MATH 4433 - Introduction to Analysis I, Section 001
- Spring 2017
TR 10:30-11:45 a.m., 403 PHSC
Nikola Petrov, 802 PHSC, (405)325-4316, npetrov AT
Office Hours:
Monday 2:30-3:30, Wednesday 10:30-11:30, or by appointment, in 802 PHSC.
First day handout
Course catalog description:
Prerequisite: 2433 and 2513 or permission of instructor.
Review of real number system. Sequences of real numbers.
Topology of the real line. Continuity and differentiation
of functions of a single variable. (F, Sp, Su)
All three books are feely available (in pdf format)
for OU students from the OU library:
Stephen Abbott,
Understanding Analysis,
Springer, 2nd ed., 2015, ISBN: 978-1493927111.
Kenneth A. Ross,
Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus,
Springer, 2nd ed., 2013, ISBN: 978-1461462705.
Asuman G. Aksoy, Mohamed A. Khamsi,
A Problem Book in Real Analysis,
Springer, 2010, ISBN: 978-1441912954.
Homework [read the following useful
advice on writing proofs
advice from students]
Homework 1, due January 26 (Thursday).
Homework 2, due February 2 (Thursday).
Homework 3, due February 9 (Thursday).
Homework 4, due February 16 (Thursday).
Homework 5, due March 2 (Thursday).
Homework 6, due March 9 (Thursday).
Homework 7, due March 23 (Thursday).
Homework 7a, NOT
due March 28 (Tuesday).
Homework 8, due April 11 (Tuesday).
Homework 9, due April 18 (Tuesday).
Homework 10, due April 25 (Tuesday).
Homework 10a, NOT
due May 4 (Thursday).
Tentative course content:
- The real numbers:
natural numbers, induction; real numbers, ordering, completeness,
cardinality, Cantor's Theorem.
- Sequences and series:
convergence, limit theorems, monotone sequences,
subsequences, Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, Cauchy sequences;
infinite series.
- Topology of R:
the Cantor set, open and closed sets, compact sets.
- Limits and continuity:
limits of functions, continuous functions,
Intermediate Value Theorem, (uniform continuity).
- Differentiation:
derivative, Mean Value Theorem,
L'Hospital rule, Taylor's Theorem.
- Sequence and series of functions:
sequences of functions, uniform convergence and differentiation;
series of functions, power series, Taylor series.
- Integration:
Riemann integral, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Content of the lectures:
Lecture 1 (Tue, Jan 17):
set notations:
complement Ac of a set A,
union A∪B
and intersection A∩B
of the sets A and B,
relative complement
of B in A,
de Morgan's laws;
sets of natural numbers N, integers Z,
rational numbers Q, real numbers R;
logic notations: negation ∼S of a statement S,
existential quantifier ∃,
universal quantifier ∀,
statement S implies statement R
statement S is equivalent to statement R
the contrapositive of S⇒R
is defined as ∼R⇒∼S;
proof by contradiction,
example of a proof by contradiction:
irrationality of the number 21/2.
Aksoy, pages 1, 2;
Abbott, pages 1, 2.
FFT problems*:
Aksoy, problems 1.1, 1.8, 1.9
(on pages 4, 5, solved on pages 9-12).
* FFT ("Food For Thought") problems
are problems that you should be able to solve, but you do not have to turn in.
Lecture 2 (Thu, Jan 19):
Preliminaries (cont.):
more examples of proofs related to sets;
proving that
A⊆B iff A∪B=B
and that
A⊆B iff A∩B=A
(links to the solutions with blanks
and the
complete solutions);
definition of a function, domain and range of a function;
1-to-1 (injective), onto (surjective), and bijective functions;
examples (domains and ranges of the functions
a proof that
proofs by induction.
Abbott, pages 5-7, 10, 11;
Aksoy, pages 2, 3.
FFT problems:
Aksoy, problems 1.2, 1.7, 1.8, 1.17, 2.3, 2.5
(on pages 4, 5, 7, 22, 23, solved on pages 9, 11, 14, 15, 27-29).
Remark: in Problem 1.7, before trying to solve each part of the problem,
draw the corresponding Venn diagram to make sure
that the statement is reasonable.
The complete Homework 1 is due on January 26 (Thursday).
Lecture 3 (Tue, Jan 24):
Preliminaries (cont.):
Problem 1.8(a) on page 5, do part (b) yourselves,
note that part (a) can be solved in at least two more methods
(click here to see how);
more about sets: proving that
useful set identities:
(draw Venn diagrams);
set notations in R, example:
on the example
ƒ:A→B with A=R, B=R
given by ƒ(x)=x2:
making ƒ surjective by decreasing B=R to B=[0,∞),
making ƒ injective by decreasing A=R to A=(−∞,0]
(or to A=[0,∞));
inverse function of the function g:(−∞,0]→[0,∞)
given by g(x)=x2:
inverse images of sets under a function are well-defined even if the function
is not invertible, example:
for ƒ:R→R given by ƒ(x)=x2,
while ƒ−1(−25) is not well-defined (why?).
Real numbers:
developing the concept of a number:
natural numbers N, integers Z,
rational numbers Q, real numbers R;
axioms of the real numbers - addition and multiplication
(click here).
Reading: Abbott, pages 13, 14.
FFT problems: Aksoy, problems 1.18, 2.3, 2.5 (on pages 7, 22, 23,
solved on pages 15, 27-29)
Hint on HW 1:
the function
ƒ:R→R given by ƒ(x)=x2
is convenient to construct counterexamples;
e.g., think fo examples when the inclusions
are strict.
Lecture 4 (Thu, Jan 26):
Real numbers (cont.):
distributive law;
proof that 5+5=2⋅5 from the distributive law
and the "definition" of 2 as 1+1;
definition of a field - a set with operations addition
and multiplication that satisfy the addition axioms,
the multiplication axioms, and the distributive law;
Mini-Theorem 1: uniqueness of 0;
Mini-Theorem 2: 0⋅x=0 ∀x (see also Ross, Theorem 3.1(ii));
Mini-Theorem 3: uniqueness of the additive inverse to any x;
Mini-Theorem 4: the additive inverse to x is equal to (−1)⋅x
(see also Ross, Theorem 3.1(iii));
group work problems: (1) prove the uniqueness of 1 (hint: see the proof of Mini-Theorem 1),
(2) prove the uniqueness of the multiplicative inverse to any x≠0
(hint: see the proof of Mini-Theorem 3).
Ross, Theorem 3.1 with proof (pages 15, 16).
FFT problems:
Ross, Sec. 3, Exercises 3.1, 3.2 (page 19);
Aksoy, problems 1.18, 2.6 (on pages 7, 23,
solved on pages 15, 29).
The complete Homework 2 is due on February 2 (Thursday).
Lecture 5 (Tue, Jan 31):
Real numbers (cont.):
remarks on Additional Problem 2 of Homework 2 on the importance
of the order in a mathematical statement, a magic trick based on this;
order structure (≤); order axioms; ordered fields;
properties of ordered fields (Theorem 3.2 of Ross);
absolute value |a|; distance dist(a,b)=|a−b| between numbers;
properties of absolute value (Theorem 3.5 of Ross)
- prove part (ii) yourselves, considering all cases
(a≥0, b≥0), (a≥0, b≤0),
and (a≤0, b≤0);
triangle inequality; corollary of the triangle inequality (Corollary 3.6 of Ross).
The Completeness Axiom:
max and min of a nonempty set (Def. 4.1 of Ross);
Example - max and min of the sets
(a) {-3/2, π, e, 2/5},
(b) [3,7),
(c) N,
(d) {r∈Q:r2≤2},
(e) {1/n:n∈N};
upper bound and lower bound of a nonempty set,
bounded above, bounded below, and bounded sets (Def. 4.2 of Ross);
Example (cont.) - upper and lower bounds of the sets (a)-(e);
least uppper bound (lub) or supremum (sup) of a nonempty set,
greatest lower bound (glb) or infimum (inf) of a nonempty set
(Def. 1.3.2 of Abbott);
Example (cont.) - sup and inf of the sets (a)-(e);
statement of Example 1.3.7 of Abbott.
Reading: Ross, pages 14-18; Abbott, pages 15-17.
FFT problems:
Aksoy, problems 2.2, 2.9, 2.10 (on pages 22, 23, solutions on pages 27, 31, 32);
Abbott, Exercises 1.3.1, 1.3.2 (page 18).
Just for fun:
The curious story of the infamous
Indiana Pi bill.
Lecture 6 (Thu, Feb 2):
The Completeness Axiom:
Axiom of Completeness (Ross, page 23);
example illustrating that the Completeness Axiom does not hold for Q;
Example: the supremum of the set c+A,
where c∈R, A⊆R,
is c+sup(A) (Abbott, Example 1.3.7);
Example: (s=sup(A)) ⇔
(∀ε>0 ∃ a∈A s.t. s−ε<a)
(Abbott, Lemma 1.3.8 - do the proof yourselves).
Consequences of Completeness:
the Nested Intervals Property (Abbott, Theorem 1.4.1);
the Archimedean Property (Abbott, Theorem 1.4.2; do the proof of part (ii) yourselves).
Ross, page 23;
Abbott, pages 17, 18, 20, 21.
FFT problems:
Aksoy, problem 2.16 (on page 24, solution on pages 34, 35);
Abbott, Exercises 1.3.1(b), 1.3.2, 1.3.5, 1.3.8 (on pages 18, 19);
Ross, Exercise 4.1 (on page 26).
Here are the
solved exercises on logic and sets
that I gave you in class.
The complete Homework 3 is due on February 9 (Thursday).
Lecture 7 (Tue, Feb 7):
Consequences of Completeness (cont.):
group work: finding the suprema of the sets (5,7) and {1/n:n∈N};
density of Q in R (Abbott, Theorem 1.4.3).
motivation of the need of a rigorous definition of a "number of elements in a set":
the set A={1,4,9,16,25,...} of squares of natural numbers
is a proper subset of N (i.e., A⊆N and A≠N),
but every number n∈N can be put into correspondence
with exactly one number n2∈A;
1-to-1 (injective), onto (surjective), and bijective functions (Abbott, Def. 1.5.1);
definition of when two sets A and B have the same cardinality (A∼B);
the interval (−1,1) has the same cardinality as R
as demonstrated by the function
ƒ:(−1,1)→R given by
(Example 1.5.4 - figure out all details, i.e., show that ƒ is strictly monotone
by computing its derivative, then study the limits of ƒ as x tends to ∞ and −∞,
and use the Intermediate Value Theorem from Calculus, or find the explicit expression for the inverse function,
finite, countable, and uncountable sets (Abbott, Def. 1.5.5).
Abbott, page 22, Example 1.5.3 on page 26.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.8 (on page 24);
Aksoy, problems 2.20, 2.27 (on pages 25, 26, solved on pages 36, 37, 39;
in problems 2.20 and 2.27, "neighborhood" of x∈R means
an open interval centered at x, i.e., an interval of the form
(x−ε,x+ε) for some ε>0);
if you have time, look at Aksoy, problems 2.14, 2.17
the solution of problem 2.14 is more complicated
- read it only if you have time, but do think about its meaning).
Lecture 8 (Thu, Feb 9):
Cardinality (cont.):
Q is countable, R is uncountable ([A] Theorem 1.5.6);
every set of a countable set is finite or countable ([A], Theorem 1.5.6, without proof);
a finite or countable union of countable sets is countable ([A], Theorem 1.5.8, without proof).
Cantor's Theorem:
the interval (0,1) is uncountable ([A], Theorem 1.6.1, proof using Cantor's diagonal argument);
power sets - definition and examples;
the power set of a finite set A with n elements
is 2n (this explains why sometimes the notation
2A is used to denote the power set
P(A) of a set A)
- a heuristic argument by constructing a bijection between the subsets of A
and the binary numbers consisting of n digits each of which takes value 0 or 1.
Abbott, pages 27-29, 32-34.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 1.5.2, 1.5.3 (page 30),
1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3 (pages 32, 33);
Aksoy, problems 1.11, 2.8 (pages 6, 23).
The problems Aksoy 1.26 (page 8, solved on page 18) and Abbott 1.5.9 (page 31)
are more difficult, but very meaningful - think about them.
The complete Homework 4 is due on February 16 (Thursday).
Lecture 9 (Tue, Feb 14):
Cantor's Theorem (cont.):
Cantor's Theorem (Theorem 1.6.2) on no-existence of a surjective
function from a set A to its power set P(A);
discussion of equivalence classes of sets by their cardinality
(each class consists of sets of the same cardinality)
The limit of a sequence:
sequence - a function with domain N (or {0,1,2,3,...});
convergence of a sequences, limit of a convergent sequence;
discussion, elementary examples.
Abbott, pages 34-35, 42-46.
Optional reading:
Abbott, Section 1.7, on deeper questions related to cardinality (pages 36-37).
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 1.6.9, 1.6.10(a,b) (page 35),
2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4 (pages 47, 48);
Aksoy, problems 3.2, 3.5 (page 42).
Lecture 10 (Thu, Feb 16):
The limit of a sequence (cont.):
more examples;
uniqueness of limits ([A], Theorem 2.2.7);
divergent sequences.
The algebraic and order limit theorems:
bounded sequences;
every convergent sequence is bounded ([A], Theorem 2.3.2).
Abbott, pages 46, 47, 49.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 2.2.5, 2.2.7 (page 48);
2.3.2, 2.3.3 (page 54).
Lecture 11 (Tue, Feb 21):
Exam 1
on Sections 1.1-1.6 of Abbott,
Section 3 and pages 20-23 of Section 4 of Ross,
covered in Lectures 1-8.
Lecture 12 (Thu, Feb 23):
The algebraic and order limit theorems (cont.):
Algebraic Limit Theorem ([A], Theorem 2.3.3, prove part (iv) yourselves);
Order Limit Theorem ([A], Theorem 2.3.4, prove parts (ii) and (iii) yourselves).
Abbott, pages 50-54.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 2.3.2, 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.3.9, 2.3.10(a,c), 2.3.12(b) (pages 54, 55);
Aksoy, problem 3.15 (page 44).
The complete Homework 5 is due on March 2 (Thursday).
Lecture 13 (Tue, Feb 28):
The algebraic and order limit theorems (cont.):
example: proof that (an3+7)/5=8
directly from the definition of convergence
and by using the Algebraic Limit Theorem;
examples: proving that the sequences
converge to 0, directly from the definition of convergence.
The Monotone Convergence Theorem:
definition of increasing, decreasing, and monotone sequences;
Monotone Convergence Theorem ([A], Theorem 2.4.2);
recursively defined sequences;
Exercise 2.4.1: proof that the recursively defined sequence
converges and computation of its limit.
Abbott, pages 56, 57, Exercise 2.4.1.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.5, 2.4.7 (pages 60, 61);
Aksoy, problems 3.3, 3.6 (page 42).
Lecture 14 (Thu, Mar 2):
The Monotone Convergence Theorem (cont.):
using the Monotone Convergence Theorem to find the resistance
of the infinite chain of resistors
where R=1Ω, by finding the limit of a recursively defined sequence;
expressing the resistance as a continued fraction:
golden mean
Subsequences and the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem:
definition and examples of subsequences;
proof all subsequences of a convergent sequence converge to the same limit
as the original sequence (Theorem 2.5.2);
proof that lim(bn)=0 for b∈(0,1) (Example 2.5.3);
proving that a sequence is divergent by finding two subsequences
that converge to different limits or, equivalently, by finding a divergent subsequence (Example 2.5.4);
Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem (Theorem 2.5.5) - read the proof from the book,
using for inspiration the so-called Bolzano-Weierstrass method for catching
a lion in a desert.
Abbott, pages 62-64.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 2.4.4*, 2.5.4*, 2.5.7
(the starred problems are mini-theorems and are more difficult);
Aksoy, problems 2.16 (page 24), 3.23, 3.24, 3.26 (pages 45, 46)
- the last three problems will help you understand the concepts
of limit superior and limit inferior (which can also be defined
in a way different - but equivalent - from the definition in Abbott
- see page 41 of Aksoy).
The complete Homework 6 is due on March 9 (Thursday).
Lecture 15 (Tue, Mar 7):
Subsequences and the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem (cont.):
Newton's method for computing
roots of algebraic equation; the method converges quadratically - a
numerical example
of computing square root of 2 by using Newton's method;
proof of
Viète's formula
Wallis product
another interesting formula:
The Cauchy criterion:
definition of a Cauchy sequence;
an convergent ⇒
an Cauchy (Theorem 2.6.2);
an Cauchy
⇒ an bounded (Theorem 2.6.3);
an convergent ⇔
an Cauchy (Theorem 2.6.4).
Abbott, pages 62-64.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.4(a,b), 2.6.5, 2.6.7(a,b)* (pages 70, 71)
(the starred problems are mini-theorems and are more difficult);
Aksoy, problems 3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 3.16 (pages 43, 44).
Lecture 16 (Thu, Mar 9):
Open and closed sets:
ε-neighborhood Vε(a)
of a point a∈R;
open intervals; examples of open set (the empty set, R, an open interval (c,d));
the union of an arbitrary collection of open sets
and the intersection of an arbitrary collection of open sets are open (Theorem 3.2.3);
limit point (accumulation point, cluster point) of a set;
a point x is a limit point of a set iff there exists a sequence
(an) in A with an≠x
such that lim(an)=x (Theorem 3.2.5);
isolated point of a set; closed sets;
a subset F⊆R is closed iff every Cauchy sequnce in F
converges to an element of F;
examples of closed sets; density of Q in R;
closure of a set.
Abbott, pages 88-91.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercise 3.2.1;
Aksoy, problems 10.1, 10.2, 10.15, 10.16 (pages 198, 200);
∂A means the boundary of the set A (defined in Homework 7);
note that Aksoy calls "accumulation point" what we call "limit point",
and uses "limit point" with a different meaning (see the definitions
on page 197 of that book).
The complete Homework 7 is due on March 23 (Thursday).
Lecture 17 (Tue, Mar 21):
Open and closed sets (cont.):
a convenient characterization of the closure of A:
a belongs to the closure of A iff
the closure of a set A is the smallest closed set containing A
(Theorem 3.2.12, without proof);
interior of a set - definition (see Exercise 3.2.14), examples;
the interior of a set A is the largest open set contained in A;
a set is closed iff it is equal to its closure,
a set is open iff it is equal to its interior;
an set is open iff it complement is closed,
an set is closed iff it complement is open (Theorem 3.2.13);
the union of a finite collection of closed sets is closed,
the intersection of an arbitrary collection of closed sets is closed
(Theorem 3.2.14).
Compact sets:
definition of a compact set;
definition of a bounded set;
a set is compact iff it is closed and bounded (Theorem 3.3.4).
Abbott, pages 92, 93, 96, 97.
Lecture 18 (Thu, Mar 23):
Compact sets (cont.):
Nested Compact Sets Property (Theorem 3.3.5);
open covers, finite subcovers; examples of open covers;
Heine-Borel Theorem (Theorem 3.3.8).
Abbott, pages 97-99.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 3.2.7(a), 3.2.8, 3.2.9, 3.2.14 (pages 94, 95);
3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.11 (pages 99-101).
The complete Homework 7a is NOT due on March 28 (Tuesday).
Lecture 19 (Tue, Mar 28):
Functional limits:
ε-δ definition of a functional limit; examples;
sequential criterion for functional limits (Theorem 4.2.3);
algebraic limit theorem for functional limits (Corollary 4.2.4);
divergence criterion for functional limits (Corollary 4.2.5);
Continuous functions:
ε-δ definition of continuity;
characterizations of continuity (Theorem 4.3.2);
criterion for discontinuity (Corollary 4.3.3).
Abbott, pages 115-119, 122, 123.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 4.2.1(a), 4.2.4, 4.2.8, 4.2.10, 4.2.11.
Lecture 20 (Thu, Mar 30):
Exam 2
on Sections 2.2-2.6, 3.2, and 3.3 of Abbott,
covered in Lectures 9, 10, 12-18.
Lecture 21 (Tue, Apr 4):
Continuous functions (cont.):
algebraic continuity theorem (Theorem 4.3.4); examples;
continuity of a composition of continuous functions (Theorem 4.3.9).
Continuous functions on compact sets:
motivation: which properties of sets are preserved when the set is mapped
by a continuous function?
openness is not preserved - if ƒ:(−1,1)→R is defined as
ƒ(x)=x2, then ƒ((−1,1))=[0,1),
boundedness is not preserved - if ƒ:(0,1]→R is defined as
ƒ(x)=1/x, then ƒ((0,1])=[1,∞),
closedness is not preserved - if ƒ:R→R is defined as
ƒ(x)=1/(1+x2), then ƒ(R)=(0,1]);
preservation of compact sets (Theorem 4.4.1).
Abbott, pages 123-126, 129, 130.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 4.3.2*, 4.3.3(b), 4.3.4, 4.3.7 (pages 126, 127).
The complete Homework 8 is due on April 11 (Tuesday).
Lecture 22 (Thu, Apr 6):
Continuous functions on compact sets (cont.):
preservation of compact sets (Theorem 4.4.1);
Extreme Value Theorem (Theorem 4.4.2).
Connected sets:
motivation of the concept of a connected set;
definition of separated, disconnected, and connected sets;
examples of disconnected and connected sets;
criterion for connectedness (Theorem 3.4.6, without proof).
Abbott, pages 129, 130, 104.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 3.4.5, 3.4.6 (page 106); 4.4.6(a,c), 4.4.8, 4.4.11, 4.4.12 (pages 134, 135).
Lecture 23 (Tue, Apr 11):
The Intermediate Value Theorem:
the Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT) (Theorem 4.5.1);
preservation of connected sets (Theorem 4.5.2);
proof of the IVT by using the Axiom of Completeness;
proof of the IVT by using the Nested Intervals Property;
application of the IVT: proof of the existence of a root
of an algebraic equation;
application of the idea behind the proof of the IVT
by using the Nested Intervals Propert: the bisection method
for numerical computation of a root of an algebraic equation.
Derivatives and the Intermediate Value Property:
definition of the derivative of a function at a point;
differentiable functions;
example: computing the derivative of
ƒ(x)=xn for n∈N;
exercise: prove that ƒ(x)=|x| is not differentiable at 0.
Abbott, pages 136-139, 148.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 4.5.1, 4.5.5 (pages 139, 140).
The complete Homework 9 is due on April 18 (Tuesday).
Lecture 24 (Thu, Apr 13):
Derivatives and the Intermediate Value Property:
a family of functions for constructing (counter)examples: for n∈{0,1,2,...},
define gn(x)=xnsin(1/x)
for x≠0 and gn(x)=0 for x=0:
g0 is discontinuous at 0;
g1 is continuous on R but not differentiable at 0;
g2 is differentiable on R but
g2' is discontinous at 0; ...
a function differentiable at a point a is continuous at a (Theorem 5.2.3);
derivatives of a sum, product, and ratios of two functions (Algebraic Differentiability
Theorem, Theorem 5.2.4, do the proof yourself);
Chain Rule (Theorem 5.2.5; proof optional);
Interior Extremum Theorem (Fermat's Theorem, Theorem 5.2.6);
Darboux's Theorem (Theorem 5.2.7).
Abbott, pages 146-152 (proof of Theorem 5.2.5 optional).
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.5, 5.2.6, 5.2.9 (pages 152-154).
Lecture 25 (Tue, Apr 18):
The Mean Value Theorems:
geometric motivation;
Rolle's Theorem (Theorem 5.3.1);
Mean Value Theorem (Theorem 5.3.2);
g'(x)=0 as a neccessary and sufficient condition for a differentiable
function g on an interval to be constant (Corollary 5.3.3);
ƒ'(x)=g'(x) implies that
ƒ(x)=g(x)+k for some k=const (Corollary 5.3.4);
the Generalized Mean Value Theorem (Theorem 5.3.5);
L'Hospital's Rule in the case 0/0 (Theorem 5.3.6).
Abbott, pages 155-159.
FFT problems:
Abbott, Exercises 5.3.4(a), 5.3.5, 5.3.6 (page 161).
Lecture 26 (Thu, Apr 20):
The Mean Value Theorems (cont.):
proof that g'(x)>0 on an interval implies that the
g is strictly increasing (proof using the Mean Value Theorem);
food for thought: what can we conclude if
g'(x)≥0 on an interval?
A continuous nowhere-differentiable function:
a sketch of the ideas in the construction of such a function
by using the "sawtooth" function and of the Weierstrass function.
Rearrangement of infinite series:
an explicit rearrangement of the "alternating harmonic series"
that produces a sum equal to the half of the sum of the original series;
if a series is absolutely convergent, then any rearrangement of the series
converges to the same limit (Theorem 2.7.10, without proof);
Riemann rearrangement ("derangement") theorem:
if a series is conditionally convergent (i.e., convergent, but not absolutely convergent),
then for any chosen number there exists a rearrangement that converges to that number
(with an idea of the proof).
Uniform convergence of a sequence of functions:
definition of pointwise convergence of a sequence of functions (Definition 6.2.1);
example: the sequence (ƒn) of functions
defined by ƒn(x)=xn
converges as n→∞ to the discontinuous function
ƒ(x)=0 for x∈[0,1) and ƒ(1)=1 (Example 6.2.2(ii));
definition of uniform convergence of a sequence of functions (Definition 6.2.1);
definition of pointwise convergence of a sequence of functions in ε-N terms
(Definition 6.2.1B).
Abbott, pages 162-165, 39, 40, 75, 173-175, 177.
OAThink about the subtle difference between the definition of pointwise convergence
and uniform convergence of a sequence (ƒn) of functions
to a function ƒ:A→R:
(ƒn) converges pointwise on A to ƒ
if ∀x∈A ∀ε>0 ∃ N s.t.
(ƒn) converges uniformly on A to ƒ
if ∀ε>0 ∃ N s.t.
∀n≥N and ∀x∈A.
Notice, in particular, that in the first case N can depend on ε and on x,
while in the second case N can depend only on ε (i.e., the same N
should work for all x∈A).
Use this to prove that the sequence (ƒn)
of functions ƒn:[0,1]→R
defined by ƒn(x)=xn
converges pointwise, but not uniformly, on [0,1].
The complete Homework 10 is due on April 25 (Tuesday).
Lecture 27 (Tue, Apr 25)
Uniform convergence of a sequence of functions (cont.):
a detailed discussion of the concept of uniform convergence
of a sequence of functions (contrasted with the pointwise convergence);
statement and proof of the continuity of a uniformly continuous sequence
of continuous functions (Theorem 6.2.6).
Abbott, pages 175-179.
The complete Homework 10a is NOT due on May 4 (Thursday).
Lecture 28 (Thu, Apr 27):
Exam 3
on Sections 4.2-4.5, 5.2, 5.3, and page 104 of Section 3.4 of Abbott,
covered in Lectures 19, 21-25.
Lecture 29 (Tue, May 2):
Uniform convergence and differentiation:
idea of the theorem guaranteeing the differentiability
of the limit of a sequence of functions (Theorem 6.3.1).
Series of functions:
pointwise and uniform convergence of a series of functions (Definition 6.4.1);
term-by-term continuity and term-by-term differentiability of the sum of
a series of functions (Theorems 6.4.2 and 6.4.3);
Weierstrass M-test (Corollary 6.4.5).
Power series:
derinition of a power series;
a power series converges on an interval (open, closed, on open on one side
and closed on the other), Theorem 6.5.1, radius of convergence;
pointwise convergence of a power series on a set A implies uniform convergence
on any compact K⊆A;
differentiting a power series (Theorem 6.5.7).
Abbott, pages 184; 188, 189; 191; 194, 195.
Lecture 30 (Thu, May 4):
Taylor series:
Taylor series of a smooth function (Theorem 6.6.2, with a sketch of proof);
"Does the Taylor series of a smooth function converge to the function?"
- No: all coefficient in the Taylor series of the function
ƒ(x)=0 for x≤0
and ƒ(x)=exp(−1/x2) for x>0
computed from the formula in Theorem 6.6.2 are 0, but the function
is not identically 0 in any open interval containing 0;
truncating the Taylor series and approximating the function ƒ(x)
by a polynomial SN(x) of degree N,
remainder EN(x)=ƒ(x)−SN(x),
Lagrange's form of the remainder (Theorem 6.6.3);
applying the formula for the remainder to give an upper bound
on the error in approximating the function ƒ(x)
by a Taylor polynomial SN(x) of degree N;
proof of the Lagrange's formula for the remainder (using the generalized
Mean Value Theorem).
Just for fun:
explanation of the surprising fact that the Taylor series of
the function 1/(1+x2) - which can be obtained
by using the formula for the sum of a geometric series,
(as well as the Taylor series of its antiderivative, arctan(x))
- converge only on (−1,1) by observing that 1/(1+x2)
has singularities at x=i and x=−i
in the complex plane C, so that the circle of convergence
of the Taylor series of 1/(1+x2) in C.
Abbott, pages 199-202.
Final Exam:
Tuesday, May 9, 8-10 a.m., in 403 PHSC,
on the following material:
Sections 1.1-1.6 of Abbott, Section 3 and pages 20-23 of Section 4 of Ross, covered in Lectures 1-8;
Sections 2.2-2.6, 3.2, and 3.3 of Abbott, covered in Lectures 9, 10, 12-18;
Sections 4.2-4.5, 5.2, 5.3, and page 104 of Section 3.4 of Abbott, covered in Lectures 19, 21-25;
Section 6.2, covered in Lectures 26, 27 (only the concept of uniform convergence).
Good to know: