a circular membrane with fixed ends,
periodicity condition for the angular function Θ(θ),
expression the radial function R(r)
in terms of the solutions of the Bessel's differential equation,
and Ym(x),
eliminating Ym(x)
because of the boundedness condition at r=0,
expressing the radial functions as
where βmn is the mth zero of
Jm, ordered as follows:
[Section 7.7].
Lecture 7 (Oct 4, 12-2:40 p.m., SCC 4216):
Laplace's equation in a circular cylinder:
separation of variables in Laplaces equation in a circular cylinder
with cold top and bottom and an arbitrary Dirichlet boundary
conditions on the side wall;
discretization of the constants because of the periodicity in θ
and because of the zero boundary conditions at the top and the bottom
(which implies the conditions Z(0)=0, Z(b)=0);
modified Bessel functions of the first kind, Im,
modified Bessel functions of the second kind
(Macdonald functions), Km;
behavior of Im(x)
and Km(x)
near x=0+ and discarding
because it tends to ∞ when x
tends to 0; determining the coefficients in the series expansion
of the solution u(r,θ,z) of the BVP
[read Sections 7.9.1, 7.9.2, 7.9.4, and skim through Section 7.9.5].
Heat flow with sources and nonhomogeneous BCs:
Case 1: no sources and time-independent BCs
- find the equilibrium temperature
u∞(x) and reformulate the problem
for the "displacement from equilibrium" function
which satisfies a BVP with no sources and zero BCs
(and a modified IC).
Case 2: time-independent sources Q(x) and time-independent BCs
- find the equilibrium temperature
which satisfies the ODE
introducing the "displacement from equilibrium" function
which satisfies a BVP with no sources and zero BCs
(and a modified IC).
Case 3: time-dependent sources Q(x,t) and
time-dependent BCs
- find any "reference temperature distribution"
r(x,t) that satisfies the time-dependent BCs,
then the "displacement from equilibrium" function
satisfies the PDE with (modified) time-dependent sources,
homogeneous BCs, and modified ICs
[Section 8.2].
Method of eigenfunction expansion with homogeneous BCs:
in Case 3 above write the associated homogeneous BVP
(i.e., the problem occurring for v(x,t)
but with zero sources in the PDE),
separating variables in the associated homogeneous BVP
to obtain a basis of eigenfunctions
looking for a solution u(x,t)
of the original BVP for v(x,t)
(with time-dependent source in the PDE)
as a superposition of functions of the form
writing an ODE for Tn(t)
(coming from the PDE with the source expanded in the basis
and ICs for Tn(t)
(coming from the expansion of the IC for v(x,t)
in the basis Xn(x));
solving the initial-value problems for
[Section 8.3].
Lecture 8 (Oct 11, 1:30-4:10 p.m., SPP 3100):
Fourier transform:
integral transforms, integral kernel,
Fourier transform (FT), inverse FT,
examples - FT of the Dirac delta function
inverse FT of a Gaussian
(with α a positive constant)
[pages 450-454 of Section 10.3].
FTs and PDEs on the real line R:
FT of the derivatives ut(x,t),
and uxx(x,t) of a function
with respect to the variable x,
expressing the solution of the heat equation on R
as an integral involving the initial condition
Influence function for the heat equation on R:
explicit expression and physical interpretation.
Example - the heat equation on R with initial condition
equal to the Heaviside function Θ(x):
expressing the solution in terms of the error function,
similarity solution (reducing the heat equation to an ODE
for the similarity variable z=x/t1/2)
[pages 459-466 of Section 10.4].
Lecture 9 (Oct 18, 1:30-4:10 p.m., SPP 3100):
FTs and PDEs on the real line R (cont.):
definition and properties of convolution of two functions,
the inverse FT of the product of the FTs
F(ω) and G(ω)
of the functions f(x) and g(x)
is equal to 1/2π times the convolution of the two functions,
application to the heat equation, Parseval's identity
(Plancherel's formula) - expressions for the "energy" of a function
as an integral over x and as an integral
of the spectral energy density over ω
[pages 466-469 of Section 10.4].
Fourier sine and cosine transforms:
the heat equation on semi-infinite intervals:
solving the heat equation for x∈[0,∞)
by separation of variables, obtaining the solution
in the form of an integral over ω∈[0,∞)
of an expression containing sin(ωx);
definition of Fourier sine and cosine transforms;
Fourier sine and cosine transform of derivatives of functions;
a complete solution of an initial-value problem for the heat equation
on the half-line by using Fourier sine and cosine transforms
[Section 10.5].
Lord Kelvin's calculation of the age of the Earth:
a link to
the paper "Kelvin and the age of the Earth" by F. Richter
published in The Journal of Geology, Vol. 94, No. 3, May 1986,
pp. 395-401.
Lecture 9a (Oct 25, 12-2:40 p.m., SCC 4216):
Midterm Exam.
Lecture 10 (Nov 1, 1:30-4:10 p.m., SPP 3100):
Worked examples using transforms:
one-dimensional wave equation on R,
with zero initial velocity by using Fourier transform in x
- the solution is a superposition of waves moving
to the left and to the right with speed c:
Laplace's equation in a semi-infinite strip
- representing the solution as a superposition
of functions u1 (vanishing at the side walls)
and u2 (vanishing at the bottom),
solving the problem for u1
by separation of variables,
solving the problem for u2
by performing Fourier sine transform with respect to x;
Laplace's equation in a half-plane -
performing Fourier transform in x,
using the Convolution Theorem to represent
the solution as an integral, an example
[Sections 10.6.1-10.6.3].
Green's functions for BVPs for ODEs:
steady-state heat equation in one spatial dimension
with time-independent sources in the domain,
and homogeneous Dirichlet BCs - reduction to the BVP
u(0)=0, u(L)=0;
more general problem:
method of variation of parameters:
where Lu1=0 and Lu2=0,
deriving a linear system for v1'(x) and
v2'(x), Wronskian of two functions,
obtaining the solution; an example
[pages 385-389 of Section 9.3].
Lecture 11 (Nov 8, 12-2:40 p.m., SCC 4216):
Green's functions for BVPs for ODEs (cont.):
method of eigenfunction expansion for Green's functions
- idea and an example;
Dirac's δ-function and Green's functions
- definition of Dirac's δ-function, derivatives of δ-function,
properties of δ-function,
generalized derivatives of discontinuous functions
(equal to the regular derivatives when these exist
plus jkδ(x-xk)
for any "jump" of size jk at
interpreting the Green's function G(x,ξ)
as the response at x due to a concentrated source
δ(x-ξ) at ξ,
using Green's formula to write an expression for the solution
of a BVP as an integral over ξ of the product of the source
f(ξ) and the Green's function G(x,ξ),
Maxwell's reciprocity,
finding the Green's function by using the jump conditions at ξ
and the fact that δ(x-ξ) is zero except when
physical meaning of the Green's function for the differential operator
L=d2/dx2 with homogeneous Dirichlet BCs;
nonhomogeneous BCs - using Green's formula to obtain the expression
for the solution of the BVP using the same Green's function
as for the case of homogeneous BCs
[Sections 9.3.3-9.3.5].
Green's function for Poisson's equation:
Poisson's equation and Laplace's equation,
Divergence Theorem (Gauss Law) in 3 and 2 dimensions,
derivation of the Green's formula for the Laplacian,
mutidimensional δ-functions,
Green's functions in several dimensions,
using Green's formula for the Laplacian to obtain
an expression for the solution of the BVP as an integral
of the product of the source function and the Green's function;
Green's functions by eigenfunction expansions -
derivation of an expression for the Green's function
when λ=0 is not an eigenvalue of the differential operator
[pages 416-419 of Section 9.5].
Lecture 12 (Nov 15, 1:30-4:10 p.m., SPP 3100):
Green's function for Poisson's equation (cont.):
using Green's functions for problems with nonhomogeneous BCs
- an example for the Poisson's equation,
using Greene's formula to derive an expression
taking into account the sources in the domain
as well as the BCs, physical interpretation
of the "boundary contribution" as the field
due to an infinitely thin layer of dipols at the boundary;
infinite-space Green's functions - deriving
the Green's function G(x,ξ)
of the Poisson's equation in R2
(by solving an ODE for the radial part and using the Divergence
Theorem for an infinitesimal sphere centered at ξ;
obtaining Green's functions for bounded domains by using
the infinite-space Green's functions by the method of images
- examples of the Green's function of the Poisson's equation
in the half-plane and in the first quadrant
[Sections 9.5.6-8].
Lecture 13 (Nov 29, 1:30-4:10 p.m., SPP 3100):
Green's function for Poisson's equation (cont.):
Green's functions for bounded domains by using the infinite-space
Green's functions by the method of images - examples of the Green's
function of the Poisson's equation in an infinite strip.
Green's function of the Poisson's equation in a circle
by using inversion transformation
[Section 9.5.9].
Green's function for the wave equation:
definition of the Green's function, causality principle,
time-translation property; using Greene's identity
from Sturm-Liouville theory and Greene's formula from vector calculus
to derive integral identities related to the wave operator;
reciprocity (without derivation)
[Sections 12.2.1-12.2.3].
Lecture 14 (Dec 6, 12-2:40 p.m., SCC 4216):
Green's function for the wave equation (cont.):
using the Green's function to derive an expression for the solution
of the heat equation;
alternate differential equation for the Green's function;
invinite-space Green's function for the one-dimensional wave equation,
d'Alembert solution;
infinite-space Green's function for the three-dimensional wave
equation (without derivation), idea of deriving the
infinite-space Green's function for the three-dimensional wave
equation from the Green's function for the three-dimensional wave
equation by using the method of descent
[Sections 11.2.4-11.2.9].
You are required to attend class on those days when an
examination is being given;
attendance during other class periods is also expected.
You are fully responsible for the
material covered in each class, whether or not you attend.
Make-ups for missed exams will be given only if
there is a compelling reason for the absence,
which I know about beforehand
and can document independently of your testimony
(for example, via a note or a phone call from a doctor).
It is absolutely essential to solve a large number of problems on a
regular basis!
Homework will be assigned regularly and will be posted on the this
The homework will be due at the start of class on the due date.
Each homework will consist of several problems,
of which some pseudo-randomly chosen problems will be graded.
Your lowest homework grade will be dropped.
Your homework should have your name clearly written on it, and should
be stapled. Please write the problems in the same order in which they
are given in the assignment.
No late homework will be accepted!
You are allowed (and encouraged) to work in small groups.
However, each of you will need to prepare individual solutions
written in your own words - this is the only way to
achieve real understanding!
There will be two in-class midterms (1 hour each) and a (comprehensive) final.
Tentative dates for the midterms are Sep 27 and Nov 8.
The final will be given in class on Dec 13.
All tests must be taken at the scheduled times,
except in extraordinary circumstances.
Please do not arrange travel plans that prevent you
from taking any of the exams at the scheduled time.
Your grade will be determined by your performance
on the following coursework:
Coursework |
Weight |
Homework (lowest grade
dropped) |
30% |
Two midterm exams (20%
each) |
40% |
Final Exam |
30% |
Useful links:
academic calendar,
class schedules.
Policy on W/I Grades :
Until August 31, there is no record of a grade for dropped courses.
From September 4 through September 28, you may withdraw and receive a "W" grade,
no matter what scores you have so far achieved.
If you drop the course after September 28, you will receive either a "W" or an "F"
depending on your grade at time of your withdrawal.
A withdrawal on or after October 29 would require a petition to the Dean
(such petitions are not often granted).
Avoidance of a low grade is not sufficient reason to obtain permission
to withdraw after October 29.
The grade of "I" is a special-purpose grade given when a specific task needs to be completed to
finish the coursework, it is not intended to serve as
a benign substitute for the grade of "F".
Please check the dates in the
academic calendar!
Academic Misconduct: All cases of suspected academic
misconduct will
be referred to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for
under the University's Academic Misconduct Code. The penalties can be
severe. Don't do it!
For details on the University's
policies concerning academic integrity see the
Student's Guide to Academic Integrity
at the
Academic Integrity web-site.
For information on your rights to appeal charges
of academic misconduct consult the
Academic Misconduct Code.
Students are also bound by the provisions of the
OU Student Code.
Students With Disabilities:
The University of Oklahoma is committed to providing reasonable
for all students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who
accommodations in this course are requested to speak with the
as early in the semester as possible. Students with disabilities must
registered with the Office of Disability Services prior to receiving
accommodations in this course. The Office of Disability Services is
in Goddard Health Center, Suite 166: phone 405-325-3852 or TDD only
Good to know: